
The Origin of the Cosmos

Story about Primal Chaos first Origin Primal System. 1. It has sub systems like Tribe, Clan, Sect, Kingdom, Bloodline system, etc First few chapters are very fast and confusing filled with grammatical mistakes hopefully it will improve. 2. I will try to make romance less generic as possible and will add a bit of modern romance environments. 3. Sorry for story's power scale being unbalanced right now but by end of vol 1, I will balance it out to make future power scale unbalanced again. 4. Interactions is a bit problematic because of confusion in first, third person, and narration. 5. Its has harem, romance, etc it will later have more on martial art comprehension. 6. Sorry but cultivation upgrade will always be fast. 7. Will try to add humour. 8. I am writing this as I want to write a story of my imagination as I felt many things are left out in the novels I read. 9. And please join discord and give ideas and help me writing the story things you want to add. 10. My last updated chapter will always be incomplete and it will be completed when next chapter will get uploaded. 11. Criticism are always welcomed but please do it with while pointing my mistakes out exactly so that I can correct myself. Adventures to the peak of existence He who is revered as LOrd of aweSomeness. I am a science student writing literature so please give me forgive my mistakes, support and give ideas on my discord. discord; https://discord.gg/EnsFuvm

omegasensei · ファンタジー
32 Chs


Jasmine was standing quietly without any movement suddenly her eye flashed a drop of water appeared in her finger floating.

"This is enough to kill you but don't worry I have made it 99 percent weaker it will only injury you" Jasmine said.

Crown prince was laughing fanatically "you said you can kill me with this drop of water?"

While crown prince was laughing a black clothed person appeared out of thin air came and whispered "Crown prince this is not ordinary drop of water please lets get going your father will get angry"

Jasmine without waiting for their response shot the drop of water towards crown prince. The black clothed person quickly appeared and got hit by the drop of powerful water he quickly used all of his blood essence to dissolve the attack. His whole body was tired and exhausted he shouted "Quickly escort crown prince out of here"

"You... I will see you later this is not over!!" crown prince vanished with his bodyguards.

"I didn't expect I have become so powerful this system is really a fortune" shocked Jasmine tightened her eyes look towards Nasir and said.

"Of course you're are powerful whose wife are you! you can fight 1-2 large realm by yourself without losing blood essence or risking yourself" Nasir said while laughing.

"so are you saying I can fight Ascension realm powerhouse?" Jasmine asked .

"Yes while I can skip realms same as you I can skip 2-3 great realms it all because of our spirit bloodline soul martial arts and essence's quantity and quality" Nasir said casually.

"What happened today will bring us endless trouble but we are not weak anymore we can fight back whoever our opponents maybe. Even if it is the Great Empire!!" Nasir said coldly while staring at Jasmine.

While two of them were discussing Emperor already got all information of what happened in that place.

"I have something I want to know and I want you to be very honest otherwise..." Jasmine suddenly remembered something she coldly stared at him.

"What have I done again..." Nasir thinking about his future and sighing.

While I keep chapters short, because of low manpower in future no chapter will have words less than 310 words.

omegasenseicreators' thoughts