
The Princess with a Bratty Wizard

Just another fantasy story of a nineteen-year old girl, whom went to a magical world. Meet Natalia Melville, also known as Princess Lenria Von Acraige, of Luthanian Empire. Natalia Melville, thought that she was dreaming. When in fact, she wasn't. Meeting strangers in the world full of unknown to her. To a world where she thought that magic really does exist. And, to a world where she also discover love. "Princess Lenria, I swore to protect you."

hermosa_lalah18 · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Chapter 6:

After what happened, I continue learning magic. And of course, Killian wouldn't stop annoying me.

"Hey brat, that's not how you heal a wounded bird." I know that too brat! I'm trying to remember how I can channel my mana to my palm again to create a green mist and put it directly to the bird, but I can't concentrate when this brat is always annoying me.

"Yah, why don't you just play with Lady Anne?" I glared at him and he glared back. This brat doesn't want to lose at glaring competition. Sir Adair always say we're like dog and cat, always fighting. I'm trying to be a good girl here.

"Why would I? She's annoying, always crying." He scoffed.

"Then find someone else to annoy." He just looked at me and walked away.

Finally, some peace. I took a deep breath and exhale.

"Excuse me?" What now!? I looked around angrily and just found a little boy.

Is he lost? What is he doing here? I looked behind him, if someone is looking for him, but none.

"Is that a bird?" he asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" that was harsh a bit.

"Ah ye-yes.." Back in my world, this reaction is cute. But here, is kinda I don't know.

I just continued healing the bird, concentrating on channeling mana. Inhale. Exhale. I feel something coming out from my palms.

"Huh?" This isn't healing. Why is it white mist?

I tried to put it on the bird, but the wound is still there. It's supposed to work, why isn't working? The little boy just keep looking at me. I now feel embarrassed.

"Sister, why is the bird still not moving?" He asked. My magic didn't work. What kind of magic do I have?

I ran to the Magic Tower, where all the books about magic is there, leaving the little boy. I scanned every book, but I can't find a thing. Maybe, brother Killian's books has it. I was going to get one books, when Sir Adair came in.

"Oh, here you are!" Was he looking for me?

"Come here, grabbed your cloak. Where going somewhere." To where? I just grabbed the cloak that Sir Adair gave on my 5th birthday. I forgot to tell you, I'm now five and Brother Killian is eight, but still a brat.

When I was about to turn five, Sir Adair always compliment me, that I have grown pretty. Of course, who wouldn't? My long red fiery hair has grown long and always attract by a lot of servants. So, Sir Adair told me to bun my hair and cover it with a long handkerchief, but somehow I look like a nun. So I just fold it in a triangular shape, and tied it like a hairband.

Back to where we going, I grabbed Sir Adair's hands. And he led me to the carriage.

"Wait there, for a second." I just nod and wait. I waited for like half an hour, and Sir Adair came carrying on his shoulder a bratty eight year old boy. I know now, why Sir Adair came late.

"I don't want to come with you! No!" Killian struggled so much, like his life is going to end if he comes with us.

I know that Sir Adair, is a bit buff man. So, Killian struggling won't get anything.

"You are coming with us! End of discussion." Sir Adair said, and finally put Killian in the carriage with a disbelief face.

"Why do I have to come? I'm an eight year old, Father!" Oh my gosh, he is still like a kid. Pfftt.

"What are you laughing about? Huh? Is it funny?" His blabbering non-stop.

I just ignored him and stayed silent.

"Where going to the Loranth City." Loranth? I didn't study the other City, only the Luthanian Empire. Even Loranth Territory is inside the Luthanian Empire.

"Loranth? Father, you know how I hated there." Killian complained. Sir Adair, just sighed in frustration. And just ignored his complaints.

We have arrived at the Loranth City, exactly the sun is setting.

"Your eyes, are like sun." Killian just said, out of blue. Is he sleeping? Then he just stared at me like something is wrong.

"Why?" What?

"Why, is it not wor-"

"We're here..." Killian's words were cut off by Sir Adair. At the gate, we were greeted by a middle-age man and with a boy, who looks a bit older than Brother Killian.

"Sir Adair! I'm glad you have arrived safely." The man said and shake Sir Adair's hands.

"It was just luck, Duke Aldern."Sir Adair bowed. Oh, so he's Duke Aldern Garrick, I've heard of him. That boy beside him must be his son. He looks decent, Brother Killian is a bit handsome compared to him.

Wait a minute, what did I just say? Killian is handsome? I bet my life just crumbled just saying that.

"Meet my son, he is Albert. He'll be the next Duke in the Loranth City."

"Hello.." Sir Adair said and bow to Albert.

"Who is this little girl? As far as I remember, you only have a son." Duke Aldern said.

"You must not have an another woman, Sir Adair. That is disgrace." He said again, Sir Adair couldn't defend himself. I don't want to stand and just be looked down. This Duke Aldern is such a scumbag.

"I'm Thalia. Sir Adair's Apprentice. I beg your pardon, but Sir Adair doesn't have a mistress. I was only found and being taken care under Sir Adair's hands." I glared at him, Duke Aldern flinched. He started trembling, somehow he couldn't take his eyes from mine.

"He-her eyes..." His son, Albert said.

"Thalia, that's enough." I stop glaring and looked away.

"Duke Aldern, with all respect. We came here because you need help for your Knights." Sir Adair said and hide me behind his back.

"Ah- ah yes!" He said and led the way.

"Killian, Thalia, you go with Sir Albert." He said and left.

"Hey! What are you?" Albert said, and harshly grabbed my arm.

"What do you think you're doing, Sir Albert?" Then Brother Killian tightly hold Sir Albert wrist. He winced in pain. I looked at Brother Killian. His stares to Sir Albert are like deadly. Even Sir Albert was scared and now loosen his hands on my arm.

"You shouldn't just grab that way, Sir Albert." I am now locked in Brother Killian's arms. My heart is beating a bit. I feel like my face is heating up.

Is Brother Killian defending me?

"You could've just pushed her." What?

"What?" Sir Albert said. I kicked Brother Killian's leg, he fall to the ground holding his leg tightly. I walked away from him, and stayed at Duke Garrick's Garden.

I thought Brother Killian was being nice, but he was just being a brat. Teaching someone to push a girl. How rude. I growl in anger, kicking stones, breaking branches and picking them up and throw them up.


"Who's there?" I look behind the tall bushes.

"Sir Albert!" I saw him holding his head, he looks at me with a pain in his eyes.

"That really hurts..."

"I'm sorry...I'm really sorry." He laughed, it's funny to get hit?

"It's okay. It was just a joke." I scoffed. Why would he say it's a joke, when there is a bump on his forehead.

I could've just throw a bigger stick, so that he won't say it's a joke. He deserve it anyway, grabbing me harshly, is that how a son of a Duke do? Tsk Tsk.

"But really, who are you anyway?" Now, he looked at me. Wait, when did he have those eyes? I saw it with my own eyes before, it was only brown.


6th Chapter is here! Like and Vote the "The Princess' Wizard"