
The Princess Twin

kimmy_o_y · Fantasy
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9 Chs


Fina's POV

"Ok I agree", we went to the airport were our private jets are and we entered different one. Isabelle and I entered on of the jets and it flew us to america were me and Isabelle went to stay but I do not know were my love , Linda and Daphne went. Our kingdom is damaged. At the jet before we got to Los Vegas, I change my hair colour to brown so no one would recognize me as the queen of England and also change my name to Martina and my daughters name to Isabelle when we got to Los Vegas we went to through the airport showing them our real names but only the workers at the airport know who we really are well actually some of them, then we got our own house to stay in.


3rd persons POV

A year after all those commotions Adrian went back to england and saw what James did to it but James left england and went back to Rome because he thinks england was boring. Adrian made the place better and became king again.

When Isa ( short for Isabelle, it saves time)was three queen Fiona put to both a baby boy which she named Caleb, when king Adrian had given birth to a baby boy he was so happy and went to see Fiona in los Vegas, when he told Fiona that he was coming she decided to make Isa go to the park with her best friend Mavis and Mavis mother which knows that Fiona is that queen of England.

Adrian got to where his wife was and his little Prince but Daphne also followed him so she can see her nephew. They arrived in los Vegas but Isa wasn't at home only Fiona and Caleb.

"_Honey how are u, is everything all right, should I...".

"U can hold him and before anything else I named him Caleb", Fiona said to both Adrian and Daphne

"Wow that name is beautiful and right for him... Uhmmmmm, prince Caleb, its so good, do u like it brother", Daphne said

"Yes I do, if its the name my beloved wife gave to him I accept it and like it", Adrian said.

"Say the truth, do u really like the name",Fiona said

"Of cuz I do like the name, it sounds right",Adrian said

Fiona look at the time and said "its almost 3 o'clock Isabelle will soon came back "

"So its time to go", Daphne said

"OK bye my love and keep our children save", Adrian said and then opened the door and they left.

When Isa was going home she saw the king and said " aunt lily who is that man with fancy cloths doing close to my house"

"He is the king of England", aunt lily said.

"Wow! What is king and why is he here", Mavis said to her mom.

" a king is someone who is in charge of a place. Will you girl want to meet him", lily said.

"Yes, yes plz."they said with a puppy dog eyes .

"Ok", and they went to meet Adrian.

When they went to meet lily were she was that both of them had a little from on there heads.

"He gave this to you", lily said.

"Yes he did', they both said. They went to Isa's house were Fiona and Caleb was and they talked and talked until the day became dark.