
The path of the Soul

A man teleported into a game of his own creation, without the ability to cultivate mana. A world filled with wonder and many more He found himself trying to go against beings he couldn't comprehend leading him to sit on the throne.

Alex_kingstone · ファンタジー
63 Chs

Chapter 24: Metal Rogue (5)


Chapter 24: Metal Rogue (5)


In his room

Alex saw his wound heal drinking a D rank healing potion and he smiled widely his eyes stared at the screen before him. 

[Soul cultivation]

[100% solidified]


[Perfect doesn't even need to be explained. It is simply perfect without any flaws and blemishes, untainted, leading one to believe that this perfect type of foundation is in the realm of the myths.]

Alex tried his best to increase his foundation over the days, but nothing worked as it used to as it stayed at 90% solidified. He patiently cultivated without knowing the solution before him. The reward came when he had used all of his soul energy in battle, he even doubted he would win, and with two rewards in hand, Alex laughed.

Without wasting a second, he started cultivating to break through, but only moments passed as a silver light covered his body with an explosive sound. His already Divine figure became even more rapid, his soul changing from the normal color of white to a little bit of Golden.

[Break through to young soul realm - initial stage]

A person who has achieved the perfect foundation can cross those stages of that realm effortlessly which that perfect foundation can only be gained after a heated battle of life and death. The refreshment he missed so much came back, and he didn't stop even for a second.

A few minutes passed as a pop sound came once more the refreshment becoming an addiction for him. 

[Young soul realm- middle stage]

An hour passed.

[Young soul realm- Higher stage]

At the end of the night and the sun started rising Alex had reached the peak of that realm being one of the benefits of having a perfect foundation. He even cultivated his Arcane meridians to reach 2%.

[Arcane meridians - 2%]

[You are now able to cultivate 20 Arcane energy per day]

"This day had many surprises." he laughed in his room and heard a knock.

Already knowing who it was he smiled considering something, the door opened and the visage of Lisa showed the young elf's beauty "We are going to get some final supplies."

"Just leave that to Sasha and Ava to do, we haven't spent any time alone haven't we." Noticing what Alex was implying she smiled. She went to notify Sasha who frowned and disappeared with the little kids and Ava.

"Do they consider me a babysitter?" She wondered with a frown that didn't show because of her mask.

"Why do you sit on the baby." Ava inquired confused.

"Just forget it, let's get our final supplies and leave this town." Ava nodded carrying Amber and Ezra. 

"Why did Miss Lisa stay," Amber asked which Ava and Sasha didn't answer. 

By changing the topic Sasha answered, "What am going to ask is a bit personal but are you a dire wolf."

"Yes, is there anything wrong?" She inquired.

"No, it's just I haven't met a dire wolf that knows our language." She was shocked at most.

Ava didn't answer her question but tried to change the topic, "It seems like those two who were watching us, all night are moving." She said.

"Sharp senses but only one is following us the other is possibly going to watch Alex," she explained walking forward.

"I wasn't the one who found them. It was master," she explained.

Considering something Sasha asked "If you don't mind but how powerful is Alex." she wondered from the first moment he injured her without touching her. The more confusing thing was why her master respected him so much and ever since she had those thoughts in her mind.

"That I don't know." Ava's truthfully answered as she explained further, "To tell the truth I also wonder that sometimes. At some times he seemed to be weak and at other times he seemed to be all-powerful, without a being who could touch him. So it's hard for me to tell you how powerful he is but I haven't met anyone who can beat him."

"Why so." She inquired.

"Master is like a king, no,....." She stopped herself and explained, "An emperor who looks down on everything in front of him and I think you felt it too." He said staring at Sasha's expression which didn't show denial under her mask and continued,

"Also, there was a moment he showed his power I can't truly remember what I felt or what happened that day. But from what I do remember master's aura was like that of a God filled with rage and killing intent."

Sasha stared at the wolf and asked "What happened next that you remember."

"Not much it's just me waking up and master's power being lower. But with just a few days he grew and stopped there for the moment." 

"At what power." She inquired.

"D or C rank." she answered and further asked, "Why are you so interested."

"The ancient languages that he read, and the story about him speaking in the Orc language, his appearing from nowhere. Also the information about him that he can't cultivate mana, I just see him as strange," she said.

"We say interesting," she responded.

Sasha laughed a little and wondered "Do you even know why his helping me." 

"That's a question that he can answer," Ava said also without a clue.

"But I don't think his stronger than me," Sasha said staring at Amber and Ezra playing on Ava's back.

"Then why did you accept his deal?" A tough question Sasha just stopped for a moment to think and consider her next words but found that what she said was the truth of the matter. "If he is weak then you why did you ask how powerful he is." She questioned.

No response came and Ava answered for her, "That's because you can't measure him at all."

Sasha sighed "Like what you said, sometimes he is strong and other times he is weak." They both went silent after that and went shopping.