
The Princess with a Bratty Wizard

Just another fantasy story of a nineteen-year old girl, whom went to a magical world. Meet Natalia Melville, also known as Princess Lenria Von Acraige, of Luthanian Empire. Natalia Melville, thought that she was dreaming. When in fact, she wasn't. Meeting strangers in the world full of unknown to her. To a world where she thought that magic really does exist. And, to a world where she also discover love. "Princess Lenria, I swore to protect you."

hermosa_lalah18 · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Chapter 8:

As sun arises also the nonstop annoying of Brother Killian arises too. He has never been like this before, talking about Sir Albert's blushing yesterday due to what I said.

"I see that scumbag is blushing, he looks like a tomato." He said annoyingly. What's with him, anyway?

"Jealous, Brother Killian?" He stopped talking. Now, he said that Sir Albert looks like a tomato. But his, was priceless.

"I-I'm not!" I laughed at his stuttering.

"You are! You should see your face, a tomato too!" He quickly went to look for a mirror. I just continued laughing. Teasing Killian is awesome than him teasing me. I somehow remember David from him. Now, that I remember, are they looking for me? Silly, you might be dead. Why would they look for you? I think they have forgotten about you.

"Why'd you go silent?" I heard him asked. He's now right infront of me. When did he get this close? His see blue eyes that met mine are fascinating, it's like you're in front of the sea, sitting and listening to the waves peacefully, but the holder of those eyes is a brat.

I frowned.

"Your mana..."

"What?" I said.

"I'm not good at identifying mana yet, but I can sense your mana is uncontrolled sometimes." What is he talking about? My mana is uncontrolled?

"Well, that's reasonable a bit. Since, you can't control your mana too. Still a child." He said and sat down beside me. He seems relaxed sitting down beside me. He closed his eyes for a bit then stood up.

"Come on, where going home now." He then lend out his hand.

"Did you ate something bad?" His hand has now formed into clenched fist. I can see how annoyed he is.

"I'm trying to be nice, can't you see?" I giggled and jumped out of the bed. I walked to the door and opening it. I looked at Brother Killian, he looks confused.

"What? You're not coming out?" I asked and he started walking to the door.

"You're weird." He said.

"Not weirder than you." I said back.

"What did you just said?" I laughed and push him out the door. We walked together at the Mansion door of Duke Aldern.

"Feel free to come back here again, Sir Adair." Duke Aldern said.

"You're coming back, right Thalia?" Sir Albert appear behind Duke Aldern said.

"She's not." Killian put his arm behind my back.

"Killian, be nice." I saw Killian frown.

"We will visit again." Sir Adair bowed and we bowed as well.

"Bye Thalia." I waved back at Sir Albert.

"He seems to be attracted to Thalia, Father." Sir Adair laughed.

"It might be." Sir Adair answered and that made Killian growl angrily.

"Father, we should not let Thalia go out." Why is he so furious about this?

"Brother Killian, Sir Albert is just a friend." After what I said, he sighed in relief. We rode on the carriage and bid our last farewell to the Duke and his son.

While on the ride, they didn't know someone was following them, a dark sorcerer. He's planning to capture Princess Lenria and kill the others. So, he channel his mana to his palm releasing a pitch black mist and throw it at the carriage. The carriage went tumbled. All of them went unconscious except for Killian, he was late to put a protection spell and only him has survived. He saw a man walking towards them.

"Give me Lenria, and I will set you free and the others." Killian thought, who's Lenria? The princess? But she disappear, no one has found her yet.

"Blithering Fool, Princess Lenria is gone. You mess with the wrong people." The man laughed hysterically. Then he release again a pitch black mist. Killian know how dark sorcerers are powerful, but they have weaknesses. They lack physical training.

"You really want to die, huh?" The man said and he throw again void magic at Killian. He was able to dodge it and Killian use an offensive magic. He made some magical spears and furiously throw it at the man. The man avoided as fast as he can, but he got hit.

Killian walked towards the man. The man was still breathing a bit and he grin, then he pointed at Thalia, which made Killian confused.

"I'm taking the Princess with me..." The man said. Killian thought, Thalia is the Princess? He must be out of his mind. Princess Lenria is beautiful, like an angel. Yes, Killian had met Lenria, to be exact they were once friends, he was her playmate when Sir Adair is busy. That's why Sir Adair, doesn't really know the face of the Princess.

"Why isn't wor-" The man coughed blood.

"Nulli-" That was the last words of the man then he died.

Nulli? What's that? Killian thought. He haven't scanned all the books about types of magic, he was kinda lazy to study. But, this time he's sure that he would studied all magic. And he wants to investigate why the man called Thalia as Princess Lenria.

Killian thought that maybe it's because Thalia looked like Lenria. But he remembered that Lenria was sweet, not a brat.

He didn't know that Lenria just became a brat, because of him. He has a bratty attitude too. So, Lenria followed him. After that, he put a healing spell on his Father, Thalia, and others. His Father was shocked that Killian was able to defeat the man. Killian told his Father about what happened, and that man was looking for Lenria.

"Father, he pointed at Thalia and said that he'll take the Princess." Sir Adair was confused.

Killian kept it as a secret to what the man said about why his magic didn't work on Thalia.

"Killian?" They heard Thalia groaning, Killian quickly rushed to Thalia.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Killian asked, but Thalia suddenly hug him, suddenly crying. He rub Thalia's back. It seems Thalia was frightened on what just happened.

They quickly fixed their stuffs, and called back the Duke of Loranth City, reporting to what happened. Duke Aldern quickly told the knights to send out a carriage. Albert wanted to come, but the duke stopped him. After that, they went home safely to the Magic Tower at the Luthanian Empire.


8th Chapter is here. Please do like and vote the story.

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