

May 5, 1999, Bronx - New York

Anthony woke up with a severe headache in a hospital where he had just been born. It was the most painful and dark moment he remembered. The feeling of leaving someone's body was not at all pleasant.

Young Anthony had died and reincarnated in the Marvel universe thanks to the goddess of reincarnation. Anthony, in his other life a twelve year old child was anxious and apprehensive about his new world, before reincarnating the goddess told him that she would give a small system that would present him with the mutant powers that would protect him in the dangerous Marvel universe, in addition to a telepathic immunity skill that would protect him from beings like Professor X.

Anthony watched the hospital roof while probes were attached to his veins and nose. His newborn body was Weak.

"Poor little boy, did the mother who used crack not survive? The poor guy is on drugs. " A nurse asked another.

" Apparently no. The girl also had no family, I already informed the social assistance. " Another nurse replied.

"Without a family, huh… I think I started with my left foot in this world, apparently this body is also chemically dependent thanks to the mother who uses drugs. That explains the chills. " Anthony thought as he listened to the nurses.

[System Started.

Welcome user to the power acquisition system. The system works through points that can be exchanged for skills. The points and the system will only be available in the next twenty minutes thanks to the goddess of reincarnation for the user to decide their destination.

Points available: 1000

Do you want to open the store?

-Yes No ]

Mentally Anthony confirmed yes, the young man was anxious for something that would make him stronger and make him detox with drugs. Anthony wanted a strong body after all. Mentally sliding Anthony went straight to the skills, he was eager to build a strong body.

[Skills store.

Points available: 1000

- Movement

Teleportation: 150

Flight: 50

- Body

Super Force Majeure (Unlimited Strength): 250

Super Minor Force (100 tons): 200

Major Healing Factor: 150

Minor Healing Factor: 100

Hard Body: 50

Super Brain: 50

- Manipulations

Life: 250

Mental (telekinesis and telepathy): 250

Plasma: 250

Energy: 250

Magnetism: 200

Severity: 200

Water: 25

Earth: 25

Electricity: 25

Pyromancy: 25

- Miscellaneous Powers

Intangibility: 250

Invisibility: 200

Metamorphosis: 150]

Mind Control will certainly be very useful, flight does not seem very necessary with Telekinesis. That leaves 750 points ... System, describe life manipulation, super brain and hard body. "

[Life Manipulation

It allows the User to absorb the vital energy of living beings and manipulate their reserves to heal living beings or even revive the dead, if they are interested. The user with this ability will arouse the interest of Death itself.

Super brain:

The human brain can only use 10% of its potential. With the super brain the organism is prepared to develop a super intelligence, besides being more propitious to break the limits and to evolve powerful pre-existing telepathic and telekinetic powers.

Hard Body:

Increases the hardness of the user's skin, muscles and organs at the level of Adamantium. ]

"System, I wish the Mental Manipulation, Hard Body, Major Healing Factor, Super Force Majeure, Life Manipulation and Super Brain. Handling life can be expensive but it is an interesting thing to own. Who knows, maybe I will create my company that revives the deads ? " Said Anthony.

[ Done. Performing Transcription in Genes X]

"ARGHHHHHH" Anthony started screaming and crying in pain as he convulsed. The doctors and nurses ran to him, after all it was a common symptom of drug addiction. Inside the DNA of Anthony's cells was being rewritten.

June 4, 2005 - Bronx Orphanage

Anthony was sitting in the playground of his orphanage in the Bronx. Anthony had the same appearance as his past life and had not yet awakened all his powers, only healing. A bird had hit the orphanage's wall and Anthony ran to the fallen bird, he was blue and with a long beak.

"I hope it works." Anthony caught the bird and a green energy started to be emitted and seen with naked eyes in his palms. Slowly the bird began to heal and its wings returned to their place. The bird flew to the sky before giving a shout of thanks.

"Better get back to the room." Anthony thought.

Anthony's life was not bad for an orphan, apart from poverty. Inside the orphanage he barely interacted and preferred to read or try to exercise so that his powers were awakened. Anthony awoke his life-manipulating powers one day that Mike, one of the children at the orphanage, had passed out after falling off his bicycle.

Anthony was afraid that Mike had some serious injury and that day, taking advantage of the fact that there was no one around, he successfully healed Mike. Anthony concluded that feelings were an important variable in activating Genes X. The young man should figure out how to activate other abilities when the time came.

"The biggest problem here is not knowing what is going on in the universe. I don't know which timeline of the comics I am in but I have to worry about apocalypse, Black Phoenix, Ultron, Galactus and even Thanos. Not that I care so much about other people, but I need to survive. " Anthony thought as he walked to his room. It was almost five o'clock and he was supposed to take a shower and get ready for an interview with a couple who interested him.

Anthony was very practical on adoption issues. Part of him wanted to develop even in this chaotic Marvel universe and have the chance to build bonds as a family. Anthony deduced that was a weakness because of his age hormones, and there was one couple in particular who softened his heart.

Instead of being bitter about the possibilities of his future, Anthony decided that it would be good to establish his foundations in this world, and for a young man who saw his parents murdered as a child in his other life, it might not be so bad for his heart to have another family. The various couples who tried to adopt Anthony were not very successful, but these two who would take him out to dinner today piqued his interest.

