
The Orb of Worlds without Limits: Alice in Borderland

Jacob, a young man burdened by tragedy and adversity, discovers a magical orb in his darkest moment of despair. This discovery sets off a chain of events that will lead him to uncover unimaginable things and embark on a perilous journey filled with dangers and revelations. After experiencing an unjust betrayal, Jacob finds himself immersed in despair and darkness. But one day, while wandering through the forgotten corners of his tiny world, he stumbles upon a mysterious glowing orb that emanates supernatural energy. Known as "The Orb of Worlds without Limits," the orb grants Jacob the ability to travel to different worlds and unlocks unknown knowledge within him. In his quest to uncover the truth behind the orb and his own purpose, Jacob encounters a truth he never could have expected. Throughout his travels, Jacob will experience otherworldly encounters and learn to appreciate his own existence in ways he never thought possible. [Make your choice!] "[... World A: The Hunger Games Difficulty level: 3 ... World B: Apollo 18 Difficulty level: 4 ... World C: Blood Red Sky Difficulty level: 3 ... World D: Sweet Home Difficulty level: 5

SrCuervo · 映画
243 Chs

Blood in the Mist

Jacob reflected on the events that had occurred in the arena and began connecting the dots. Each element seemed to be meticulously controlled by the Gamemakers, the masterminds behind the Hunger Games. The dense fog, the rain that started to fall, and the beasts prowling the area, everything seemed to be part of an orchestrated plan.

From the beginning, he had noticed the constant presence of cameras and drones, monitoring every move of the tributes. Now, from the very start, you have always understood what the viewers wanted. The Gamemakers had the power to manipulate the weather and create dangerous situations to increase the excitement and tension of the spectacle.

But if the viewers are not satisfied or pleased, they will do whatever they can or catch their attention. Like when the professional tributes were attacked, all of that was due to the dissatisfaction of the audience.

The death toll meter, an apparently harmless but crucial element in the game, was also under their control. Jacob knew that the Gamemakers could modify it according to their interests, perhaps to prolong the agony of the tributes or to increase the pressure on them.

With this understanding, Jacob realized that the appearance of the beasts was not a coincidence. It was a new threat that the Gamemakers had designed to raise the level of danger in the arena. But he also knew that if the beasts had not appeared, he had a backup plan.

His alternative plan was to use the mines he carried to create noise and distract the remaining tributes, attracting the attention of the cameras and the Gamemakers. While this did not guarantee the elimination of the beasts, it would at least allow Jacob and his allies to divert attention and take the initiative in the game.

With a cold gaze, Jacob understood that he had to take advantage of the situation for his benefit. Although it was clear that the Gamemakers controlled the game and that the struggle was a battle against superior forces, he would not give up. He would use every resource at his disposal and every opportunity that presented itself to challenge his adversaries and find a path to freedom.

As he prepared for the imminent attack, Jacob knew that he was in a deadly game where the rules favored the most beloved tributes. With this in mind, Jacob would use everything at his disposal to survive the games. His imperfect manipulations were aimed at winning. He was willing to risk everything to survive and challenge those who controlled them from the shadows.

"They're coming!!!"

The tension in the air was palpable as Jacob shouted that the beasts were near. The roars echoed around him, mixed with explosions from the strategically placed mines. The fog stirred with each detonation, revealing fragments of dismembered bodies of the dead beasts.

Clove, agile and determined, hurled her sharp knives into the shadows, seeking to injure the beasts from a distance. Her aim was precise, and some of the projectiles found their mark, causing wounds to the approaching creatures.

Foxface, with a gaze filled with terror but also bravery, shot arrows from her bow. Her trembling pulse did not prevent her from hitting the targets, and the arrows found their mark with precision, taking down the beasts one after another.

Jacob, holding his Kusarigama firmly, moved skillfully through the battlefield. He used the reach of his weapon to stay safe, throwing the weight of the chain towards the beasts, entangling and destabilizing them. Then, with a quick motion, he pulled the chain to draw them towards him and took advantage of the moment to finish them off with the sharp blade of his weapon.

The rain and fog made visibility difficult, but the flashes of blood and pieces of mutilated bodies indicated that they were causing damage. Jacob carefully observed his surroundings, searching for any sign of danger. He noticed movements among the mist, stirring shadows, and prepared himself to face the unknown.

Suddenly, a dark figure emerged from the fog. It was gravely injured, its body showing signs of wear and its fury evident in every movement. Jacob and the others recognized in it their main target, the beast they had to eliminate to ensure their survival.

"Here it comes!" Cato shouted with a cold gaze.

The battle intensified as Jacob lunged at the beast. His Kusarigama spun and cut through the air, finding its mark with each strike. The beast, despite its wounds, showed fierce resistance, counterattacking with sharp claws and deafening roars.

