
The Oddity By: DGmoonlit

As the young man wandered the streets in search of a late night snack. But little did he know, his journey would come to an abrupt and tragic end. However, death was not the end for this brave soul. A higher being saw fit to grant him new life in a foreign land, imbuing him with extraordinary powers. As he adapts to this strange new world, the young man is faced with a choice: will he use his abilities for the betterment of those around him, or will he succumb to the temptation of power and become a figure to be feared? The path ahead is uncertain, but one thing is for certain: this young man's journey will be one filled with emotion, adventure, and the unknown. Will you join him on his quest to find his place in this new world?

DGmoonlit · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Chapter 5: New Encounter

I've been actively working to improve my rank in the guild after recent identity issues. Despite making slow progress, I am currently in the 6th set, the lowest rank in the guild. I am earning a good amount of money by taking small quests. To save money, I have been camping outside the kingdom, using the skills I learned in my previous life. Every three days, I return to the kingdom to collect my rewards, confirm my quests, and purchase any necessary equipment. I also make sure to check in with Claire or Grace if they are available. Overall, things are going well for me at the moment.

As I strode through my familiar routine, within the forest, a sudden clang of metal on metal jolted me to attention. "Sounds like someone's fighting," I thought, my heart racing. I quickened my pace, drawn towards the fierce clashing of swords. Approaching the source of the noise, I cautiously concealed myself behind a thick bush. Peering through the foliage, I caught a glimpse of a lone figure locked in battle with an orc. The brute was as imposing as the ones I had faced alongside Claire. Though my view was obstructed, I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread as I watched the orc wield its weapon with deadly precision. But then, with a sudden cry, the orc fell, a deep gash carved into its chest. In the aftermath of the orc's defeat, I finally saw the true identity of the warrior. To my surprise, it was not a seasoned fighter, but a mere child.

With a feeling of relief, I concluded that the kid didn't require my assistance. But as I turned to leave, the blood-curdling screams of orcs filled the air. Spinning on my heel, I searched for the source of the commotion and saw the child I had just left standing alone, surrounded by the snarling beasts. "That was fast," I thought, my heart pounding with a mix of anxiety and admiration. Despite the overwhelming odds, the child fought with skill and grace, barely dodging and countering the orcs' attacks with ease. As I watched him fiercely fend off each incoming orc, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at his incredible combat prowess.

The kid had already taken down three orcs, including the first, but I could see the strain etched on his face as he battled against the relentless beasts. These orcs may have been easy to strike, but their massive and strong bodies made them difficult to kill and not to mention there are six left. My heart raced with anxiety as I watched an orc charge towards the kid, but he expertly leapt out of the way. I breathed a sigh of relief, thinking he had escaped unscathed, but another orc had anticipated his move. With a sickening thud, the orc's club connected with the kid's body, sending him crashing to the ground. I could see the pain etched on his face as he lay injured. I knew I had to act fast. I unsheathed my sword and quickly emerged from the bushes, ready to defend him..

With a fierce determination, brandishing my sword and shouting out to the orcs "Hey, why fight an injured person when you can fight me!" My heart was pounding with adrenaline as I taunted them, my words filled with a fierce challenge. I hoped that my bold words would draw their attention away from the kid, and towards me. I was ready for the fight, my muscles tense, my grip tight on my weapon, my eyes locked on the orcs.

An orc started running towards me with a fierce growl. But with the experience I had recently gained, I was able to evade and counter its attack with ease. My heart was pounding with a mix of excitement and determination as I raised my sword, blocking its strike. The orc's hits were light, and with a burst of strength, I pushed it away and slashed its head clean off with one swift movement. My body was shivering, not from fear or nervousness, but from the adrenaline rush of the kill. It was like the thrill of a hunter who had finally claimed their first prey. I grabbed the head of the orc and held it high. "Is this all you've got?" I shouted, my voice filled with a mix of excitement and contempt.

