
The Peasants System(Hiatus)

This book has been Dropped. I apologize for the inconvenience. I put a lot of effort into this story and had big plans for it but Its progress has been lackluster. I have been reviewing it as well as one of my more successful stories and have found some of the flaws that this story had. I'm working on a new story that will hopefully be a better read overall and will hopefully be released by the end of October 2022. --- Drew Pence had always had a rough life. From the moment his brother was born he was thrown to the side and was treated as a stepping stone for their 'Golden Son'. But even though his family had made his life a living hell he still believed they had his back. That if all else failed, they would be there for him. But he was wrong. He got stabbed and after waking in the hospital his family was nowhere to be found. They had ditched him. So he made a deal with a stranger. Go to a place where you can receive true freedom... and in return, all you owe him is a single favor. And that was how Drew found himself in the world of Lune, a land of Myth and Magic, Gods and Demons, and Peasants and Kings. Drew awakes with a hangover in a body older and stronger than he had ever known back and earth. Though he quickly finds that he lacks something everyone else has. Magic. But as time goes by, he finds that gaining magic is the least of his difficulties. Will he tough out this hostile world with his unique [Mana Reaper] skill? Or will he perish like all the others who were born a Peasant? Only time can tell what fate awaits Drew. --- Hey guys, if you reading this after reading one of my previous works I just wanted to give you an explanation of what caused me to move on. I had a lot of health issues that popped up suddenly and found that I didn't have the energy or focus to write much and after around 3-4 months I felt that I had lost connection with the book and found it harder to write. After some deliberation, I decided to move on and work on this story instead which has been brewing in my head for a few years now. I hope you enjoy it!

maddaug · ファンタジー
50 Chs

Zero Fucks to Give

The cloud of dust and shattered glass cleared up in a matter of seconds and revealed a startling sight.

A man that was unbelievably tall stood suspended in the air with nothing visibly holding him up.

He had Incredibly long golden hair that was just as bright as the golden light energy that flooded his surroundings.

The man was in peak physical condition as his bare torso revealed his bulging muscles. The only thing he wore was a pair of trousers that looked rougher than most clothes Drew had seen so far. He held a 5-foot-long longsword in his right hand that glowed with holy energy that dispelled all the shadows in the surrounding area.

"By the order of High Sage Loridon, I, Bram's Chosen Knight Jace, challenge Drew Pence to a death duel for the honor of the church!" The Knight yelled in a barbaric yet righteous command.

Drew's eyes landed on Jace and instead of the fear that would normally fill his body, a wave of irritation replaced it.

He rolled his eyes and gave a resentful frown as he sighed deeply.

"Are you kidding me?"


"Erm... I do not jest Child of Oleander!" The Knight yelled hesitantly.

"Well, then I refuse," Drew said with a shrug.




"You got that holy boy?"

Confusion filled Jace's face and Atun remained emotionless.

"I'm not gonna fight again today,"

"I've already shed enough blood and I'm not about to send another person to hell," Drew said menacingly as black smoke oozed out of his eyes and mouth.

"And I mean that literally..." He said while changing his gaze towards the bound Ferret.

He twirled his hands in a flashy manner and pulled out his Scythe which he quickly sliced down on Sebastian's Neck.

Drew retained his annoyed expression as he took the life of the man, not batting an eye as his clothes became dyed red once more.

Jace and Atun remained stunned at seeing Drew's actions and didn't seem to register what was going on.

"What are you-?" Jace began before Drew did something that filled him with terror.

The black mist that oozed out of Drew's mouth and eyes from before began to dart outwards toward Sebastian's body.

The mist consumed Sebastian's corpse and all that remained after it left was a dried corpse and the floating spirit of the Shifter.

"Where am I?!" Sebastian's ethereal voice echoed out in terror as he stared at his translucent body.

"You are on Lune, but not for long," Drew said calmly.

"I, Chosen of Oleander, Sentence the soul that stands before me to spend the rest of its existence in the depths of The Underworld, to forever be tormented in Kingston's Domain,"

Every word that left Drew's mouth became louder and seemed to be filled with more and more power as he spoke. After he concluded his 'judgment', a blazing red ring flared into existence above Sebastian's pitiful soul.

A clawed red hand made of fire shot out of the ring and tightly grasped the spirit's neck before yanking it into oblivion, the portal sealing shut as it left.

The last thing that was seen of Sebastian was the look of pure terror that filled his very soul. Then he was gone. Forever.

Drew turned his annoyed gaze back towards Jace and waved his hands forward as if to say 'What now?'.

"You sent him to the underworld?" Jace asked hesitantly.

Drew hummed in confirmation.

"I... You..."

"Leave now while you still can," Drew said simply as he flicked his wrist, revealing his second scythe.

The Holy Knight was strong, but Drew had learned that he wasn't weak. If push came to shove... there was always 'that' skill.

Jace stared at Drew and seemed to be getting angrier than he was before, but before anything could progress further a voice echoed out in The Heaven's Glass.

"Be quiet you unworthy Knight," The familiar voice of an old and wise man echoed.

Jace seemed to be filled with fear as the light that surrounded him and held him in the air started to dim ever so slightly.

