
• The Changing Mountains

"The mountains have a rhythm," Linne explained as they walked. "They change in cycles, and each cycle has its own pattern. You just have to know what to look for."

"And... what is that?" Nero asked nonchalantly, raising a brow.

"Do you think you'd understand if I explained it to you now?" Linne looked at him with a knowing gaze.

He frowned, uncomfortably. "I guess I'm intrigued. Entertain us as we travel this nerve-wracking place."

She brought down her face and downturned her lips, agreeing to his demand. "My people first came into The Abyss over a hundred and fifty years ago, a few years after the Gallied people. When they traveled this path on their first days, they got lost... uncountable times. They walked together, not knowing their path and depending on the mountains as familiarities to help them decipher where they were.