
The path I choose

“I guess being a hero is cool even if my family is villains, they didn’t want me anyway. Is being a hero what I actually want or should I be more? I don’t know but I will figure it out, for now let’s try and live”

Jigen0 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 12: Entrance exam..

Getting up out of the bed I looked around not seeing lulu, scratching my head and walking over to the door. Leaning against the doorway I saw a messy kitchen, lulu had stuff all over her face and apron.

"Struggling there aren't we?" I said looking at her face.

"Ahhh ogre! Why are you up?" Lulu said.

"I didn't feel you next to me...why is it all over your face" I said, walking over looking down and wiping her nose with my hand. Pulling it a little as I look at her Embarrassed face.

"I-I-I made you lunch" lulu said turning red as she held up a bento box. She tried to turn her head.

I looked at the bento box, looking at the rice, seaweed, fish, chicken and other things around the messy kitchen. Looking at her move her feet back and forth.

"Thank you..my ember" I said, leaning down grabbing the back of her head and kissing her forehead.

"....your welcome ogre" lulu said looking up to seeing my eyes and smile. She smiled looking at mine.

"Now go..Go!..today's the big day" lulu said, staying that when I picked her up and spun her around.

"Ok, ok, I'll be back" I said taking my black t shirt off as I walked to the bathroom as lulu giggled.

Stepping out of the shower I looked at my body in the mirror, scars that would never fade but that's not what I cared about, steam came off my body as the areas that were once normal turned into my ideal look (more like Annie just not the face and he is a guy so)

"Finally" I said, looking at the muscles the places packed and the muscles strains outside the skin was a even darker red.

Turning back I put on my clothes and went to the kitchen, looking at lulu. Who had cleaned up holding the bento.

"Umm ogre where's your uniform?" Lulu said seeing me where a black hoodie and my style of pants a lot with black boots.

"Didn't get one, said I'll prove myself in the entrance ceremony, that I am now late for" I said running up to her looking at the time, kissing her forehead and running to the door.

"I love you lulu see you later" I said grabbing the bag from the side of the door.

"Uhhh!" Lulu said coughing up blood and falling on the floor.

"He...he...he said he loved me!" Lulu said giggling and rolling on the floor.

I moved through the city I jumped from building to building, looking at the city full of life as I made my way, jumping down to a street I made my way to the school.

Running to a bus that was loading up kids, I ran on to it as a hero tried to stop me.

"Hey!...uhhhh" the hero said, only to have someone talk in his ear after I took my hood down.

"Go ahead" the man said letting me on the bus, getting on I saw deku and others faces I knew going to the back I sat. Not speaking much as I we made it to battle center B.

Getting off one by one, I look up as the gate gate of the city, while people talked and deku looking looking nervous.

Deku walked nervously to talk to the bubbly girl named, Ochaco Uraraka only to be stopped by tenya.

"She looks like she's trying to relax and prepare..who?" Tenya wanted to say, until I put my hand on his shoulder looking down at him.

"And can't you see the boy is nervous, stop with your up right bs and let the boy get into the grove" I said looking at him look at deku sweating face.

"Thank you.." deku said to me.

"It's cool, being nervous won't change the outcome so what you can and move forward" I said pulling off my hoodie, showing the scars on my arms, with my grey tank top, then taking off my shoes.

"That guys ripped" a kid said.

"Why's he talking to the failure?" Another said.

"Why did he take of his shoes? Another weirdo?" A girl said.

"Uhhh..hey you know there talking about you right? Why did you take your uhhh shoes off?" Deku said to me.

"My quirk has a habit of messing my clothes up, and I don't care it's works. If you don't move forward even when others around you try to pull you down, then dont step in the first place" I said as my skin moved and steam came off.

"So cool! What's your quirk?!" Deku said, looking at my body.

"If you pass I'll tell you" I said as the hero spoke.

"What are you waiting for?! Villains don't wait! Go go go!" Present mic yelled.

Benting down in a runner stance, people tried to run pass only to move back as the ground crack and the pressure from me launching knocked them back.

"Ahhhh?!" Deku said falling as he looked at the cracks left behind.