
The Princess Twin

kimmy_o_y · ファンタジー
9 Chs


In Rome

A year later, James conquered Rome and with the assistance of Janet.

When James heard that Adrian's children are having a year old birthday party he was angry.

"Those are suppose to be my children, that is supposed to be my kingdom and  Fiona is supposed to be my wife!", he said angrily.

"Just forget about it and go find another woman and marry her", Jane said to James.

"No I won't that is why I will kidnap one of the twins and make her my own, and we are going to do it, pack your bags Janet we are going to England"

And they went...

In England

It was Anabelle and Isabelle's Bday and all there was a party to celebrate their Bday. The party was over and the twins were sleeping so Fiona went to lay them down on their bed.

James POV

"Already the party is over, now let's begin", he said

"U herd him get ready", Janet shouted at the guard an the guard obeyed.

"Now I will have my child", James said.

"What of those two children that you took from the street, are you.....", James interrupted her saying "oh those two children can be there I can even use them as my little slaves, I only took those children in so the people in Rome can see me as a good ruler"

"Oh OK now let's steal that child", and they went in the castle.

Fiona's POV

"Today was amazing and nothing can go wrong", when she said those sentence she heard a gun shot coming from outside the throne room. Then a guard bust through the door and Nathan said " your Majesties please run!"he  shouted then he got shot by one of  James guard.  "Nathan! ", Daphne shouted *crying* "Daphne he's gone," , Fiona said sad " no no it cant be  *crying*". And they ran.

"Wait the babies", I said

"Let me follow you", Linda and Daphne said

"Ok , let's go", and we went to were Anabelle, and Isabelle  were sleeping.  When they got there they saw Adrian on the floor unconscious  James holding Isabelle on his hand

"Drop my child" I said to James.

"Oh this is your child 😱 I didn't know you....", I cut him of and said "you are insane this is why I didn't marry you or fell in love with you, you monster, now give me my child!", I said shouting at him but he didn't then he brought out a knife and wanted to kill me but Linda blocked it, he then stabbed her but before she fell on the floor she took the knife and stab James and Daphne quickly push James out the window then Adrian woke up.

"Adrian!", i said with surprise "you are not dead"

"But Linda is loosing a lot of blood lets quickly take her to a hospital" Daphne said

We saw James climbing the window.   "Get up, take Isabelle and Anabelle and I will carry Linda, let's leave here", Adrian told Daphne and i . we ran out

" sorry sweet heart but we have to separate so he won't find us. That is why you and Isabelle will go to America,los Vargas to stay and your names will he changed, do you agree with me to protect our family", he said to me

"Ok I agree", we went to the airport were our private jets are and we entered different one. Isabelle and I entered on of the jets and it flew us to america were me and Isabelle went to stay but I do not know were my love , Linda and Daphne went. Our kingdom is damaged.