
The Primordial Predator

[Congratulations, Earth is selected for assimilation as the 108th contender.] [The Universal Cube is assimilating Earth with the rest of the vast universe.] --- The universe had reached a threshold humanity didn’t even know existed, and it was time for humanity to be integrated into the vast multiverse—a world where power is the only thing one can truly rely on. Amidst this cosmic shift, a select few beings began to awaken their innate talents. The criteria for this awakening remain a mystery, but one thing is certain: a powerful soul is essential. The soul, though immortal, is not invincible. With each cycle, it decays, a new one birthing from the chaotic energy present in the darkness that permeates the world again. In the depths of unending darkness, a lone soul exists, tethered to the abyss. Forever a wanderer, forever bound to the shadows. Aiden, a blind kid grappling with psychosis-related disorders finds himself ripped from his world. He awakens in a terrifying new reality, a dense forest filled with monstrous beasts, a place where survival seems an impossible dream, but as he awakens his dormant bloodline, everything changes. His blood is excited, his hunger intensifies, and Aiden begins to discover his true potential in this unforgiving world. ××××××××

priya012 · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Chapter 9: Three Tailed Monkey

A simmering determination burned within Aiden. He needed to hunt, to acquire sustenance, and more importantly, experience.

Aiden decided to target only low level creatures for his hunt. Thankfully, he could now sense the relative power levels of the beasts around him with the help of Devil Truth of Misery's ability, a crucial advantage in identifying potential prey.

He recalled the rodent-like creatures from before. They weren't individually powerful, but their venom and pack mentality made them a dangerous adversary.

But now, he had the "Perennial Regeneration" ability. This incredible power allowed him to heal incredibly fast, even from severed limbs. He didn't know much about combat, and the thought of killing filled him with trepidation.

Actually, He lacked the finesse of a warrior, the knowledge of how to deliver a lethal blow. Yet, he understood the invaluable lesson that experience was the cornerstone of mastery. Only by facing these beasts head-on could he learn, adapt, and evolve

His ability presented a unique opportunity. He could fight without the debilitating fear of permanent injury, almost like an unkillable warrior, albeit one who still felt pain.

Aiden didn't need to rely on the status screen for information about "Perennial Regeneration." He instinctively understood its function, almost as if it had become an extension of his being, residing within his subconscious. That's why he didn't bother to expand the information on the screen. However, confirming his understanding never hurt.

He opened the interface and reviewed the description:

[Perennial Regeneration (Grade: Ancient): Grants the user an extraordinary ability to heal rapidly. This extreme path achieves bidirectional regeneration and fully regenerates all body structures and organs in a matter of time.

~Most poisons are ineffective to the user.

~Its healing properties increase with the increase of user vitality.

Health Regain= Vitality × ½ per second]

Aiden nodded, satisfied. The description matched his inherent knowledge of the ability.

With this newfound confidence, Aiden turned towards the imposing silhouette of the majestic tree. He gazed at the majestic tree, a silent giant that had spared his life.

"I don't know why you chose not to harm me," His voice echoed in the vastness of the forest, "but I'll never forget your aid."

Whether the tree possessed sentience or not was a question beyond Aiden's immediate realm of understanding. However, in this world teeming with unknowns, anything was possible.

He decided to designate this place as his temporary haven. The towering presence of the tree offered an unyielding sense of security. Furthermore, the spacious burrow nestled within its roots provided him with a much-needed sanctuary, a place to rest at night and strategize for the challenges that lay ahead.


Aiden surveyed his surroundings, his gaze falling upon the familiar wooden staff propped against the wall. A sardonic chuckle escaped his lips. It was a paltry weapon, more decoration than anything, and he hadn't even used it against the rodent-like creature. Still, it was the only thing resembling a weapon he had at his disposal.

Gripping the staff tightly, he resolved to make the best of it. It wouldn't kill anything in a single blow, but it was better than nothing.

This time, he wouldn't be caught unprepared. He would hunt weaker creatures, slowly building his strength and experience. Hunger pangs gnawed at his stomach, and this time, he resolved to eat whatever he found, be it beast or fruit.

Poison held no fear for him; his instincts told him his regeneration ability could handle most toxins.

Before venturing out into this perilous world again, Aiden opened his status screen, allocating all four of his available points to Vitality.

The moment the points were assigned, he felt a surge of power run through him, his regeneration ability noticeably stronger. It wasn't double its former capacity, but the difference was significant. 'Perennial Regeneration,' the ability's name, increased his health regain by one point for every two points invested in Vitality.

A simple calculation flooded his mind - 5% health regeneration per second. Did that mean his entire health bar would replenish in just twenty seconds? The thought of near-immortality sent a thrill through him. This ability was undeniably powerful, almost unfair.

With the addition of the four points, Aiden's health reached a solid 100 points. He might not have gained strength or speed, but this was enough to face weaker creatures on equal footing. A seemingly endless supply of health meant he could hone his skills and tactics without risking permanent death.

He accessed his emotion radar, the Devil Truth of Misery ability that allowed him to sense the emotional state of nearby creatures. He had learned to categorize them based on six distinct emotions: happiness, sadness, fear, disgust, anger, and surprise. Prey often exhibited fear and sadness, burdened by the constant threat of the Behemoths that ruled this world.

Aiden identified a solitary prey creature on his radar, a flicker of happiness occasionally flashing within its emotional signature. Perhaps it had found a temporary haven, unaware of the predator lurking nearby.

Aiden moved towards the creature, his movements silent, a predator stalking its prey. He already covered eight hundred meters, the sound of movement drawing him closer. He crept forward, anticipation and caution blending within him.

Peering through the dense foliage, Aiden spotted his target - a peculiar monkey perched on a low-hanging branch. Unlike any monkey he'd ever seen, this creature possessed three tails. It plucked a plump fruit with one tail while casually swinging from another, its third tail dangling in the breeze.

Despite the grim reality of the world, Aiden couldn't help but be momentarily charmed by the creature's nonchalant demeanor. It was a reminder that even in this harsh environment, moments of peace and simple pleasures could exist.

Despite the potent curiosity gnawing at him about the creature, Aiden knew he lacked the "Eye of Truth" ability to glean information directly from the creature.

However, soon a wide smile appears on Aiden's face, he has another way to learn about this monkey creature, just a little cruel.

The thought that flickered across Aiden's mind would have been repulsive to the old him.

A different instinct awakened within him – a primal urge to hunt and devour.

Something seems different about him!


Author note: There is a very very important message for my dear readers in [Author thought]

It's come to my attention that some of you might be hoarding a rather crucial plot device: the ever-so-powerful power stones.

So, I'm making you an offer you can't refuse (or can you? Let's find out in the next chapter!). Hand over those power stones, and in return, I promise to unleash a story with more twists.

Think about it. Power stones in the hands of a responsible author like me? Pure literary magic, guaranteed! But if you refuse... well, let's just say things could get a little... dramatic (cue ominous music). The choice is yours, dear reader. Choose wisely.

priya012creators' thoughts