

December 24, 2008 - Russian Mafia Garage 03:00 AM

Anthony Fisk was tied up with his mother Vanessa on two chairs in a kind of basement in a warehouse, while twenty Russian criminals were scattered across the property as sentries and on guard against Wilson Fisk men or police.

Anthony felt powerless, he had the power, but he hadn't awakened them. The young man was blindfolded and tied up next to his mother. A sound of footsteps was heard in front of him, startling Vanessa.

"Please, let him go. He's just a child !! " Vanessa screamed as she cried.

"Mommy ..." Anthony tried to comfort her, he was also scared.

"Shut up, bitch," the Russian said.

The Russian slapped Vanessa so hard on the face that she fell unconscious with her chair and blood spattered on Anthony's face, followed by the sounds of punches and kicks.

"Damn you! Stop! " Anthony shouted angrily. The sound was clear enough for him to know about the beating. At that moment the rest of Anthony's powers were activated and a superhuman strength emerged from his muscles. The boy on the outside looked totally normal, with no muscle changes, but his hidden power was still there.

Anthony's chair and strings broke and he ran towards the voice as he withdrew his blindfolds. The Russian was holding Vanessa by the throat and the poor woman was covered in beatings.

The man was barely able to react when a child's fist went through his chest crushing all of his organs in the process. Antony split the man in half with both hands, turning the entire hold into a sea of ​​blood. 39-year-old Yuri died instantly and with disbelief on his face. Vanessa had passed out and Anthony's mind was in chaos, but he remembered to heal Vanessa's most serious injuries.

From 100 meters away, Anthony could read everyone's mind. Anthony was confused, afraid, with a lot of headache and anger at himself and the Russians that his foster mother was hurt. Slowly the young man was walking towards the voices, intrinsically wishing to silence them. Without realizing in his surroundings and throughout the Russians' property, objects from the warehouse such as tools, weapons, cars and even people began to float out of nowhere.

"What the fuck is this Dimitri?" A bearded man shouted as he floated.

"I have no idea Ivan" A young man with tattoos on his head replied with a start.

With a thud, the men's weapons floated to the Russians' heads, and with a hand wave from Anthony who was watching them in the background, the pistols unlocked and fired at the men.

Anthony stopped for a moment and watched two of the voices plaguing his head disappear.

"Seventeen to go. "Said Anthony looking at a lit window and loud music coming from a distance.

December 24, 2008 3:10 AM - Hall of the Brain, Mansion X.

Professor X frowned as he watched the Russians' minds from a distance. The powerful and unforgiving young man was a telepath like him and Jean, and perhaps even stronger.

"Logan, Ororo, prepare the jet, we have a terribly powerful, uncontrolled and scared mutant boy in Hell's Kitchen. See you on the jet in five minutes. " Professor announced telepathically.

"What a disturbance, I wanted to sleep". Logan mentally complained.

"Are you also going to professor?" Ororo asked.

"Yes ... The child is a telepath and one of the powerful ..." Charles said.

December 24, 2008 3:15 am.

Wilson Fisk was covered in sweat and with an inconceivable scowl in his eyes. The former head of security who was replacing Wesley had already been killed by his own hands. Fisk was desperate for his wife and son, it was one thing to attack him and quite another to attack his family.

After discovering the Russians' base, Wilson and Wesley walked on a mountain of disfigured bodies. There were severed, dented, torn and even exploded bodies, a scene of total terror that even Wesley and Wilson felt a shiver down their spine. Wesley bent down and pulled a severed arm with the tattooed Russian brotherhood's coat of arms.

Around Fisk and his men small objects floated in the air and less intensely than before.

"What the fuck is that?" Wilson said.

"It's the Russians. Someone came before us. " Wesley said with solemn eyes.

"Search the entire warehouse. I want someone alive and ready for interrogation now! " Wilson Fisk shouted at all his henchmen who ran wildly and ignored the small floating objects.

"Sir, we found the young master Fisk." One of the men said one of the men through the communicator

"Mister Fisk, we found your wife." Said another henchman through the communicator

"Bring us here". Wilson said.

"Sir ... You will want to see this." One of the men said in a shaky voice.

Wilson slowly walked over to the man and saw Vanessa pale, beaten and bruised over his face. Hugging her, Wilson began to sob and cry.

"Vanessa, forgive me it's all my fault". Wilson cried.

"Sir, you're going to want to see this ... It's about Anthony ..." Wesley interrupted.

"Wesley, command your men to take Vanessa to the hospital immediately, put as many guards as you need but I don't want to see her hurt ever again." Fisk said solemnly, handing Vanessa over to Pierre, his second in command.

