
The Princess Twin

kimmy_o_y · ファンタジー
9 Chs


Sam's POV

I woke up from my comfortable bed by my alarm and I heard no one screaming my name, then I remembered that my mom told us yesterday that she is going to leave for work early so I set alarm to wake me up

I looked at the clock on my wall and it was 6:57. I got up from the bed and went to my brothers room.

I always wanted to do this to my brother because he has done it to me several times.

"Caleb wake up its time for school", I shouted in his ear and he fell down from his bed then I laugh.

"Ha ha ha you got me", he said while standing up from the floor.

" Where is mom?", Caleb asked.

"She went to work early", I said to him

" now go take your bath and get ready for school", I said to Caleb. I love been the elder one around here.😀😀☺

Then he went to his bathroom and I went to my own bathroom and I got ready for school. We both came downstairs. I prepared breakfast and we both ate.

I has d a knock on the door. I wen to the door to see who it was it it was my awesome BFF Mavis and I opened the door.

"Hey girl!", we both said at the same time and she laughed.

" OK Caleb are you ready for school?" I asked him.

"Yea, am just waiting for Sidney", he said.

"Oh she is already coming", Mavis said.

" OK, so..... Am going to school, bye", he said waving his hands to us as he was leaving the house.

"Oh, before I go don't forget your home work ", he said, them smile and I know that smile.

O ran up to my room looking for my home work then u remembered that Caleb went to my bathroom to collect soap. Then I realized he don't use my soap.

I opened my bathroom door looked everywhere by I didn't see my home work. Then my heard tilted to my right and I saw me toilet. This is the only place I've not  checked,  i said to my self. Then  I opened it and saw my home work socked with toilet water. And I screamed " CALEB!!!!!!!!".


Mavis POV

I heard Sam screaming Caleb's name then I knew he did some thing to her.

They always do this every time their mom goes to work early. Either they prank each other or PRANK EACH OTHER. Sam came downstairs.

"He is going to pay..." ,and I stopped her there.

"No, no, no, no ,no."

"Why shouldn't I", she whined like a baby.

" Stop whining like a baby and let me tell you why."

"One, you are not a baby any more,you are 15 going to 16 soon.

Two. The last Tim you to PRANKED your self so hard you got injured and where In the hospital.

And finally, I was also kidnap injured and also in the hospital!

So you don't do prank any more you get it Sam!"

"Yes I get it", she said like a baby who just got scolded.

Then the bus came and we left for school.


In England

Annabell's POV

As usual I was woken up by maids but thus one I liked her she is my favourite maid, her name is Vanessa.

" good morning princess",Vanessa said.

"Good morning favourite maid", I said And we both laughed.

I didn't have any friends and also didn't have a mother or sister because they are dead because of the stupid war. I've been lonely since but when Vanessa tried in to get a job as a maid and she did she as been nice to me and she became my best friend and that is why I call her my fav maid.

I got up from my bed took my bath got dressed and went yo the dining room. Wow the dinning room is big And also the table

I wish we were not royalty I would have so many friends, and I could learn how to do stuff.

(Author: ugh princess life is so boring😴😴😴. Hope u are enjoying the story☺😃. Now back to the story.)

Me and my father always have lunch together we talk a lot and even laugh to our Jokes.

" OK that's all its time for school darling ", he said as he laugh in between his sentence.

I looked at the time and said  " Dad its still 7:30, school starts at 8:00"

"Yes I know but...."

"You have to be early for school", I said saying my father usual words when I ask him that same question.

" OK go to school and when you come...", then his phone rang and he picked it. He inform the guards to take me to my royal school where all the princesses and princes go.

He his always having a phone call the same time every day. Or maybe he is talking to a hiding woman who he is going to marry.... Nah he told everyone he is not going to marry another wife still his heart is with the one he love... Ugh love, so stupid. I said all that on my head.

"Why are your emotion changing". Vanessa said to me.

" how do you know that they are changing?", I asked her.

"I can see it in your face, so yell me what are you thinking about"

"Well nothing" I lied.

She knows I was lieing "OK ", so i told her what I was thinking as we were going to school.