
The path I choose

“I guess being a hero is cool even if my family is villains, they didn’t want me anyway. Is being a hero what I actually want or should I be more? I don’t know but I will figure it out, for now let’s try and live”

Jigen0 · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Chapter 11: I wouldn’t..

"I haven't been here in a long time" I said standing in the woods I use to call home. Looking at the logs and destroy ground, seeing the massive craters that were everywhere.

"Six months huh..I haven't trained in a while..even if I'm strong..I still don't know how my body will reaction if it's a non physical attack. All these years and I can only make the crystal up to my elbows and up to my knees. Plus the muscles on react around my arms shoulders and both my legs entirely." I said, watching as my arms changed, seeing the muscles be more packed as it was compressed over and over.

"Let's work on allowing them muscles to go be on my arms, neck and legs" I said, getting into a running stance as i launched myself, jumping forward, hitting the ground and jumping again. The ground I flew towards a mountain, pulling my arm back I punched out, making cracks, the rock buckled under the pressure but it wasn't enough, as the muscles along my arm ripped and steamed as they tried to reattach.

"I need to get the regeneration of muscles under control, along with making the bone much hard the iron or steel" I said looking at my bone knuckles and metacarpals that had cracks in them.

"Let's get to work" I said, breathing as I focused on the properties of my quirk, understanding the muscles and bones obey me to breach the skin, then that property should apply to manipulating it into healing.

[3 hours]

"That's it!" I said as I had punched the mountain over and over. Just enough to crack bone and ripped muscles. I looked at my hands who had already healed as the steam went away.

"It's not very much damage to heal but it's a start" I said looking at the craters I had left in this mountain, trees and rock It was obliterated. Coming out of one such crater, I looked up into the sky, my arms and neck had the muscles exposed. I relaxed as it returned back to normal.

"I should get back to lulu...I'm sorry" I said, sitting at the edge of the crater and pulling my phone. Seeing a picture of himiko laying on me as I slept, making a goofy smile. I sat for a while, before standing and jumping back to my backpack.

[5 months later]

Over this time I had trained, ripping and growing. I saw the bone and muscles did not ripp under certain pressure, if it did it was healed immediately, the bone hardened and the muscles were packed and had become a darker red. One of the times I allowed my quirk to be more like my brothers letting the strains come out and cover my body, when it gave me be on super human strength, it was to the point that the muscles and bones in this form where packed. Giving me the same strength as my other form but when hardening it would skyrocket.

"I can't use this form, not right now" I said to myself with my eyes closed.

"Is it because of him.." lulu voice said, from above me as I lay on her lap.

"I changed my name and my quirks look for a reason, if they found out my brother is a psychopathic killer? What would that say about me" I said, still with my eyes closed.

"You are not him ogre..I know your not" lulu said rubbing my face.

"Thank you, but we still have the same blood.." I tried to say.

"No..your not like him" lulu said, leaning her down over my head as I opened my eyes. She tilted her head with a smile.

"Thank you..cry baby" I said but before she could reply I kissed ever cheek.

"Uhh..your welcome" lulu said, playing with my hair.

'It's crazy to think you don't see how much you've moved people, you changed so much but your still that same ogre..the one I fell in love with' lulu said, watching me close my eyes as the sun shine hit my face.

Over this time I stayed with lulu and helped as a bodyguard incase Villains in our area needed things but didn't want to pay, I dealt with it. She followed me one day and when I found her she demanded I spend time with her and let her come to bring me food. Which I had no rights to refuse she said.

She would often just sit with me and watch me train, I told her it was dangerous and she needed to work, the Answer to this was.

'I can bring my work with me' she said, forming a Mobile base computer with her quirk to run information to the house that Frank would just finish depending on what the client wanted. I deadpanned at this but she gave a victorious smile, knowing I could say nothing back.

Sitting against a tree I would lay on her lap while she would read to me, the sun making her beautiful red hair glow, when I fell asleep one day she stopped reading and rubbed my face.

"I am not bitter about how my life has gone..I know you have been alone for a long time just like me...I can say this I wouldn't trade these moments, these feelings, the love I have for you, for anything in this world" lulu said, turning back to read the book, never seeing the smile on my face.