
The Power of Ice

Our dear protagonist is obsessed with the power over ice. Whether or not that is healthy, remains to be seen. The fact is, that he is granted a chance to not only wield that power but to show everyone, that it is the most powerful one around ... at least in his hands. A Multiverse Fanfiction, starting in One Piece. He will travel from world to world, using the powers of Essences, which are given to him. He has no say in what he is given.

Daoistz1VV3s · アニメ·コミックス
28 Chs

Go with a Bang!

(3rd Person POV)

The War in Marineford had come to an end. However, the result of the War was seen as a failure on the Marines's part and would have consequences. Sengoku supported Aokiji as a candidate for the next Fleet Admiral, and many of the upper brass of the World Government nominated Akainu. Kuzan had no interest in allowing Sakazuki to take the spot he had been waiting for years now. If he couldn't have the position, then he would start to fight on the side of the Revolutionaries and join his brother Kuma in the good fight. The world would experience even more chaos than it already did. 

The disagreement between Kuzan and Sakazuki caused them to agree to a fight. It was not a sparring session, this was a fight to the death and both combatants knew it. So it happened that both Sakazuki and Kuzan, the two Admirals of the Marines Headquarters faced each other on Punk Hazard. 

The two monsters both stood at about 3 meters in height and while Akainu looked a bit buffer, he was in no way stronger. Kuzan had his hands in his pockets and looked rather relaxed. His face didn't reveal anything though and he was like his devil fruit ... cool. Both of them were looking at each other and without saying anything, they activated their devil fruit powers. Akainu's body began to drip hot magma and Kuzan's body began to freeze. 

Behind them, the surroundings started to turn into their respective elements. The hot and cold air hit each other in full force and the tension between them, rose every second. Kuzan was looking forward to this fight. It had been a while since he had a good fight. Whitebeard didn't count. The guy was a fossil and sick, but Akainu was at his peak. Time to let loose a bit.


Without warning the two attacked each other with their fists. 


Nothing was said. There was nothing they had to say to each other. They just attacked using their full strength ... well at least Akainu did. Kuzan was still holding back a lot. Their Haki and element-coated fists clashed over and over again. 


There weren't any tactics involved just yet. Just a brutal clash between two titans who wanted the same thing but knew that only one of them would get it. More and more, they started to use the Rokushiki in their fight. 

Akainu used Soru to appear in front of Kuzan and punched him with his magma fist. But Kuzan had seen this coming a few seconds ago and was ready. An equally powerful, ice fist, which was covered with Haki impacted Akainu's fist and another louder boom was heard. 


Magma and ice were getting flung around and the surroundings wouldn't ever be the same again after this fight. 

Kuzan kicked at Akainu and used Rankyaku. An air slash approached Akainu who cleverly used Kami-e and dodged the air slash. One second later he was back up. He put one foot in front of the other and punched. 

"Dai Funka!", Akainu screamed his attack. He transformed his right fist into pure magma before expanding and throwing it forward. It destroyed everything in its path and approached Kuzan. There was no change in his expression and he had already gotten into a punching position himself. An equally sized ice fist shot towards the magma fist. 


Akainu seeing that his attack couldn't overpower Kuzan's ice, got angry. He used Soru again and tried to fight Kuzan in close quarters. He thought that the range attacks weren't working as he intended and wanted to do more damage faster. But when he shot through the smoke screen, what awaited him was a fist coated in Emission Busoshoku Haki that impacted his face.


"Kck!", the first blood flowed and surprisingly, at least to everyone except Kuzan himself, it was Akainu's blood that flowed. 

Up to that point, Kuzan had only reacted, while Akainu was the one attacking. But now, things turned around. Kuzan was the one doing some pressuring. 

'Ice Block: Partisan'

Hundreds of ice spears appeared in the air and shot towards Akainu. The Admiral saw the attack coming and got up from the ground as fast as he could. He aimed at the incoming spears and shouted his next attack. 

"Dai Funka!!"

A much bigger and even hotter variation of the attack shot towards the ice spears. But if he thought that this would be enough, he was in for a bad awakening. The spears seemed to have a mind of their own and they began to combine mid-air. A giant spear was now there instead of hundreds of smaller spears. The impact happened and ...



... the ice spear cleaved right through the magma fist and continued to approach Akainu. The red dog was looking at this with wide eyes. He couldn't fathom that Kuzan's ice could withstand the heat of his magma. So instead of attacking, he dodged. He used Soru to disappear from his current spot and create distance again. 


The spear hit the ground and caused the entire island to shake a bit. Akainu didn't stop for a moment though. As soon as he had been out of range of the attack, he turned around and pointed both of his hands in the air and fired a great number of magmatic fists upwards.

"Ryusei Kazan!!"

The attack resembled Dai Funka but with multiple giant magma fists rather than just one. They rain down upon the battlefield. Kuzan clapped his hands together and then slowly separated them, leaving the fingertips connected. Inside his palms was a small white spinning 'ball' to be seen. 

