
Chapter 1

Peridot POV

First day of High School starts today. Am I excited? Absolutely not. I am currently a transferred junior at Gem East High School. I am not the child that gets along with everybody. I have no friends. The friends I use to have ditched me for people that could "hang" with them. Whatever that means. My mother drove me in front of the school. Hell begins right now.

"Have a good day Peri!" My mother waved as I got out of her car.

"Can I die?" I asked blankly.

"Don't be silly. You'll have a great day. I can feel it." Her last words revolved around my head.

"Yeah, great day." I mumbled.

I made my way up the steps wondering what lies ahead. I was once home-schooled throughout my elementary years. Once my father got a job promotion, he just couldn't make anymore time to teach me. The school hallways were filled with chatter. Everyone in their own groups. I felt like a outsider that doesn't belong here. I quickly made my way towards the office to receive my schedule. I was getting devious stares from people that made me very uncomfortable.

"Look at the new kid."

"Fresh meat!"

"We got a new toy ladies!"

I just brushed it off and continued my walk. I couldn't let them see me blush otherwise it would make the teasing worse. I finally made it to the office for what seems like forever.

"Hello. May I have your name?"

"Peridot Emerald."

"Let's see. Oh! Here you go. Your first class is just down the hallway." She said handing me my schedule.

1st Period: Computer Lab, Mr. Dewy.

2nd Period: English, Ms. Sardonyx.

3rd Period: Gym, Ms. Sugilite.


4th Period: Math, Ms. Opal.

5th Period: Health Teen Relations, Ms. Rose.

Great. Hopefully time flies by. I made my way towards Computer Lab. I saw a group that looked like they were either skipping or was waiting for fresh meat to approach them. I slowed down my pace as I made my way closer to them. I put my head down to avoid eye contact. Was that the right thing to do if you want to avoid people?

"Hey you!" Someone yelled at me.

Putting head down, wrong choice.

"Hey, we are talking to you!" Another voice answered.

I pulled my head up to see four people standing in my way. Two of them were identical twins, one was very tall but muscular. Long, lanky hair. I thought for sure she was taking steroids. The last one was also tall, but had light blue eyes. Her hair was blue as well. She looked like a ice queen. Cute, I might add. Blah who am I kidding, she's probably dating this man-woman right here.

"Can you please move out of way. I am trying to get to class." I said trying to maneuver around them.

"Sorry, but we have a substitute in there." The man-woman said picking me up from my shirt.

"You don't even know what class i'm going to." I said calmly.

"You passed every class, except for Mr. Dewy." She said pointing to the last door on this hall. Before I knew it, she hoisted me up like I was a baby.

"H-Hey! Let me go!" I squirmed in her grip.

"We're going to have fun with you." She said slamming a punch to my chest before she threw me down. I coughed and heaved blood.

"I know you. Your that nerd ass that dated my cousin long ago. I don't know what she saw in you." She said placing one of her feet on my chest.

"Let her off easy Jasper. She clearly can't defend herself. She isn't worth it." the blue haired girl said.

"But she hurted my cousin Lapis! Nothing is going to make me change my mind of killing her!" Jasper yelled.

"Then what would I do if you went for jail for murder?" Lapis said kissing Jasper on the cheek. Yep definitely dating.

"You better watch your back." Jasper said before spitting on me.

They all laughed before returning back to their class.

"What. Just. Happened?" I said to myself.

Now I just want to die. I don't even want to go in there! They'll slaughter me for sure. But why would Lapis vouch for me? Mostly their partner wouldn't care what they would do. I slowly looked the classroom door. My stomach was twisting and churning. Not from Jasper foot being on there, but the anticipation of what I would receive.

"One. Two. Three." I counted in my head before twisting the knob to the classroom.