The foundation of the Tower Mysteria was shook by the explosion, green fire consumed the entryway, it poured out of the windows, filling everywhere with a blinding flash.
Dust choked the air, stones crumbled, echoing in the quietness that came after, and a few crackling of fire that eventually turned to the sound of smoke. Blackened burns scarred the walls, marking where the infernal blast had kissed the stones.
The silence was loud, it was terrifying.
Fortunately, all the magic shields held, shimmering in separate colors in the filled seats of the hall. Merisset's shield — which glowed silver — protected her from the crashing stones and thick dust.
Through the veil of her magic, she squinted into the swirling dust, searching for the Demon that had caused such destruction.
But it had disappeared. Merisset frowned worriedly, gaping at where it had stood moments before, which was now only emptiness. Like a void created by its sudden departure.