With a fierce determination, I stood my ground as the orcs rushed towards me, just as I had hoped they would. I knew I had to take advantage of their blind rage and use it to my advantage. My heart was pounding with excitement as I expertly evaded every hit they made, my movements precise and calculated. I could see their attacks before they even made them, like holographic projections in my mind, only advanced by mere seconds and limited by my stamina. With a fierce determination, I hacked and slashed my way through them, my sword flashing in the sunlight. The group of six orcs was now reduced to a mere pair of two, their numbers dwindling as I claimed victory after victory. The two remaining orcs turned and ran, but I didn't chase after them. I knew that even injured, they might try to ambush me. I let out a sigh of relief, grateful that luck was on my side today.

"Thank you.... for saving me..." The Child spoke, his voice weak and with gratitude. My heart swelled with emotion as I approached him, dropping to my knees beside him and quickly assessing his injuries. As I searched his body for any wounds, I couldn't help but notice his pointed ears. I couldn't help but be curious and asked him "An elf?"

"Yes Cough that, I am" He replied with a weak smile. "Could you tell me your name mister?"

"My name? Well, you can call me Aaron" I replied, voice steady and calm.

"Ahh... Aaron, My name is Tem. Thank you for saving me and for tending my injury" Tem said, his voice filled with gratitude and appreciation. I couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and connection with this young elf, who I had just met and saved.

As we sat and rested, I opened up more about myself and in turn, he shared more about himself as well. He revealed that he was from "Underwood," a place of elves and that he had been bullied for being weak. He had come to this place to prove himself by hunting monsters. I offered to hunt together, in the hopes that we could help each other out. To my surprise, his injuries were not as severe as they had seemed, and as an elf, they healed quickly. Once he felt up to it, we set out together, hunting slimes for my benefit and taking on orcs as a team.

After a days work, As the sun dipped below the horizon, the sky turned from a bright blue to a deep shade of purple. We set up camp.

After setting up camp, we ravenously consumed the food I had purchased from Aurora as we sat in front of a warm and inviting camp fire. As we were eating, I curiously tilted my head and asked, "Are all orcs like that?" as I was intrigued by what I had just experienced. Tem, who was nearby, turned to me with a curious look on his face, "Like what?" he replied. I paused and considered my response, "The orcs we fought today and the ones I've fought before were smart and cunning, I didn't expect that from orcs".

The concept of orcs back in my world made them sound like brainless beasts. I said in my thoughts.

Tem, who was listening attentively to my question, replied with a serious tone "Not really, there are two types of Orcs in this world. One is lesser orcs, the orcs you've mentioned to be mindless. And there are greater Orcs. The ones that we've fought." He leaned forward, emphasizing on his words as he continued "Usually greater Orcs move in groups since they're more knowledgeable in combat and strategy while lesser orcs move individually, hunting whatever they see. Though lesser orcs lack mentality, greater Orc lacks strength." He paused for a moment, and looked at me with a determined look on his face, "Don't get me wrong, Greater Orcs are strong, but compared to lesser Orcs, there is a huge gap between strengths. Greater Orcs strategize and don't use mere brute strength for battle" he added. I couldn't help but to be impressed by this child's knowledge and understanding.

After our casual conversation, we settled down for the night, As the morning light filtered through the trees, I slowly opened my eyes, signaling the start of a new day. But as I sat up and surveyed my surroundings, I couldn't help but notice that Tem was nowhere to be seen. My heart sank as I realized that not only was he gone, but so were all of my hard-earned precious slime cores. I couldn't help but let out a sigh as I muttered to myself "Well, can't be surprised there, rule number one when meeting a stranger, Don't trust them immediately." My voice was heavy with disappointment and sadness, as I felt depressed by the turn of events.

As I looked around, I couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment and mild depression wash over me as I realized the extent of Tem's betrayal. My eyes scanned the area, searching for any sign of him, but he was nowhere to be found. I couldn't help but wonder what could have motivated him to do this, and if he had even been truthful about his name. But as I continued to assess the situation, I noticed that not all of my belongings were missing. My leather vest and my sword were still by my side, which offered some small solace to my troubled mind. I couldn't help but feel let down by the turn of events, but I knew I had to move forward and find a way to make the best of the situation.

With a heavy heart, I gathered up the remnants of my possessions and set out. My goal was to hunt slimes once more, but my efforts yielded little success. It was really depressing being betrayed like that. I ventured deeper into the woods, my ears attuned for any sign of their presence. And then, a familiar voice caught my attention.