In a large garage, dozens of tools and cars floated in the air. In the center of space, Anthony floated unconscious. Dozens of deformed corpses were also floating on their feet. Wilson smiled at that scene, maybe that disaster that almost became a tragedy had something beneficial in the end. Powerful! Incredibly powerful!

When Wilson was about to touch Anthony's feet, a man in a wheelchair accompanied by a short, strong man and a beautiful black woman appeared at the rear doors of the building interrupting Wilson Fisk.

"Wait!" Charles said mentally.

Wilson and all his men drew their pistols.

" Who are you?" Wilson snarled

"My name is Charles Xavier, and these are Wolverine and Storm. We are like your son and we are mutants, people with special skills and talents ". Said Charles. While explaining his mind control, he made all Fisk's goons fall asleep just by keeping him awake.

"What do you want here and with my son?" Fisk barked.

"Your son has had an emotional shock and his powers are out of control. His best chance is that we help him, "Charles said.

"Okay ... I'll let you help, but try something and you'll know the consequences." Fisk warned.

"Threatening is not the smartest thing." Wolverine said.

Fisk raised his eyebrows at the comment. Professor X slowly approached Anthony and tried to invade his consciousness. For some reason, Charles was immediately repelled and not giving him a chance to see Anthony's thoughts.

Charles's invasion, despite failing due to Anthony's telepathic immunity, served to wake him from his sleeping state, causing him to fall into Fisk's arms and all the objects and cars in the environment that were floating also collapsed. Charles was surprised by this ability of telephatic immunity

"Mr Fisk, your son seems to be immune to my powers. I see that he is a young talent. " Charles said and Fisk smiled.

" Where am I? Mom?! She is fine?!" Anthony asked to Wilson before falling asleep.

"Yes my son, thanks to you" said Wilson while stroking his hair.

"I think you want answers." Charles said.

"Yes, but not today. Come to my office in three days, I believe that by then my wife and son are awake. " Fisk said while throwing a gold card for Wolverine.

December 27, 2008 - Fisk Building Office

After seeing Anthony's mental state, Wilson agreed to a meeting with Xavier. Anthony, to Wilson's surprise, did not feel too sorry for the Russians and even the blood on his hands did not contain regret. Wilson smiled with satisfaction, of course.

On one side of a table sat Wilson, Anthony and Vanessa already recovered and in front of Charles Xavier, a rude man and a beautiful lady were sitting holding pamphlets.

"Mutants, it's really hard to digest." Vanessa said.

"The power that Anthony has shown is really strong." Wilson said as he ruffled his son's hair.

"Are you sure you are not angry?" Anthony asked apprehensively.

" Rage? You are our son and you saved me. Mutant or not I will love you forever. " Vanessa said as she held Anthony's hand.

"You are as strong as me. Your last name is Fisk, never be ashamed of who you are. " Wilson said.

"Did you decide on the institute? Anthony's telekinetic and even telepathic powers were clear, but I feel there is something more to this. " Professor X said.

"Do you have any more Anthony power?" Fisk asked.

"I… I can heal people and absorb vital energy from plants. I also heal quickly and when they hit Mom I was so angry that my strength became superhuman. " Anthony said.

"You healed your mother, right? The doctor said she was supposed to have had intracranial hemorrhage but for some reason there was none. About your Charles institute, I don't know if I want someone influencing my son's head. I have my business and I want him to follow the family's work. " Wilson said.

"Listen whale, you're the one who badly influences to the children here" Wolverine grunted as claws came out of one of his fists.

"Wolverine, manners." Storm interrupted him.

"I am aware of your" business ", Mr. Fisk. Fortunately, although I don't agree with these projects, I feel more inclined to educate Anthony to control his powers than to keep him out there and out of control. " Professor X said looking at Anthony.

"Professor X is a manipulator. When you think that someone so peace-loving would recruit his own personal army of mutants, you realize that he is not so different from Magneto or any other faction. His attitude is just neutral. " Anthony thought.

"What do you want, Anthony?" Vanessa asked Anthony as she stroked his hair.

"I want to take over Dad's work, but I also want to control that power. Can't I do both? " Anthony asked, pretending to be innocent.

"I accept as long as he keeps business in mind." Fisk said.

"I also accept". Professor X said.

"Okay, it's time for you to go to school and stop studying alone at home, even though Wesley is a great tutor. Why don't you spend the week there and stay with us on weekends? Of course I will miss you, but I comfort myself more by thinking that you will be well taken care of. " Vanessa said.

" Right." Anthony nodded.

"So we have an agreement." Wilson said.

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