

Narrator's POV

A few days have passed since Leylin Blight's return. He spent his days observing the egg created from Palistrom wood and reviewing his past theories on the magic of the Boiling Isles.

It's important to understand that some things demonstrated by Eda shouldn't logically be feasible for a mortal, according to the norms of Leylin Farlier's world and from Bill Cipher's perspective.

Eda's wild magic allowed her to manipulate life and even change bodies. She even forced several individuals to exchange their bodies.

She had also shown several abilities related to dimensional manipulation, specifically dimensions linked to the mind and soul.

These are areas that greatly interest Leylin. He wanted to explore the mysteries of the soul further in hopes of accelerating the assimilation of Bill Cipher's powers.

For now, Leylin only controls chaos, but he can tell, from Bill's memories, that he also controls space and has a certain mastery over time.

"Perhaps I should seal Time Baby on my other arm... that would force an acceleration of my control over time."

Time and space are two extremely close and almost inseparable concepts at the quantum scale. Leylin is convinced that if he can assimilate Time Baby, he can completely absorb Bill Cipher.

There were no downsides to this plan: spirit beast masters are used to stacking creatures in their magical formations, which makes them more powerful with each successful hunt.

He is absolutely convinced that his current body can withstand the shock. He is literally a rank 7 being, and Time Baby is clearly less powerful than Bill Cipher.

Of course, Leylin won't gain any additional laws, but his understanding of time and space will receive a boost sufficient to forcefully complete the assimilation of Bill Cipher.

"Oh, interesting, the time has already come."

Leylin stopped experimenting with a combination of the spirit beast path and wild magic.

He had felt his presence completely disappear from this timeline, confirming that Willow had indeed traveled back in time.

Leylin created a portal. Its destination: a place he had missed.

"Father, Mother, Emira, Eldric, and Amity... I'm home."


As Alador and Odalia were at home after having been separated from Willow for several hours, a portal appeared in their living room.

"Father, Mother, Emira, Eldric, and Amity... I'm home."

A familiar voice, but with a strangely heavy tone, resonated throughout the Blight manor, before a suffocating pressure fell on all forms of life in the manor.

"Sorry, I've become too used to being with Evy and being alone."

"Leylin? Is it really you?" Alador slowly approached the green-haired teenager, despite the blood still flowing from his ears and eyes.

It's important to understand that Leylin Blight's presence is currently dangerous for ordinary people. If Dipper or Wendy had been in front of him, they would probably have died.

"Yes, I have indeed returned..." Leylin was interrupted by a huge hug from his father.

Leylin was disconcerted by the situation for a moment, before smiling slightly and returning the embrace to his father.

He no longer felt the same family love as before, because of SCP-738, but he still recognized this man as someone important.

He began to heal him using healing magic. He could have used Bill's powers, but Leylin was currently trying to improve his mastery of wild magic to the highest possible level.

"My treasure is home!" Surprisingly, Odalia also took him in her arms, without worrying about her own injuries.

'What irony, this hardened capitalist has a micro-heart,' he thought, smiling, while holding both his parents in his arms and healing them.

"If you're here, then where is Willow?" Alador's sudden question cast a chill on Leylin's once smiling face.

His silence darkened the joyful atmosphere in the room. Alador and Odalia are not stupid.

They quickly grasped the essence of the situation.

"Willow... she died for me." Leylin wasn't lying.

He knew that avoiding the truth in this kind of situation was never a good idea, it could even create misunderstandings.

"How... how did that child die?" asked Alador, looking Leylin straight in the eyes, without blinking.

It's important to understand that the more a magus evolves, the further they move away from mortality.

Leylin Farlier had almost seriously injured a little girl who had only maintained eye contact with him for a few minutes.

It should be noted that he was then only a rank 1 magus. Imagine the consequences of such an action coming from a rank 7 magus.

Even though Leylin Blight was holding back enormously by compressing the energy radiations emanating from him at every moment thanks to his inner version, Alador's action was extremely difficult to accomplish.

His eyes were even slightly reddened.

"Sigh. Willow died, alone, waiting for me. I'm not even sure she could see me properly when I woke up."

After Leylin's explanation, the couple in front of him remained silent for a few seconds, before Alador nodded in understanding.

"I see. You must have spent a lot of time stuck in your coma and gone through difficult things," said Odalia, without real attachment to Willow. Her death didn't particularly affect her.

She just felt a slight regret for this loss and was putting on a good face in front of her son and husband.

She knew how close Leylin was to Willow and how benevolent her husband was.

'It's regrettable that she died. I'm sure her presence could have been useful as a deterrent and for business,' thought Odalia, simply regretting the loss of such a useful person.

Leylin understood well that Odalia didn't feel real grief. His mother was far too calculating for that.

He simply accepted her apparent consideration without revealing his true thoughts.

"You killed Willow..." Amity and the twins had finally opened the door.

Leylin Blight's POV

I had sensed their presence approaching me, but curiously, they had stopped their intention to open the door for an unknown reason.

I think they hesitated to enter because of the delicate subject. They just stayed behind the door during my explanation about Willow's death.

"If your current thoughts are a defense mechanism to absolve yourself of guilt for abandoning Willow that day, then yes... I killed Willow."

"Leylin!" Alador looked at me sternly.

As my attention turned to him, Amity approached me and tried to slap me.


Her hand hit an invisible shield, one of the basic uses of oracle magic.

"I could let you slap me, if you want, but believe me, you'd really risk hurting yourself. It's time to accept the truth, AMITY BLIGHT."

I leaned towards my twin sister, one of the people I sincerely love, but who unfortunately continues to disappoint me.


Amity's face went through several expressions before settling on rage.

*Bam* She began to attack my barrier with all her oracle magic and her abominations. I was slightly surprised by her simultaneous use of oracle magic and abominations.

It seemed she was stronger than her canonical version, but it's far from enough to pass my barrier.

I am literally as powerful as a god currently. I can warp reality and manipulate the laws of the universe.

It's not Amity who could worry me. Even Luz, with the powers of the Titan, would be easily beaten by my current mastery of the laws.

"That's enough." I mastered Amity with telekinesis before bringing her closer to me.

"Willow is dead, but she can potentially come back if she actually followed my advice during our time together, unlike someone here."

Amity wanted to reply, but I sealed her mouth with a simple look.

"You said Willow is dead, so how could she come back?" Odalia didn't care about Amity's current state.

She had spent all this time carefully observing my magic. It seemed she was interested in potential gains.

My mother really saw things too small.

I released Amity and turned to Odalia.

"I was able to reincarnate her with her memories intact."


The reactions in the room were diverse. Some were in denial, others surprised but not totally incredulous.

Alador and Eldric were in the latter case. Both, like me, are magical engineers. So, they study magic from a scientific point of view.

"Explaining all this to you would take too long. I'm going to transfer part of my adventures to you."

I sent them the essence of my adventures in Gravity Falls, omitting my encounter with SCP-738 and the tragic fate of Bill Cipher.

I also removed some embarrassing details, like Eda's forced help for Evy's conception.

"I'm a grandfather?"

"You defeated a dimensional demon?"

"You went to the human world?"

"Willow is stuck in another dimension?"

It seemed that sharing part of my story had only increased their questions.

Author's Note: Too much drama in this chapter for my taste but necessary, I could have potentially reversed it with chapter 51 but I prefer to keep this encounter for after this.

Heroherocreators' thoughts