
The Parallel Nexus System

Read the first 15 chapters before you trash it. Xiaoyi was shocked that something suddenly appeared in the darkeness. It was a blue translucent box. ‘Would the user like to change the color?’ The robotic voice asked while Xiaoyi was reading. ‘Uhhh I like sage green.’ She said in a confused tone. ‘Implimenting users request’ The blue translucent box slowly turned to a sage green translucent box. ‘Updating user info. Displaying user info now…’

TheFriesGuy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

First Level Up

Xiaoyi tried shaking him awake to no avail. He is in a deep sleep after going through 9 hours of carrying that heavy orc travel bag. However, Xiaoyi did not want to be alone. She had promised herself that she would be different. She has put so much effort into being inviting and trying to make friends with Tharla and Weiyuan that she didn't want either of them to leave yet. 

Tears started to run down her face as Weiyuan slept peacefully beside her. The straps from the bag are crossed over his chest so she couldn't even tell if he was breathing. 

"I overworked him to death! I shouldn't have asked if he could go farther as we should almost be there. In the end we still didn't get there and now he's dying. " 

She continued to cry for about 5 minutes till he scratched his face. 

She looked at him blankly. Was she even okay? Was this really about some person she has only known for 2 days tops? No. This wasn't about him. She missed her mother, her father from the past. She missed her friends from her old school even if they did leave her in the end. She is really really lonely. She starts setting up the tent while continuing to cry about the past. 

While she was making the food she was feeling a lot better. 

'Everything that happened recently must be a lot for me, and things are finally starting to settle in. This isn't Earth. I have Daunmou who wants both of us dead. He is level 3 so he has already killed either people or animals. If I don't want him to kill me or Weiyuan I either have to get strong or Weiyuan needs to get stronger.' 

Seeing Weiyuan just laying there she knew that she can't rely on him for everything. She could encounter something when he's exhausted and they could both die. Even when she tried waking him up he did not move. 

She looked around as the darkness slowly crept across the sky covering horizon to horizon in darkness. 

She quickly finished setting up the tent and poured more beans into the pot than she did the night before. She then used a small knife to stab a hole on opposite sides of the can. She repeated this until all 6 of the cans had holes then she put one of her shirts into stands of rope so she could set up a small perimeter. She may not have had friends but that gave her enough time to watch shows and read. 

She ties the cans about shin high on trees nearby. 


She regretted her decision. While the wind blue her cans kept gingalling. She is surprised that Weiyuan can sleep through all the ruckus.

She gets up to take them down for the night so she can sleep. Once she leaves the tent she is mortified. Slowly coming closer to their camp is a duo of 1 foot tall green slimes. Had she not gotten up they could have gotten slimed. She quickly goes back in to get her rapier. 

"Hey Weiyuan, there's slimes coming to our tent." She said while shaking him. 

He opens his eyes slightly in confusion and sits up. She then grabs her rapier and leaves the tent ready to slice up then slimes. When she comes back out she sees the slimes sliding under the roped cans. 

"Oh no, I set them too high!" 

She went to stab the slime as it got too close to comfort. When she stabbed through it with the rapier and pulled it back just a small amount of gunk fell out before the hole closed. Seeing that stabbing won't work she went to slash it. The slash made the slime look like it was peeling apart as its gunk started spilling out. When all looked like it was going well it managed to close its slash after getting a little smaller. 

The slime suddenly started rippling in her direction. She didn't know what it was going to do so she ran to the other slime to keep it from entering the tent. She slashed at that one, and the same thing happened. Suddenly a burning sensation was felt on her right arm. She shook her arm instinctively to get the gunk off her. 

"Ahhhh!" She Screamed as a -5 appeared in her vision. 

The slime she left had shot slime at her. Soon the other slime started rippling at her too. She quickly ran around the other one to have both of them in her view and slashed at the one that shot her. It was getting harder and harder to use her sword as her arm stung more as time passed. However, this time when she slashed the green slime turned clear and fell apart as though someone popped a balloon. 

She gets back into focus when she sees something squirt out of the slime directly at her. Luckily she was able to move out of the way then slash the slime once again. And again. And again. 

"Why won't you die like the other one?!" She demandingly asked the poor green slime. Wieyuan walks out just as she pops this slime as well. Hes foot lands in mud

"Why is it so muddy? Did it rain? Is there a leak on your side and that's why were you freaking out? 

He lifted his food and tried to shake the mud off but only ended up getting it in the tent and on Xiaoyi. He looked up at Xiaoyi who was not speaking but had her jaw dropped. 

"I'm sorry I'll clean it up right away. He said while squatting to get the mud off her pants when she started jumping. 

"I leveled up! I leveled up! I can get stronger!" She yelled in excitement.

Looking down she saw Weiyuans face covered in mud. 

"That wasn't my fault you were the one squatting. System!" 

A sage green translucent box popped up.

'Level: 2

HP: 27/32 

MP: 5/5

Agility: 6

Intelligence: 8

Magic: 1

Mind: 7

Strength: 6

Vitality: 5

Points: 2'

'I want to do magic some day, because it didn't exist on normal Earth before this. However, I also have to be useful now. I will put one in magic and the other into strength so I can help carry the luggage.'

She looks through the system to see Weiyuan trying his best to get the mud off his face.

"I should have only used one then you would be able to use the other one to clean your face. We need to invest in some rags. Also I made extra beans last night." 

Once she walked over to the pot there were weird looking bugs in it. They looked like a mix between a dragonfly and a praying mantis. It didn't have large legs but had the big grippers and face of a mantis. 

"Actually I'll make you something in the morning." She took it back while kicking over the pot with the bugs.

Weiyuan grips the bridge of his nose with his muddy hand. 

"Please tell me you didn't make food and leave it out all night? Why are those cans making so much noise? You are going to kill us. You are advertising us on a silver platter right now." 

Weiyuan proceeded to take down the cans and kicked the beans farther away from their tent. 

"If we die it wasn't my fault. You were the one that attacked them here. I'll stay up as I already slept." 

"Thank you I saved our lives so I am going to sleep." she said happily while taking off her shoes outside the tent. 

"Also the one that endangered it in the first place." Weiyuan whispered under his breath.

If you have any cool ideas or got votes to spare let me know! Once I have one chapter for every day of the year I will start doing them on a timer but may still release more.

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