
The Painter Of the Straw Hats

In a world where dreams can crumble as easily as paper in a storm, a talented artist finds himself on the precipice of despair. Rejected and ridiculed, his aspirations shattered, he unwittingly steps into the path of an oncoming bus, his life extinguished in an instant. But death is not the end. Awakening in a realm beyond mortal comprehension, he encounters the enigmatic Random Omnipotent Being (R.O.B), who offers him a chance at redemption. Transported to the vibrant world of One Piece, he is granted a new life and a new purpose. As he navigates the treacherous seas alongside the legendary Straw Hat Pirates, he discovers the transformative power of his art. With each stroke of his brush, he brings color to a world ravaged by chaos, his paintings imbued with a magic that defies explanation. Driven by a desire to become the greatest artist in history, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and adventure. From battling fearsome foes to forging unbreakable bonds of friendship, he learns that true greatness lies not in fame or fortune, but in the passion that fuels his soul. As he paints his way across the vast expanse of the Grand Line, he faces countless trials and tribulations. But with the support of his newfound comrades, he rises to meet every challenge, his spirit unyielding in the face of adversity. The Painter of The Straw Hats is a tale of hope, resilience, and the enduring power of art. Join our hero as he charts a course through the stormy seas of destiny, his brush poised to leave an indelible mark upon the world. -------------------------------------------

The_Legit_Writer · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

Neve Snow

The East Blue, Orange Town

The town was bustling with activity, and the townspeople were going about their daily lives.

On the beach of the town, there was a child who appeared to be around 7 or 8 years old, with bright white hair and yellow eyes, sitting on the sand with a book in one hand and a pencil in the other.

His name was Neve Snow, formerly known as Jason. He was given this name by the mayor of the town because the mayor said that when Neve was left at his door, he's hair was as white as snow.

It had been 8 years since he arrived in this world, and during that time, he had discovered four significant things:

Firstly, he had been reincarnated into the One Piece world. This presented a challenge for him because he hadn't watched much of the anime, only seeing some clips on TikTok. As a result, he only knew some major events and other details.

Secondly, he had been abandoned by his parents. This news didn't bother him much, as he had already been an orphan in his previous life. He didn't care, and the news didn't stop the villagers from caring for him.

Thirdly, his parents had left two Devil Fruits for him, which he knew was the work of the goddess. He consumed one of the Devil Fruits, an advanced form of the Fude Fude no Mi (Brush Brush Fruit). This advanced version allowed him to bring anything he drew to life without needing to use the ink he produces, making him stronger. He could also grant abilities to his creations, although those abilities were nerfed.

Fourthly, the Goddess had given him a perk: every time he drew, he improved in skill and speed, and the quality of his drawings enhanced. Neve spent four hours a day drawing and the rest of the day on physical training. His drawing and painting skills were now maxed out, enabling him to draw something within 10 seconds, further enhancing his Devil Fruit abilities. However, he hadn't started painting the goddess yet, as he wanted to be ready and patient before doing so.

Lastly, he was born four years before the Great Age of Pirates, which meant he still had 20 more years before the canon began. This provided him with plenty of time to work on his abilities and physical capabilities.

At present, he was drawing his dream ship, which resembled the Queen Anne's Revenge, but with the Straw Hat Pirates' logo on the flags.

"You're still drawing, huh?" 

Neve was interrupted by a young, low voice coming from behind him.

Looking back, he could see the town mayor, Boodle, still looking young and vibrant, walking towards him with his hands behind his back.

"Is that a pirate ship?" Boodle asked as he peeked at the drawing from on top of Angel.

"Why are you drawing that?"

Boodle had a gloomy look on his face. He hated anything to do with pirates, so when he saw Neve drawing a pirate ship, a thought passed through his mind, which he currently buried deep down.

"Of course, because I'm going to be a pirate,"

Those words made Boodle's heart skip a beat. He didn't know the boy who was named as an angel would actually want to leave and live the life of those devils.

"Why would you do that?" Boodle asked, trying to hold back his shock and anger.

"Because pirates are adventurous and free, and I want to paint all the beautiful landscapes of the world,"

When Neve said this, he looked deep into the sea like he was waiting for something.

Boodle, seeing this, knew he couldn't stop this boy's dream, but he didn't want to see the child he classified as his son doing the one thing he hated.

"You aren't allowed to do such things!" He shouted, which caught Neve off guard before he also got angry.

"Why, old man, this is what I want to do!" Neve shouted back, standing up from his sitting position and staring at Boodle.

"Why would you join those ruthless people? If you go there, I will hate you too!" Boodle, not wanting to lose in the argument, shouted back.

"You can't do that; you aren't my parents! My parents abandoned me, remember? You know what, I don't want to see you ever again!"

And just like that, Neve left the beach, leaving behind a stunned Boodle. After a minute passed, Boodle had now grasped what he said and the situation and began running to Neve's house.

When he got there, he noticed the furniture was still intact, so he sighed in relief, but he still got a bad feeling in his heart. He went to the room where Neve kept all his paintings and saw an empty room. He knew then that Neve had run away, but all he could do was watch in regret as it was his fault.

Meanwhile, in a forest 1km away from the village, Neve was making his way through the animal-infested forest with ease. Whenever any animal saw him, they ran for their lives, remembering the beatings they received from him whenever he came into the forest to train. The boy himself couldn't be bothered about what was happening around him, as a lot of things were going through his head.

"Damn it, I shouldn't have left,"

That was one of the thoughts that went through his head as he walked to the middle of the forest.

Neve was regretting his choice, as he didn't really want to say what he said, and he didn't really want to leave the village, but he did it all on instinct. Right now, he was wondering why he even left the village in the first place.

"Well, can't dwell too much on it now that I have already done it. I just have to focus on the present. The good side is that I can focus on training all day."

And just like that, he got rid of his lingering regret and focused on his goal. Not long after, he reached the center of the forest, and it was beautiful. People would believe if they saw it that it was where Mother Nature lived.

And right in the center of this beauty, there stood an easel, which currently held a canvas with a painting of the lush forest and small animals in it. The painting didn't do the scenery justice.

"Well, at least I have a quiet place to stay," Neve said as he dropped the big sack that he was carrying on the ground.

He then put his hand in the sack and brought out an empty canvas and swapped places with the one on the easel after carefully removing the painting that was already on it and placing it in the sack along with the rest of his paintings.

"Well, I guess I have to start with the whole reason I'm here then," He said as he pictured the scene the goddess permanently ingrained into his head so he could never forget.


If you like the chapter don't forget to add some powers stones. Those are my motivation to keep going

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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