
The Parallel Nexus System

Read the first 15 chapters before you trash it. Xiaoyi was shocked that something suddenly appeared in the darkeness. It was a blue translucent box. ‘Would the user like to change the color?’ The robotic voice asked while Xiaoyi was reading. ‘Uhhh I like sage green.’ She said in a confused tone. ‘Implimenting users request’ The blue translucent box slowly turned to a sage green translucent box. ‘Updating user info. Displaying user info now…’

TheFriesGuy · ファンタジー
28 Chs

Without A Word

Weiyuan looked at Xiaoyi with a dumbstruck expression. He had never expected this to happen to him. He had been to war and even then this thought never crossed his mind.

Xiaoyi cried during her time out. She had finally had an experience going to the bathroom since this world changing stuff happened. If she doesn't find happiness in the small things then how would she be able to continue? 

"Hey I am going to want these every now and then so make sure not to throw them away." She says as she tosses them over to him. 

He dodges out of the way watching them hit the bottom of the tent.


The sleeves were still wet from when she "cleaned" them, as they hit the ground the water from within was forced outward. This is not at all what he was expecting his first camping trip in this world was going to be. He had expected a big group sitting by a fire and getting ambushed at night. 

Instead he got a pointy bed, his clothes torn and expected to put used toilet paper in the bag with their supplies. 

"I am not putting these in the bag. If you want them to go in there you can carry the bag yourself. How does that sound?"

He knew that she wasn't as strong as him. So while he could barely go 2 hours with it she probably could barely go 5 minutes. 

"Oh yes, let's just take over ten years to get to our destination. That would be a great idea." 

She knew that the 30 mile trip was probably going to be more like a 60-150 mile trip. If they went at a speed of 2 miles an hour for 2 hours then took a break for 1 hour. Effectively traveling 8 hours of the day they would still have to take between 4-10 days to get there.

"I'll set up camp every night." 

She smiled at him with her hands behind her back trying to look extra cute. 

"Your games don't work on me. Let's pack up and get going. I want to get this trip over with as fast as possible. We only have rations for 5 days." 

He started packing up the bedding and made sure not to touch his old sleeves. 

Xiaoyi saw him leave the tent and took this chance to put the sleeves in the bag without him knowing. She would not accept torture even if she had been given a second chance. 

After packing they both went to the sign to see where they should be heading. 

"We need to head east. So we are going to Jarhoth. Which is only 9 miles away. That's not bad, we can get there today. Hopefully Jarhoth is friendly." 

He picked up all the stuff and started going east. 

"Jarhoth is the orc chief I mentioned earlier that could easily kill us."

She started skipping down the road. She's going to meet her first friend in a long time again. Although their time was short, it was longer than she has known Weiyuan.

"Wait, did he even say you could come back?" Weiyuan said through heavy steps. 

She spins around allowing her hair to swoosh in the wind with a big smile on her face.

"He never said I couldn't!" 

She turned around and began to skip even more. 


As they went on their journey there weren't many monsters or beasts that showed up. Some horned bunnies showed up but quickly ran as they saw the giant shadow of the bag. 

They also didn't see any slimes in the area. She did see a few Earth deer mixed in with the one antler deer. If she had a phone she would have taken a picture. 

She immediately ran to Weiyuan, which was almost at the end of the second trek. His closed soaked with sweat clinging to his well defined body. The shirt was white so it was easy to see everything that was there. Xiaoyi did not pay attention to such a thing right now. She needed a phone to take a picture of the deer. 

"Weiyuan. Don't be loud, do you have a phone? I want to take a picture of those deer." 

She pointed at the deer in a small opening with visible rays of light shining through the trees into the clearing, surrounded by trees. It was a little ways off the janked up road. 

He carefully sets down the bag before pulling out a flip phone. He watches as Xiaoyis face turns from excitement to disgust. He quickly pocketed the flip phone that he had been using since he was in the army. 

"Hehehe no I don't. I must have lost it." He said while hiding the tears in his eyes. 

Xiaoyi just blinked really hard at the deer to try and take a mental picture of it. 


While walking on their 3rd trek Weiyuan noticed that everything got lighter.


He saw that his strength has increased by 1 to 14. 

'Just 10 hours of suffering under this bag allowed my strength to increase? This is some very valuable information.'

Maybe he can have her promise not to tear up any more of his shirt, or get a bigger spot in the tent. He smiled widely at the thought of getting equal treatment. 


Thanks to Weiyuans new found strength they can now go 3 hours before needing a break. However, even with the new speed somehow they still didn't make it to the orcs. The sun was starting to set and they were still along the past. The good thing is they were entering a mountainy place like the orcs had lived in.

'As I expected the distance is greater just like almost everything else' Xiaoyi was sad to have to wait another day. 

"I'll see you soon Tharla!" She spoke to the wind hoping it would carry her words to the one that needed to hear it. 

Weiyuan lays down tired from all his hard work. He slowly raises his hand and points at Xiaoyi, so she would come over and he could tell her what he learned. 

When she turns around she sees him pointing at her so she walks up to him. She sees how weak he looks and how he is pointing at her without a word. 

'He looks pale. Is he on his deathbed right now and trying to say something important?' 

She places her hand on his shoulder with a deep meaningful look in her eyes. She doesn't want him dying so soon. She had not known he was old for long, but since he took out a flip phone she knew he just looked young for his age. She didn't want to be alone again.  

He took her look as 'It is okay. You put in hard work today you don't need to say or do anymore. 

So he slowly closed his eyes and fell into a deep much needed sleep.

Just applied for a contract! hopefully my wow factor helps me get it! Voting helps me get closer to my goal so all votes are welcomed!

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