Wilson Fisk and Vanessa Fisk had been together for years and were unable to have a family due to their advanced age. The idea of ​​adoption soon emerged as Vanessa's dream of consolidating a family. When visiting the orphanage, Vanessa fell in love with Anthony's creativity and intelligence. Wilson Fisk was surprised by Anthony due to his maturity and cannot help but imagine him as his son and inheriting his entire empire.

Anthony put on some better clothes to go to dinner with Wilson and Vanessa. As in the afterlife, his clothes were extremely poor and there was not much to do. Anthony came down the stairs in short jeans, a worn out shoes and a shirt from a European football team.

" You are handsome". Vanessa said with a wide smile on her face. For some reason, whenever Vanessa visited Anthony her heart went into peace.

Wilson Fisk wore a white suit while smiling at that scene. Wilson certainly wouldn't raise a soft child as an heir, but he was glad Anthony was a mature boy with a steady heart. The joy he brought to Wilson and Vanessa himself was absolutely visible.

"I brought you a present, champion" Wilson said while holding a football signed by the Brazilian team.

"Thank you, Mr. Wilson." Anthony smiled as he looked at the Bald Man, he really liked the gift.

Anthony didn't think Wilson was a bad person, well, he was. But Anthony thought he could change some of Wilson's views and take him slowly to legality in his business. Having money was not a bad thing either, and Wilson and Vanessa's affection was real and Anthony felt it.

While the couple talked to Anthony, Wesley approached Wilson Fisk and whispered in his ear.

"The car is ready sir." Wesley whispered.

"Great, are you ready to take a stroll Anthony?" Wilson smiled as he held Anthony's hands close to Vanessa. Anthony's mentality was still that of a child despite being very mature, so it was not difficult to attract attention and be popular with adults. Anthony got in the car and was guided to a luxurious European restaurant in the city center.

There were many people and they all looked towards Anthony. Obviously the boy wore poor clothes and people talked about it. The owner of the restaurant and starched receptionist approached Wilson Fisk and Vanessa when noticing Anthony's poor clothes.

"Sir and Madam, I apologize but all the tables are full." The receptionist said looking at the boy with disdain.

"Impossible, I've been eating here for months, and a table was booked two weeks ago." Wilson snarled. Vanessa took his arm and held one of Fisk's hands as she squinted at the Receptionist.

Wilson was beginning his rise in the New York crime world and despite his high status he was not yet recognized by high society and was even seen as a toad at the bottom of the well. Anthony watched everything as he looked coldly at the owner of the restaurant. Anthony did not like people who abused him, and in that he was just like Fisk.

"Love, let's go home, why don't we do something more private for us and Anthony like a spaghetti?" Vanessa asked. She knew who Wilson was and what he would do anyway after he was offended. If she managed to avoid him being perceived by other people it would be a gain.

"Okay Vanessa ... Wesley, you know what to do." Wilson Fisk announced, trying hard not to attack the restaurant owner in front of Anthony and Vanessa.

Wilson, Vanessa and Anthony got in the car and headed for the Fisk mansion while Wesley made a call.

Five minutes later, five black cars stopped in front of the restaurant with more than twenty men armed with machine guns and even a bazooka.

Drawing a knife from his blazer, Wesley approached the restaurant owner who snubbed Wilson and Anthony. Harry Miles, a respectable owner of three luxury restaurants, was startled as Wesley's knife cut his throat. The armed men entered the restaurant and started shooting indiscriminately followed by a bazooka shot to end the evidence at the scene. The men quickly got into the cars and drove away. Only twenty minutes later the police arrived at the scene.

June 04, 2005 8 pm - Fisk Mansion

Wilson, Vanessa and Anthony were sitting at a table while eating a Spaghetti made by Vanessa herself.

"Anthony, did you think about our invitation?" Wilson asked as he looked at the young boy. Vanessa looked strainedly at Wilson, she didn't expect him to be so blunt in the question.

"Yes, but first I have a question for you, why me? Why not any other boy at the orphanage? " Anthony asked with serious eyes.

This question was real, in the last month that Wilson Fisk and Vanessa visited him weekly, a bond was slowly built and the question that the young man had was whether this bond was real or not. Wilson and Vanessa looked at each other in surprise at a child's well-crafted question and Wilson smiled approvingly.

"You know, Anthony, sometimes lost and alone parents need children who are also alone, they are a form of fitting in the puzzle of the heart. What I can say is that both Wilson and I feel that you are our fit. Not only are you a genius, but we really feel that connection with you, and we deeply wish that you felt with us as well. " Vanessa's eyes were filled with tears as she said. Even Wilson's hard eyes were uneasy with the boy's response.

" I accept. I also felt that connection. " Anthony said placing his hand over Vanessa's.

Vanessa and Wilson looked at each other with a smile and kissed each other. The two got up from the table and hugged Anthony who was chewing a meatball, Anthony left his fork on his plate while hugging the giant bald man and the beautiful lady beside him.

"Anthony, I am extremely happy." Vanessa succumbed to tears and smiles.

"You can stay here today if you want Anthony, a call from me for social assistance and everything will be settled." Wilson Fisk said he had a tear trail on his face and a warm smile.

"I'm happy ... Dad, Mom ..." Anthony smiled as he hugged them both.

Consider the MC, a child who has appreciation for loved ones but doubtful character with others. The MC will be initially unscrupulous with some heroes, being able to change their behavior at a breaking point, so I recommend anyone who is very sentimental to some character to abandon the story here.

There will be absolutely no Harems or rapes in history. Mc may have a romantic disappointment throughout history.

aupi_rzcreators' thoughts