
The Princess Twin

kimmy_o_y · Fantasy
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9 Chs


Sam/Isa POV

Just hearing my name calling by my mom from down stairs, "Sam!, Sammy!, Samantha!"

Then I woke up from my beautiful dream by my mom, then I shouting from upstairs "yes mother! "

"Come down and eat your food you will be late for school and Mavis is waiting", my mom said.

"OK mom I'll be there in two minutes", I said then I went to have my bath, then dressed up for school and went down stairs.

"Hi Mavis , good morning mom", I said as I took a toasted bread from the table and some orange juce out of the fridge and then the bus came.

"Have a nice day at school" my mom told me

"Ok mom", I said back to my mother.

"Bye Mrs. Gray", Mavis said.

"Bye and I told you u could call me Mrs. Martina, and your mom and I are going to be late at work so you have to stay with Sam at my house", my mom told mavis.

"Ok b.....", then I started screaming her name before the bus leaves us.

"I guess the bus can't wait no more bye girls", my mom said.

"Bye", we both said and the bus left for school.

" mom don't forget to take Caleb to school", I said to my mom as the bus drove off.


Fiona's POV

"Wow i almost forgot I have another child", then I saw Caleb's friend Sidney.

"Good morning Mrs. Grey", she said to me. Ugh I hate that last name.

"Good morning Sidney," I said with a smile. Then a small body past by me and it was Caleb

"Good morning mom and bye mom", then he rode his bicycle with is friend.

Then I entered into my house, I got ready for work and as went downstairs I saw lily

"Ahhhhh! Lily you scared me, you should've texted me that you were coming, never do that again, and now let's go to work". Then we went outside. As we were entering our cars she asked " how is your husband and Anabelle".

"They're fine I just talked to then this morning while i was dressing." I said, then we went to work......


Sam's POV

We arrived at school and it looked different

"Wow they repainted the school and it look much more beautiful than the last ugly painting", I said.

"What don't you say that painting is ugly, *laugh* it...I...it....ok i can't like it was the worst combination of colour of a school I ever saw", Mavis said then we began to laugh as we were going to the hallway to search for our lockers.

We got to the hallway and stated searching for our lockers using our locker numbers and we found it we were just opposition each other.

"Wow i love our locker position, Mavis said.

"Me too" i said.

Then the bell rang and I pulled a paper out of my bag which showed me all my schedule for a week, which class I have and when I don't have a class. "Geez I have maths first, what do you have as you first period".

"I have... English, why universe why would you do this to us , you gave us the two most hatred subject of our life as first period every Monday, why universe why", Mavis said sadly,sarcastically.

"U know we are already late for class right", I said,

"YEA by see you .....when ever" she said and ran to her class and so did I.

The 2nd,3rd,4th period we were both in the same class.

Time skip..... Lunch time

We both went for lunch and what I saw at the cafeteria was a completely different place.

"Geez, it is not only the colour of the school they change but the cafeteria. Wow", Mavis said with a surprised face.

"Yea, maybe they also change so places", i said. We went to take our food and got a spot for us to eat and now we can eat out side!! Wow they really made this school awesome. may be it is because of the new comers.

We didn't have any period after lunch time so we took some  pics. Time skips and we went to gym class.

Time skip its three and time to go home.

"Let's go Mavis you know we are going to be in the house a...",Sam said.

"Am going to stop you right there, did you forget you have a brother" , Mavis told me.

"Oh yea" then I heard some one screaming my name from afar

"And that is him, hey Caleb how was school" "

it was fine", Caleb said happily "and you Sidney", i asked.

"it was amazing" she said with a smile on her face.

"Oh Sam mother called my teacher to tell me to tell you, that Sidney's mother is also working late with mom and aunt lily so she has to stay with us", he said.

"Ugh OK let get going", we left school and headed Home.

When we got home Mavis and I prepared dinner and we all ate I thought the night with my brother and His best friend would be boring but it wasn't we have fun through out the night till at 11pm, when our mother came to destroy the fun.

I showed my mom the pics I took at school today while at our free period

And we talked for a while and went to bed