
The psychopath named Dan

Dan grew up in a small village with orcs,half-orcs,ogres,giants and trolls. Day after day Dan would get in fights against students to test his strength. sometimes he won sometimes he lost. With his strength hitting a plateau Dan grew more and more apathetic until he felt no emotion. This all changed after receiving a system that allowed him to grow stronger without hitting a plateau. With this newly discovered power he drops out of school and travels the world with his friend who wants to kill the summoned heroes. Listen I'm not going to lie, there is a shit ton of grammatical error in the beginning. I started writing this book for fun with zero experience but I started taking it more seriously. By book 2 everything is sorted out. That includes the messed up power system, the cheat system, the characters and the grammar. I hope you can get through the beginning. During the Elf Folulheim arc, that is when the true nature of the MC begins to show as a physchopath who only wants to cause problems and death. Also side note MC is very racist towards elfs. He hates them and goes out of his way to kill them if he sees them. Also there will be a lot of disturbing things in this story. Also I'm not gonna lie, the first volume and half of the second volume is trash. I wrote them when I was inexperienced. It is unbearable and terrible but if you somehow managed to get through that then I promise I will do my best to deliver quality writing to you.

sensei_24 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
111 Chs

A proper fight!

"Pardon me good sir but you are blocking my path, would you be so kind as to move so I may pass through?" Dan asked in the most posh voice he could think of.

"Oh yes, sorry about that... WAIT! WHAT! NO!" Joshua shouted. He almost fell for it. He spoke so casually as if he didn't recognize him.

Joshua moved fast and grabbed Dan's arm and quickly teleported them somewhere. Dan did not even get a chance to look around as Joshua's fist connected with his jaw. Dan flew back only a few metres as he had an incredibly resilient body.

He turned back to see a fist heading straight for his face.


"AAAARRGGGH!" Dan shouted as he was once again flung backwards. Joshua quickly teleported himself behind Dan and grabbed him by the neck and smashed his face into the ground.

Dan's face was imprinted in to the ground. He grabbed Dan's leg and held him above his head. Just as he was about to smash him in to the ground Dan kicked Joshua in the elbow displacing his bone completely.

"ARRRGGGHH!" Joshua shouted as he released Dan who lightly landed onto the ground. Joshua quickly placed his bone back into place and charged at Dan. Dan waited for Joshua to come. He waited until finally he swung his sword.

Dan dodged the sword and grabbed Joshua by the neck and rolled backwards on his back before throwing him of with his feet.

Joshua hit several trees before coming to a stop. His sword fell out of his hand. He looked up to see Dan walking towards him with a sword in his hand.

Rage started to fill Joshua's head as he saw Dan walking so casually towards him. Just a few days ago he had buried his friend. Just a few days ago he mourned for the death of thousands of children's, woman and men. He had watched mothers dig up rabble to find their child crushed underneath it.

The man walking towards him was responsible for that! He was responsible for all that misery, despair and chaos. When Joshua had left Folulheim he could almost smell the despair in the air.

He grabbed his sword and stood up and charged at Dan swinging his sword wildly. Dan parried the swings of the mad man with little effort and disappointment in his eyes.

"Is this all?" Dan asked.


"I said, is this all? Is this the extent of your power? If so you are a disappointment. You should not call yourself a hero at all. Who are you going to protect with power like this?"

Their swords clashed one more time.

"You want to see the extent of my strength, then I'll show you." Joshua teleported a few ten's of metres away and planted his sword in to the ground. He grabbed the hilt and started chanting some words.

Dan watched in silence. How stupid was this guy? Surely he knew that this would leave him wide open for an attack, he did right? If he did was this a trap for him to rush in and get counterattacked?

Joshua stopped chanting and opened his eyes. He removed the sword from the ground. The giant sword just now was gone. In its place was a long, normal, sleek sword. It was exuding a strong aura and a golden light covered it.

Golden light covered all of Joshua's body.


Within a blink of an eye Joshua disappeared. The surroundings of where he was just standing was destroyed. The wind pressure destroyed all the trees and the ground. Joshua appeared in front of Dan with his sword outstretched aiming to thrust his sword in to his heart.

Dan raised his sword and blocked it. His sword collided with the heroes and created a momentary state of neutrality.

All of a sudden Dan's clothes were removed and he was equipped with his normal clothes. The clothes that he had made using souls. Daggers were hung around his waist. Dan had no idea where they came from. Even his sword. It just magically appeared in his hand.

Once more their swords collided creating a state of neutrality once more. This time it was longer and the surrounding shifted. Dan stood on the ground while Joshua stood upside down on a wall.