"Tem!" I whispered urgently, my eyes scanning the area frantically as I searched for him. Suddenly, a fleeting figure caught my attention as it sprinted through the distance. Heart racing, my eyes locked onto a figure darting through the forest. It's Tem with a look of terror etched on his face. It appeared as though he was being pursued. Without hesitation, I crept stealthily behind, following his every move. My suspicions were confirmed as I saw a group of people in hot pursuit. "Could it be that he stole from them?" I thought to myself. Regardless of the reason, I knew I had to investigate further and retrieve my stolen property.

Tem, quick on his feet, found himself backed into a dead end, with no way out. I, hiding behind a nearby boulder, managed to remain invisible to the pursuers, while still close enough to hear their every move.

"Hand over those items, and we'll let you walk away with your life," the bandits demanded, their tone menacing.

"No way!" Tem retorted, with a fierce determination. "I obtained these items fair and square, you bandits!"

"What did he just say? 'Fair and square' I couldn't help but snap, incensed at the thought of being robbed. But as I processed his words further, my concern grew. "He referred to them as bandits, this doesn't bode well," I thought to myself, my mind racing with unease.

Five bandits closed in on Tem, their greedy eyes fixed on the bag of items he clutched tightly. One of them lunged forward, trying to wrench the bag from his grasp. But Tem, fueled by a fierce determination, fought back fiercely, successfully fending off the attacker.

"Looks like you've sealed your own fate, kid," the bandit sneered, as his accomplices closed in on Tem from all sides, trapping him in the dead end with no means of escape. Their muscles bulged with strength, intimidating even compared to the orcs I have encountered before.

With a fierce yell, one of the bandits charged forward, with the others quickly following suit. Without hesitation, I sprang out of my hiding spot, leaping into action with lightning speed and taking down one of the attackers with precision.

"It's you!!" Tem exclaimed in surprise.

The remaining bandits looked at their fallen comrade with shock and surprise. "What the hell happened?" one of them muttered, their voice filled with disbelief.

"I happened!" I replied confidently, a hint of satisfaction in my voice as I reveled in my hero moment. I knew it might sound cliche, but I couldn't help the feeling of accomplishment as I finally got to utter those words.

"Darn, he found me." With a scowl etched on his face, Tem thought to himself

Without hesitation, he lunged at one of the bandits, while their shocked. Grasping his dual knives firmly, he aimed to strike his enemy, but the bandit expertly dodged and retaliated with a swift kick, sending Tem flying away from the group.

Tem's body jerked as the vines suddenly ensnared his legs, crawling up his body with alarming speed. He fought desperately to break free, even tried cutting the vines, but with each movement the vines only constricted tighter.

"Tem!" I cried out, my heart racing with fear. This was bad, I had to act fast. My mind raced as I realized that the bandits had a mage among them. Though it wasn't entirely surprising in this fantasy world, it was still a formidable opponent. I knew I had to take them down quickly to save Tem.

I knew the bandits were strong, maybe even as strong as Claire, I thought to myself. They could probably take out multiple orcs with ease. But I couldn't let them steal my stuff. The determination to protect what was mine burned within me as I yelled out, "I can't let them take my stuff!"

I point at the bandits, "You think it's okay to pick on someone smaller than you? Come and face me instead!"

With a snarl on his face, one of the bandits stepped forward, "You got something to say, kid?" he sneered, as he and his companions turned their attention to me. They charge at me. Their attacks were swift and powerful, and I had to use all my agility to dodge them. Their sword swings were so strong that I could feel the wind from each strike brush past my skin. I struggled to keep up with their speed, my eyes barely able to track their movements. I knew this would be a tough fight, but I was determined to defend myself and Tem.

"This is bad," if i keep this up I'd lose for sure. I need to win, my money's on the line here. And Tem.

One of the bandits sneaked up behind me, trying to catch me off guard and slashed me with his sword. I quickly dodged the attack, but the blade still managed to graze my shoulder, leaving a stinging sensation in its wake.

"Aaron!" A concerned Tem shouted, as he frantically moves to escape the vines.