Kuzan pointed this towards the air and then took a deep breath. And then ...


... he blows into this small ice ball. Hundreds if not thousands of ice shards shot out of his palms and into the air. One second later, the entire sky seemed to be covered in these shards as they finally reached the magma fists, which were descending. 


All of the fists were hit and they were frozen or destroyed, causing the rest to fall to the ground. Kuzan tilted his body back and dodged an attack from Akainu. He then pulled his own fist back and coated it with advanced Busoshoku, Emission and Internal Destruction. He punched Akainu from his tilted position. But the experienced Marine managed to dodge, rotating his body to the side. 

But he didn't manage to dodge fully and Kuzan's fist hit his shoulder. 



A loud crack was heard as Akainu's shoulder was dislocated. He grunted in pain but didn't stop attacking. He coated his left fist in all of the powers he could. Busoshoku Emission, magma and even Tekkai. The attack managed to land on Kuzan's side. The latter though had once again seen this coming a few seconds ago and coated the spot with Busoshoku Emission and his ice. 


The impact sent Kuzan sliding to the side. He had no injury whatsoever, while Akainu was already bleeding. Both of them attacked again.


The fight between Kuzan and Akainu went on for a day and at the end of the day, it was clear who was superior. Akainu was bleeding all over his body with various wounds, while Kuzan didn't have any wounds apart from a destroyed Justice coat. Akainu was breathing heavily and Kuzan was still as relaxed as he had been at the start of their fight. There was nothing that Akainu could do in this situation. In the original story, Akainu and Aokiji fought for ten days, resulting in Akainu's win but here, Kuzan was just that much stronger. Kuzan was constantly attacking Akainu when he wanted to catch his breath. The longer the fight went on, the more power Kuzan used and the more damage he did to his fellow Admiral. 

"Let's end this here, Akainu. It's my win.", Kuzan says. 

"Haaaa .... never ... haaaa", Akainu answered. Kuzan sighed when he heard him. It seems like he had to knock him out. He again coated his arm in advanced Busoshoku Haki and flashed in front of Akainu. The exhaustion and injuries resulted in Akainu not being able to dodge in time. When Kuzan's fist was just about to make contact, he suddenly stopped his movement and using a new speed, he hadn't shown yet, he disappeared from the place. 



A sword slash cut through the place he was at just a moment ago. Someone had appeared on the two Admiral's battlefields. 

"Well well, I didn't expect you to dodge that. Impressive.", a man says. Kuzan sees a man he has never seen before. It was a tall man of advanced age, with a visibly wrinkled face and a sharp, aquiline nose. His long, light-coloured hair is styled into a pair of unbent, side-facing spikes left and right on his head, alongside one extremely tall, forward-bent spike on top. He wasn't the only one who had arrived though, Kuzan realised. On his Kenbunshoku Haki, he could feel that two equally powerful people had arrived with about 20 weaker ones. 

Kuzan dodged an attack from his back and caught the person at the neck. Seeing the white uniform and the mast, he understood who these people were. 

"Cipher Pol ... how unexpected. What happened? Did I piss you off one too many times?", Kuzan said without a change in his tone. He was still as relaxed as before. One after the other, more of the people came into view. Apart from the old man with the spiky hair, there were two others who had similar armour as he did. One of them was a young man and one had a skull of a dead animal on his face ... the God's Kights.

And then ... a circle appeared on the ground with strange symbols on it. A second later, someone stood there. An old man with a walking stick. 

"Elder, what an unexpected surprise. What brings you to this remote island at this time?", Kuzan asked him. Saint Jaygarcia Saturn, the 'Warrior Grandpa' of Science and Defense stood there among other World Government agents. 

"Admiral Aokiji, you are as disrespectful as ever. It has been decided that your services as a Marine Admiral, will no longer be needed."

"Oh? And why is that? Did the World Government suddenly decide to actually help the Marines out with funding and personnel?", Kuzan asks.

"No. It has come to our attention, that you have betrayed the World Government. Did you think that we wouldn't find out that instead of killing everyone on Ohara ... you actually saved and raised Nico Robin as your own daughter?! For your crimes, you are to be executed at once. And after that ... so will Nico Robin.", Saturn says. 



"I see ... Well then, show me what you got, you relic.", Kuzan says and suddenly the temperature drops.



(Kuzan POV)

Then pandemonium started. The Cipher Pol agents attacked using all sorts of techniques, ranging from Rokushiki to devil fruits and Haki. They attacked me without care for their own lives. I assume they were prepared to die today, and that's good; I don't plan on letting any of them live today. 

I created my ice sword again and began to cut them down. A tiger Zoan fruit user rushed at me with his high speed and slashed at my face. Instead of dodging, which I knew would mean I was aligning myself for another attack, I coated my head with Haki and the coldest ice I could create, then headbutted the CP.