They were inside a spherical rock. Dan jumped of the ground or the ceiling, whichever one he was on and launched himself at Joshua. With each strike they exchanged the surroundings changed.

Once they stood in a field of grass exchanging strikes several times parting the grass and leaving circular patches on the grass before the surrounding changed again.

They were in a cold place filled with ice and snow as far as the eye could see. No objects in the landscape. No trees, no people and no wildlife. It was just a large stretch of land covered in snow and ice.

Next they fought on top of the ocean. Dan was to focused on the fight to notice this.It was not even the ocean. It was like the sky and the ocean had swapped places together. They fought on the ocean that was in the air before the surrounding change again.

This time it was in a place that Joshua would have recognized had he looked around. THEY WERE IN PARIS! Joshua quickly dodged a slash of darkness that came out of Dan's sword. The slash moved forward until finally it cut the Eiffel Tower in half.

Their swords collided once more and they were falling from the sky. Dan raised his hand and cast lightning. Joshua raised his sword and batted the lightning away like it was a baseball. The lightning came back towards Dan at twice the original speed. Dan quickly activated his shadow form and the lightning passed through him.

He was fortunate enough to not turn back into his solid form otherwise an energy beam would have hit his body. Dan turned back into his solid form and summoned the darkness to surround him. He ordered it to go after Joshua and it did.

Darkness started covering Joshua as he struggled, slashing the darkness only for his sword to pass through it.

Within a matter of seconds the darkness covered his body engulfing him and blocking his sight until he only saw pitch black darkness like he was blind.

Dan flew over to Joshua who was still stuck in the darkness. Dan frowned as he saw light penetrating the darkness. He stopped flying just in time to not get hit by a huge explosion of bright light.

The light split through the darkness and covered the entire surroundings. In the middle of the light stood Joshua.

His face was twisted in anger to the point where Dan could see all of his veins on his face. With the speed of lightning he streaked through the air and thrust his sword.


Joshua's sword penetrated Dan's stomach. It went in and came out of his back. Dan looked down at the sword that had penetrated him.

He grabbed Joshua pulled him in as if he was hugging him and clung onto him strongly.


Joshua felt a sharp prick in his back.

Dan smiled as he knew what it was. He had placed his dagger behind him long time and called for it. The result was that it embedded itself into Joshua's back and hit his liver.

Dan looked Joshua in the eye whose breath seemed to have been taken away.

"I shouldn't have entertained you for this long, if I hadn't I wouldn't be injured."

He then placed his hands on Joshua head and snapped it. He let go of his body and floated in the air and watched as he fell through the air.

Dan removed the sword from his guts and took a deep breath.

"I need some medical assistance." Dan said.


In a room several men and woman sat around a table. They were the leaders of the United Nations awakened defence for world ending threats. The man who sat at the head of the table was an elderly man with a long beard, wrinkles and gray hair. He wore a black suit just like all the others except for one.

The man picked up a remote and pointed it at a large screen and turned it on. He then stood up.

"As you all know, the Eiffel Tower has been destroyed just ten minutes ago, using our satellites we have managed to find the culprits responsible for this."

He then pressed a button on the remote and TV screen changed. On it was a very blurry picture of Dan who was floating in the air held up by darkness.

"What actions have you taken?" a woman asked. She was wearing glasses and a bracelet and had a Bob cut. If anyone saw her then they would think that she was a secretary of sorts.

"Hmmm, so far we have sent 2 stealth jets to gather some information. I have given them orders to not engage and just follow that entity."

A muscular man with the physique of a Olympian power lifter slammed his hand on the table. He had a small moustache and a terrible haircut. "That is bullshit, we should attack him instantly, he destroyed an important part of our culture and he should pay for it. Ten thousand people died from the collapse of the tower and our economy will suffer after this." he shouted.

"Calm down Louis," a woman said as she placed her hand on Louis. She was a beautiful woman with a petite frame and an incredible smile. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. "We cannot just attack without any information. We will gather information first before we send awakened supers over there to detain him. For all we know it could be a simple terrorist attack done to collapse the economy."

Louis who was fuming a second ago instantly seemed to calm down after the woman gently spoke to him. "Of course sweetheart, anything for you my dear."

The old man kissed his teeth before muttering under his breath. "Fucking lovebirds." He cleared his throats before speaking up loudly.

"Hamza, you are in charge of detaining and interrogating this unknown entity."

A middle eastern man wearing a turban with a well groomed beard stood up and saluted. "Yes sir, I am on it right now."