
• The Three Mountains

Footsteps adorned the deep snow earth of Frozen Sands; a numerous amount of footsteps, all heading to one direction — further north.

They had left the frozen river strewn with the dead bodies of Snowstag beasts. Cerene and Spheris had both harnessed a Soul Fragment each, making it five spaces left for Spheris to fill and three left for Cerene. Nero, having already slain and harnessed a Snowstag Fragment previously, had no need to do so again.

Linne, on the other hand, harvested the stags' Soul Fragments anyway. The pouch she had made from her clothing could not contain any more of them and so Spheris allowed her to store the Fragments in his Eternal Satchel.

The Abyssian girl was hell-bent on leaving the dread world with as many Soul Fragments as possible, so she could afford whatever it was she needed in the Continent.

"If it's as horrible as my uncle said it is, then I'm going to take every single one I can get my hands on!" she had said.