The enormous body of the mutated beast lunged at Clove, sending her flying through the air. With a dull thud, the brave tribute fell to the ground, stunned by the impact. Before she could recover, a smaller mutated beast pounced on her, its claws sharp and its wild teeth seeking to inflict harm. Clove fought with all her strength, throwing knives and dodging attacks, but the beast was bloodthirsty and relentless.

Meanwhile, Jacob, with his eyes fixed on the giant beast, prepared for his decisive moment. He remained calm and focused, patiently waiting for the right moment to act. Every muscle in his body was tense, ready for the attack.

In an instant, the giant beast approached Cato dangerously, displaying its power and ferocity. It was at that precise moment that Jacob launched his attack. With astonishing agility, he leaped from his position and, with a war cry, forcefully plunged his machete into the muscles of the beast. The impact reverberated in the air, and a trace of blood began to flow from the wound.


The beast, driven mad by pain, thrashed furiously, attempting to free itself from Jacob's grip. But he did not relent for a moment. With fierce determination, he stabbed repeatedly at the beast's neck, seeking to weaken it and cause irreparable damage.

Cato, who had been observing Jacob's movements and understood the purpose behind his attack, stood close by, vigilant and ready to intervene if necessary. Despite receiving a wound to his face during the battle, his fiery gaze of brutality did not waver.

Meanwhile, the other mutated beasts, also injured by the mine explosions and the tributes' attacks, moved with difficulty. Yet, their wild instinct and thirst for blood drove them to continue fighting. Marvel, who had been preparing his spear for a deadly strike, was ambushed by one of the beasts. It clung to his ankle, violently knocking him to the ground.

"Ahhhhhh!" Marvel's cry was agonizing, but few could do anything when they were fighting for their lives.


The gigantic beast, in its uncontrollable frenzy, seemed immortal, and Jacob's heart filled with worry and despair. However, in a surprising twist of fate, something unexpected happened. The beast stepped on a hidden mine in the ground, triggering it and causing a deafening explosion.

The arena was filled with a rain of blood and torn flesh as the gigantic beast was launched into the air, disintegrating into grotesque pieces. Jacob, who had been atop the beast at the moment of the explosion, was catapulted through the air, spinning in space before violently landing on the ground. The impact resonated in his body, and sharp pain seized him.

Silence fell upon the arena, only interrupted by the agonizing groans of the wounded beasts lying on the ground. Jacob, sore but filled with a will to live, tried to slowly get to his feet, looking up towards the horizon.

His hearing had been severely affected, and he couldn't hear what was happening around him, but he could feel, and that was the excruciating pain in every one of his muscles.

"Jacob!" At that moment, Foxface ran towards him, half of his face covered in blood.

"It's done, now we must get out of here!" Jacob murmured, but his words did not come out.

Jacob struggled to stand up, his hearing distorted by the explosion that had left a deafening ringing in his ears. As he tried to recover, Foxface quickly approached him, aware of the ongoing threat posed by the smaller mutated beasts lurking around the professional tributes. It was crucial to get away from that place before the remaining enemies could attack them.

However, in an unexpected turn of events, Marvel threw his spear from behind, movements that did not go unnoticed by Jacob. Acting instinctively, he pushed Foxface aside, but his movements were slow, and the spear inflicted a deep wound on Foxface's arm. Fury ignited in Jacob's eyes as he pulled an electric smoke grenade from his pocket, a special weapon designed to generate a dense cloud of smoke and paralyzing electric shocks upon detonation.

"I'll kill you!" Rising with difficulty, his gaze met Cato's, who, without hesitation, impaled Marvel's heart with his sword. Cato's act, which demonstrated his allegiance to their alliance, did not make Jacob stop.

Without wasting a second, he threw the grenade towards the professional tributes, knowing that its stunning effect could provide them with a crucial opportunity. The grenade exploded in a powerful shockwave that sent everyone present flying through the air. The mutated beasts remained motionless on the ground, paralyzed by the electric shocks and disoriented by the dense cloud of smoke.

Chaos reigned in the arena as the bodies of the tributes were thrown and the fog dispersed in the air. The sound of impact and cries of surprise filled the air. Jacob, with some wounds he couldn't recall how he got them, helped Foxface to his feet, and both fled toward the forest.

They had been less affected by the electric explosion, so they moved slowly and supported each other.

Tension hung in the air, and the rain that had started to fall added a chilling touch of desolation to the environment, as if the sky itself was mourning the lives lost in the fight.

The fate of the tributes was now in their hands.


Suddenly, a cannon was heard, indicating the death of a tribute. That should have been Marvel, but Jacob could no longer keep the strength in his legs, so he fell to the ground.

Through his blurry eyes, he could see Foxface's expression of slow concern as he began to drag him towards the entrance of the forest.

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