I hit him and blocked a sword slash from the same spiky head from before. This one was strong. I believe we met before, but I can't be sure. He has a presence that I have felt before and if I think about it, it was during the God Valley Incident. He must have been a young man back then. A Rhino Zoan fruit user rushes at me with heavy steps from behind and tackles me. My future sight sees the four attacks coming at me at the same time. This prick is sacrificing himself for a sure hit on me. Too bad for him.

20 ice spikes pierce him from my back and cause him to spit blood. He is going to die shortly. I put my hand on the ground and in a second walls of ice rise from the ground around me. And just then the attacks land. But they don't manage to break the ice. This is very powerful ice and I have imbued it with my Haki. It is finally starting to get interesting around here. 

The ice transforms and a second later, I am inside a mech-suit. The suit looks like Perfect Susanoo from Naruto and creates four swords. With a powerful swing, one ice sword crashes down at the spiky-haired one. He uses powerful Haki and attacks the giant sword. I can feel his Haki and am impressed. He is about as strong as Garp was at his peak. More attacks come rushing towards me. 

The Cipher Pol are cannon fodder at this point and I kill them with one swipe of my swords. 

"Bakuretsu Kazan!!", I hear the loud shout from Akainu. I look to my left and see him punch the ground. A moment later, a small volcano seems to open underneath my ice mech and massive amounts of lava shoot upwards, throwing me off balance and starting to melt some of the ice. 


I suddenly feel danger, or at least something that would be dangerous, if I wasn't immortal and jump out of the mech-suit. Two seconds later, a hole appears where I was before. It looks like the use of an air attack or something else that is invisible. An oval ice board forms on my feet and I create a slide to move around and dodge the attacks that are coming my way. 

The one with the animal skull appears before me and swings a flaming spear in my direction. I create another ice sword and coat it not only with advanced Busoshoku Haki but also with Haoshoku Infusion. Our weapons clash.


I can feel his surprise as I push him back and he loses his footing. I use a front kick also coated in all forms of Haki and knock the air out of his lungs. I brought my blade back around and was about to slice his head off. But just then, I felt multiple attacks incoming. More Cipher Pols were here and the same invisible attack was approaching. However, instead of caring about that for now, I just pushed on.





The attacks all landed. I could feel my head getting hit and my body was pierced by the spiky-haired one and there were other wounds as well. But that didn't matter to me. I just looked at the corpse in front of me ... decapitated. There were gasps going around and I shifted my focus on the Elder who had turned into some Spider abomination. I saw his eyes turn white again and then there was the same invisible attack incoming. I raised my hand and blocked the attack. 


Interesting ... this was a Haki attack. It felt like telekinesis or something like that. What a good find this is. A happy grin found my face and I turned around to the spiky-haired old man. They would all die today. 


It has been a few hours since the fight and I have killed the other strong fighter with that strange armour, leaving only the spiky-haired old man and the Elder. Akainu had long been taken out of the fight after I cut off one of his legs and impaled him with a few ice spikes. Every single Cipher Pol was dead as well. 

My fist impacted the Elder's head as two of his venomous legs impaled me. 


I saw blood flowing out of his face while my body was ... not poisoned. I cut off the elder's leg with my ice sword and pulled the rest out. Before I could attack again, I saw something with Future Sight. An event. I saw many beams of energy and fire, fall from the sky and hit the island. I saw the destruction of the entire island and I also saw that this would manage to kill me. But I also saw the possibilities this gave me. 

I knew that they would try to kill me and my career as an Admiral was over anyway. But by 'dying' now and disappearing for a while, I would give them a false sense of security. The only problem was Robin. She would think I had died. But it would give her some time to grow stronger again. It was the best option. I would return later on and continue this fight with them. 

9 seconds until impact. 

I dodge another slash from the spiky haried old man and retaliate with a slash of my own. The Elder is back on his remaining legs again. He has impressive healing, but if you destroy the leg or cut it off with powerful Haki, you can overpower it. 


I sent out a slash towards the swordsman and forced him to block, while I sent out ice spears, coated in powerful Haki, towards Saturn.


Saturn manages to destroy most of the ice spear using his fast legs and also powerful Haki. 


The swordsman is in front of me again and delivers a series of attacks that speak for his high mastery over his blade. 


I point my palm to the sky and send out a snowflake while dodging another of the Elders's telekinetic attacks. 

My snowflake has reached a high enough altitude and transforms into a big snowball, increasing in size every second. I block another attack from the old man and use Soru to reach the Elder's position. 


I appear in front of the Elder and attack him. The old man is trying to defend the Elder and flashes in front of my attack. But I never wanted to attack only the Elder. 


I snap my finger and then ... all sounds stop and everything turns white, freezing the entire island and the two people in front of me, as their attacks impale me again. 


I see the recognition on their faces as the light shines in the sky. Several beams of energy descend to the island and hit the ground.




Please show some love.