"Child of Oleander,"

"You have done my bidding,"

"Pass the candle to my High Priest and you shall be rewarded for your good deed," The voice said gently.

Drew stared at Atun who remained emotionless at the outcome of the situation that he had brought upon them.

"We are even," Drew said with a sneer as he tossed the silver candle at Atun who clumsily caught it in turn.

The voice of Bram fell silent as it seemed to be pondering over something. The light around Jace continued to dim and he began to descend back down to the ground.

"Drew..." Bram trailed off hesitantly.

"What?" Drew replied impatiently.


"I am not a god to typically meddle in my follower's affairs,"

"But I am afraid that they have crossed the line,"

"You will get the normal reward from my blessing but I shall grant you one favor, in addition, to make up for my believer's failure," The almighty voice said decisively.

'Surprising, seeing as he is a god,' Drew thought to himself at the god's words.

'System, any input?'

[A favor from a god. A powerful thing. After reviewing the [Unlimited Skill Index] it would seem that he is most likely offering you the opportunity to use the fate skill [Minor Wish]. The range of this skill is wide but it does have an upper limit]



The room fell silent as Drew's face became calculating. But no one dared to break this silence as Bram himself remained silent.

[Too many routes have been found to list. Please add some parameters to narrow down the search]

'Fair enough,'

'Something to get everyone off my back or something that makes my life easier,'

[Two Primary routes found as well as many less direct paths]


[Path 1]:

[Protective Oath]: Bram himself could swear a Protective Oath that directly punishes his followers if they go against you in an unfair manner. This would get the Church of Bram 'Off your back' and would be a sign to other major organizations that you aren't someone they can mess with.

[Path 2]:

[Luck Increase]: Luck is the only thing that could directly make the rest of your life easier. With the use of [Minor Wish], you could increase your base luck stat, and things will go your way a little bit more often. In addition to that, It will also allow the System to display the Luck skill since it can measure the increase and quantify it.

[Display More?]


'An increase in luck... That's a very fine idea!' Drew complimented the system.

'A Protective Oath is useful as well... I wonder...'

"I have made a decision," Drew said with certainty.

"What is your wish, Child of Oleander?" Bram's Godly voice rumbled.

"I have two requests, though I do recognize that asking two requests may be seen as being rude,"

"So instead of directly asking for two requests I would like to offer something of equal value for my second request if you would allow me to do so," Drew said politely.

Bram had been kind ever since the first time Drew met him. It was his followers that were the assholes... And that included Atun.

"Speak your mind," Bram replied kindly.

"Then I will do so with your blessing,"

Atun and Jace stood still without making any signs of protest. They almost seemed powerless in front of Drew.

"For my first 'Wish'," Drew emphasized the word greatly before continuing "I would like to request for my luck to be filled with the potential to grow and always be bountiful,"


"Continue with your offer and your second request... It will determine how things proceed," Bram hesitantly murmured.

"Just know that your first request isn't merely one request,"

"There is a great difference between having bountiful luck and having luck that has a chance to grow,"

Drew nodded at Bram's clarification. It was something that said to try and stretch Bram's generosity and though the god seemed fine for now if Drew tested him further then he may not be so kind.

"For my second request..."

"I wish to return my blessing in return for a different one,"

"Take it as me forgiving everything your followers have done so far," Drew said with an amiable smile.

"And what would this blessing be?" Bram asked with interest.

"A simple blessing..."

"A blessing of protection,"

Silence filled the observatory for another moment and the three mortals in the space felt their breath pause at the tension the God's silence brought upon them.

Drew felt anxiety well up within him but before he could speak up to excuse his rudeness Bram let out an outrageously loud laugh that shook the very stones that the temple was built on.

"So be it!" Bram said with a happy chuckle.

"Your wishes have been heard,"

"There shall be no bad blood between my people and you and any who disregard my decree shall be punished accordingly,"

As Bram said those words strange incomprehensible energy rang out through the surroundings and perhaps further.

The System seemed to instantly scan it but found that it couldn't dissect what type of Magic it was no matter how hard it tried.

[The magic being used is categorized at Transcendent-Level. The spell is not in the [Unlimited Skill Index]]

Atun and Jace seemed to be forced to kneel at Bram's words and they struggled to stare up at Drew through the invisible pressure.

"Impossible!" Jace yelled through gritted teeth.

"You dare question my command?!" Bram chastised his insolent Knight.

"No! I would never!" The muscled knight said with fear, bowing deeper than even old Atun had been forced to.

"You will be punished later..."

[The Skill [Blessing of Bram] has been forcibly replaced by a higher power]

[The Skill [Bram's Protection] has been added to your skill list]

"As for your first request..."

"I will grant it on one condition,"

"Nothing big, just a request of mine," Bram clarified after seeing Drew tense up.

"Okay, I guess," Drew said while relaxing a bit.

"This is a request I have asked many people in the past to follow and it shouldn't be an issue for you from what I can tell,"

"My Ex is a Bitch and I just want you to help out some people she fucked over a long time ago," Bram said with absolutely no filter.

Drew: "..."

Jace: "..."

Atun: "..."