
The Mayor's Wife (1)

"Hi Hugo, how did the tour go with Rafael?" I walked into the waiting area of my office, eyes trained on my assistant who was hunching over his desk. He looked terrible, like he'd barely slept. "Hugo?" 

"Oh, hi, Mrs. Greene!" He jumped in his seat and looked up with wide eyes, like a deer in headlights. I narrowed my own eyes at him and scrutinised his appearance. Outfit impeccable, as always. He looked put together, if it wasn't for the dark circles under his eyes and the distracted look in them. "I'm sorry for not noticing you come in." 

"That's alright, you're busy." I waved him off, but kept staring at him curiously. "So? How did the tour go?"

"It was.. fine. Mr. Peralta holds the project in high regard. I think he'll be a great partner." 

"That's it? You don't have any solid opinions? Is he seeking something else from investing in the project? Public recognition, maybe?" I didn't doubt my friend, but I needed something more in depth from Hugo.