The bandits lunged forward with fierce determination, their swords raised high as they shouted, "This is it kid!" Their eyes were filled with a fierce intensity as they closed in on Aaron, their weapons glinting in the light

With a sudden burst of energy, I felt my spirits lift and a sense of renewed strength wash over me. Time seemed to slow as I moved with precision, just as I had when I first met Claire and battled the orcs. Each block and counter-attack felt effortless, as if I were becoming stronger with every passing moment. My opponents were clearly taken aback by my sudden display of skill and determination. I could see the surprise etched on their faces as I pushed them back with ease.

With a sense of surprise and disbelief, the bandit's mouth hung open, his eyebrows raised in question as he exclaimed, "How did you manage to block our attacks?" He demanded, his voice rising in pitch, "What rank are you?"

I replied calmly "I am a 6th set, got any problem with that?" with a steady voice and a neutral expression despite the bandits'.

"You're joking, right?" The bandit sneered, his lips curled in disdain, "I am a 3rd set. A 6th set like yourself is no match for me." He snarled, his eyes narrowing in determination as he charged towards me with a fierce energy.

With a swift and powerful motion, he swung his sword towards me, but I quickly parried the blow, using the momentum to push him back. As he struggled to regain his footing, I seized the opportunity and charged forward, my sword aimed at his left arm. With a swift and precise strike, I severed his arm, the blood splattering on the ground, the amputated limb falling with a thud. The sight of their leader disarmed and injured, the remaining bandits were intimidated, their faces contorting with fear, their bodies tensing up, they stepped back, unsure of what to do next.

The bandit let out a deafening scream of agony, his body kneels in pain, his body wracked with tremors,  "O" shape as he shouted "What the hell!? Ahhhh... my arm!!"

Despite his injury, the bandit's eyes blazed with fury, his voice filled with anger and determination as he commanded his companions, "Don't just stand there! Get him!" His uninjured arm gestured towards me

All of them were visibly hesitant, their bodies tense, their eyes darting back and forth as if unsure of what to do next. I could understand their uncertainty, after all, they had just witnessed one of their comrades killed and another one severely injured in front of them. Their faces contorted with fear and uncertainty.

The bandit's voice boomed through the air, filled with a sense of urgency and anger. His eyes blazed with fury, as he shouted "Get him, you idiots!! All of you can beat him you're all ranked above him!"

All of them launched their attack with a sense of caution and calculation, their movements coordinated and strategic. One would strike out at me, while another guarded and defended, a pattern that was both effective for offense and defense. However, I soon realized that there was another problem, one of the bandits was a magic user, capable of launching devastating long-range fireballs. This made it difficult for me to get close or create distance, leaving me in a dangerous predicament. My mind raced as I searched for a way to disrupt their formation, knowing that I needed to find a way to break their unity and exploit their weaknesses, especially when it comes to the magic user's attack.

With quick and agile steps, I darted around the battlefield, evading the mage's long-range attacks and the vines he created that ensnared Tem. My eyes locked onto Tem, and with a sense of urgency, I shouted "Tem!! Now!" The mage and the defender were caught off guard, their attention momentarily diverted by my shout, giving me the opportunity I needed to strike. I charged at them with full speed, my sword held high, ready to strike. I let out a battle cry as I closed in on my target, the guard. With a swift and powerful motion, I swung my sword, cutting off his head in a single blow.

With a quick and precise motion, I turned around, my sword held at the ready. My eyes locked onto the attacker and magic user, my expression contorted with fierce determination and adrenaline. I let out a battle cry as I lunged forward, my sword slicing through the air with deadly precision. The attacker and magic user had no time to react, as my sword found its mark, killing them both instantly. Their bodies falling lifeless to the ground, as I stood victorious, my breath coming out in short pants.

I knew that the defender would turn around when I called out Tem, it's his duty to defend the group and tank any attacks, just like any strategic game in my world. With a calculated move, I shouted "Tem!" knowing that the defender would instinctively turn to face the perceived danger.

The vines were still intact at that time, but now that the mage was defeated, Tem was freed. He was panting for air and barely able to stand, his body covered in sweat and bruises.

With a relieved smile on my face, I said "You know, we better not make this a habit of meeting while you're at death's door" trying to lighten the mood of the situation, showing gratitude and relief that he was alright.

I locked my gaze onto the remaining enemy, who's arm I had just cut off. He was staring up at me with a mixture of disbelief, shock and fear on his face as he stuttered "How?! How!!?! H-how could a 6th set beat 5, 3rd sets!"

