
The psychopath named Dan

Dan grew up in a small village with orcs,half-orcs,ogres,giants and trolls. Day after day Dan would get in fights against students to test his strength. sometimes he won sometimes he lost. With his strength hitting a plateau Dan grew more and more apathetic until he felt no emotion. This all changed after receiving a system that allowed him to grow stronger without hitting a plateau. With this newly discovered power he drops out of school and travels the world with his friend who wants to kill the summoned heroes. Listen I'm not going to lie, there is a shit ton of grammatical error in the beginning. I started writing this book for fun with zero experience but I started taking it more seriously. By book 2 everything is sorted out. That includes the messed up power system, the cheat system, the characters and the grammar. I hope you can get through the beginning. During the Elf Folulheim arc, that is when the true nature of the MC begins to show as a physchopath who only wants to cause problems and death. Also side note MC is very racist towards elfs. He hates them and goes out of his way to kill them if he sees them. Also there will be a lot of disturbing things in this story. Also I'm not gonna lie, the first volume and half of the second volume is trash. I wrote them when I was inexperienced. It is unbearable and terrible but if you somehow managed to get through that then I promise I will do my best to deliver quality writing to you.

sensei_24 · ファンタジー
111 Chs

chat with the nun!

Dan opened his eyes and looked around to find himself in a church. He sat on a bench next a nun who was covered in a veil. There was a statue of a beautiful woman with wings with honey being poured on top of it.

Dan held his chest and felt his heartbeat. It was beating a normal pace.

Dan turned to the nun who was clasping her hands together and holding them to her head.

Dan nudged her but she did not react. "You are not going to believe what I just dreamt about, I had the scariest nightmare of my life. I was on a ship in the middle of the ocean, it was frightening."

Dan leaned back on the bench and smiled. "I thought I was going to drown. You have no idea how scary that dream was, it felt too realistic."

The nun removed her hands from her head and unclasped her fingers which were interlocked.

She turned her head and removed the cigarette from Dan's mouth who was about to light it up.

"Oh don't worry, you can have that one I got more." Dan said as he removed another cigarette from the pack.

"I do not have a problem with you smoking but can you not do it here? This is a place of worship."

Dan put his cigarette back into the pack and returned it to the inventory. "Sorry about that."

"Tell me about this dream of yours." the nun said.

"I just told you I was stuck on a ship in the middle of the ocean. It was terrifying."

"In what way?"

"The ocean, it's terrifying. It's so large and deep and no one knows what could be hiding there, and also the fact that I can't swim greatly increases my fear."

"Then how about you pray to the goddess of peace and tranquility to protect you." The nun said as she pointed at the statue was covered in honey.

"Oh no, I don't believe in gods," Dan said as he waved his hand.

"Then what do you believe in?"

"I believe in The God," Dan said. "I prefer to believe that their is one God who is ever present, omniscient and omnipotent over some random statues that I have never seen."

"Do not call the goddess a random statue." The nun said. Her voice had been calm but all of a sudden it was cold and angry. Dan insulting her religion really set her of.

"Ok my bad, but anyways I got to go. Thank you." Dan stood up and immediately the nun stood up as well. She placed her hands on Dan's shoulder and forced him to sit down.

"What do you want?" Dan said.

The nun stared at Dan through her veil before speaking. "We are only a 2 days trip away from the shore." she said.

Dan stared at her for quite a while before understanding what she said. Dan stood up and ran to the door of the church which was locked. He tried opening it but he could not as there was a strong force holding it shut.

Dan tried using his strength but for some reason he still could not open the door. It was sealed tightly like a virgin woman's vagina.

Dan punched the door leaving his fist printed onto the giant metal door. It was a strange sight as the door healed itself as if it had cellular regeneration. The fist print disappeared only for another one to appear.

Dan was in a boxing stance viciously attacking the door which refused to open. His hands were moving so fast that the only thing Veronica could see was a streak of air moving at a fast past. It was like the air moved by itself.

Dan continued with his attack speeding up even further. Dan sped up to the point where his hands caught on fire but he did not care about that. He had more concerning issues.

If he was on a ship then he needed to get of as quickly as possible.

Veronica who was watching could only express her fascination and amazement with her open mouth in the form of an O. Even the woman who was pouring honey onto the statue of her goddess stopped doing whatever weird shit she was doing and looked at the man whose hands were on fire.

Veronica regained her senses and stood up. "It's pointless, that door is sealed shut with holy magic. So no matter how many times you punch it, it will reform at the speed at which you punch it."

Dan continued for a while and stopped with his attack. He stood still with his arms to the side still on fire. The stench of burned skin filled the room. The fire slowly subdued itself and finally disappeared.

Crack! Driik! Crriiik!

The sound of his skin burning could be heard.

Dan flicked his hands and waved them before noticing them. His skin was burnt of completely leaving only the red and white flesh to be shown. His red muscles were wide open for everyone to see and a few of his bones were sticking out of his arms.

Dan stared at them for quite a while not feeling anything as his blood was pumped up and his adrenaline was still high.

Veronica walked over to Dan and stared at his skinless hands with fascination. Dan could not see her facial expression through the veil but she was truly astonished. "Wow," she muttered under her breath.

She put her hand on top of Dan's just a few inches away from his arm. Her hands glowed as she recited an incantation. The incantation took quite a while but after it was done a warm bright yellow light covered Dan's hands.

Dan watched in fascination as his skin healed stitching itself back together.



Power stones!