

Third Person POV

"It's over P."

"W-What do you mean it's over? What have I done wrong?"

"You did nothing wrong Peri, It's just that I need to keep my reputation from getting worse."

"What are you trying to say? Me being your girlfriend hurts you from getting popular?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying. Look, I love you deep down. You know that."

"Oh yeah? Well, if you loved me than it shouldn't be a bother to you. Why are you trying to impress everybody else?"

"You always associate yourself with studying! You never made time for me!"

"I quitted my job to make up time that was lost! Still I called and called you asking, practically begging you to come spend some time together."

"I'm sorry Peri. I have to do what needs to be done. Hopefully you'll understand."

"Understand what? My girlfriend is dumping me over some stupid popularity thing!? That shouldn't matter. I tried my damn hardest to make income for us! I come home tired everyday, giving you some of my hard earn money just so I could help you! That's what relationships do. We can work things out."

"I already made my decision. That was easy enough."

"So that's it? Your going back to Pearl? She was the one that cheated on you!"

"But she would definitely be there for me when I need her the most."

"Alright then. Don't talk to me! I'm done!"

That same year, I moved to a different middle school. That was four years ago in seventh grade...

I honestly think I wrote poorly here. This was suppose to be a flashback of Peridot and Amethyst separation in Middle school. Hopefully this Book can go on smoothly lol. This is my first book, so please bare with me.

Evil_Rangercreators' thoughts