I approached him slowly, my steps measured and deliberate, my presence imposing and dominating. I towered over him, looking down at him with a cold and calculating stare.

With a voice filled with confidence and power, I said "You said you're all above me and that you can defeat me. now look around... I'm still standing, looking down on all of you." My words carried weight and authority, as I continued to stare down at him, making sure he understood the gravity of the situation, imposing fear on him and making sure he knew that he was no match for me.

The bandit, in fear and desperation, clenched his teeth tightly together and shouted "Don't kid around!!" as he lunged forward with his sword, mustering up whatever strength he had left.

I moved quickly to block his attack, my reflexes honed and ready for the strike. I saw an opening and immediately counterattacked, my sword flashing through the air as I sliced across his throat, cutting through flesh and bone with deadly precision. The bandit's body crumpled to the ground, his last breath escaping him in a gurgle as the life drained out of him.

An admirable bandit. Not giving up even when he knows he couldn't win.

As I surveyed the scene of death around me, a feeling of unease washed over me. It was strange, I thought, that I could kill 5 people without a twinge of remorse or guilt. It was as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Is this what power does to a person? I wondered. I knew I had to be careful, to guard against the corrupting influence of such power.


I scanned the area, my eyes finally settling on Tem. He looked at me with a mix of awe and surprise on his face, his mouth hanging open in disbelief. "Wow," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment that this was his reaction, but I knew it was the reality of the situation. I had just killed multiple people and it was not something to be taken lightly.

"Aaron, your strength is truly impressive," Tem exclaimed in awe, his eyes wide with admiration. "First, you took out orcs, and now you've taken out 3rd sets. It's amazing!"

I couldn't let his compliments distract me, though. I fixed him with a stern gaze and demanded, "Hey, give me back my stuff!"

"Oh, right. I-I-I'm sorry, here you go," Tem said, looking down as he handed back the pouch full of slime cores he had taken. I quickly checked inside to make sure everything was still there.

"I'm not stealing that for my own reason you know," Tem tried to explain.

"Where I came from, stealing is stealing, kid," I replied, holding the cores tightly and tying it on my side.

After the incident, I walked away with a determined stride, my eyes scanning the ground for any sign of slimes, while Tem followed me closely, his shoulders drooping and his steps hesitant, as if he was unsure whether he should be there or not. He apologized to me, Sir Aaron, with a quivering voice, saying "I'm sorry, I was just in a desperate need for money. My mother is currently very ill and I needed the funds to pay for her treatment."

I halted my steps and turned to face Tem. I stared at him with a look of curiosity and asked him in a curious tone, "How old are you, kid?" He hesitated before answering, "12, Sir Aaron," with a respectful tone. I couldn't help but notice that he had begun to address me as "sir," which he hadn't done before I saved him. This, along with his previous lie about coming to the area to fight monsters, caused me to wonder about his intentions and background.

I let out a deep sigh and turned to look at Tem, my expression one of skepticism. I asked him with a hint of doubt in my voice, "Are you sure that you're doing this for your mother?" He replied with a hint of defensiveness in his tone, saying "Yes, I'm doing this for her." I persisted with my questioning and asked, "Does your mother love you?" without hesitation he replied "Yes" and I could see the conviction in his eyes. I couldn't help but think of my own mother, who probably didn't even realize her son was missing. The thought made my heart heavy and I let out another sigh, reflecting on my own loss.

I looked at Tem with a mix of determination and compassion in my eyes, and spoke firmly, "I'll help you out, kid. We'll hunt slimes together and redeem the rewards, and then we'll visit your mother. I still need to tell her about the incident and your crimes." Tem looked at me with hope in his eyes, and asked hesitantly, "So you're going to help me, Sir Aaron?" I let out a sigh, my shoulders drooping with the weight of the situation, and replied, "Yes, I'll help you. But I still need to speak to your mother about this. And drop the 'sir' thing, I don't like it." Tem nodded quickly with a broad smile on his face and his eyes alight with excitement, he said, "OK, Mister!" as he shifted on his feet, unable to contain his enthusiasm. I let out another sigh, this one filled with resignation, as I realized that this was going to be a long and challenging journey.