
The Oddity By: DGmoonlit

As the young man wandered the streets in search of a late night snack. But little did he know, his journey would come to an abrupt and tragic end. However, death was not the end for this brave soul. A higher being saw fit to grant him new life in a foreign land, imbuing him with extraordinary powers. As he adapts to this strange new world, the young man is faced with a choice: will he use his abilities for the betterment of those around him, or will he succumb to the temptation of power and become a figure to be feared? The path ahead is uncertain, but one thing is for certain: this young man's journey will be one filled with emotion, adventure, and the unknown. Will you join him on his quest to find his place in this new world?

DGmoonlit · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Chapter 14: Separated and Curious

Meanwhile, in the middle of the kingdom, a woman was situated atop one of the four towers of the castle. Her room boasted a window that overlooked the vast expanse of the kingdom. Just waking up from bed, she rose and stood, her disheveled hair falling around her shoulders. She wore nothing but her underwear and bandages that covered her injuries. Her physique was slim, yet strong and muscular. Claire made her way to a nearby vanity table and took a seat. She held the ends of her tangled hair in front of the mirror, then opened a drawer to retrieve a comb. As she combed through her hair, it transformed into a glossy red cascade, revealing her piercing blue eyes.

Standing up and walking towards a window, Claire leaned against the frame, taking a deep breath. Her mind wandered, pondering the whereabouts of someone in particular.

"I wonder where he is right now," she mused to herself, resting her arms on the windowsill and propping her head on her hands, her back arching slightly.

Shaking off her thoughts, she straightened herself up and stretched her arms above her head. She then walked over to a nearby cabinet, opening it to reveal a white dress. Claire swiftly slipped into a white dress, preparing for the day ahead.

A knock at the door interrupted her preparations. Curious, she approached the door and opened it slightly, peering through with only her eyes visible.

"Who is it?" she inquired.

An old man with white hair, dressed in a suit, stood before her.

"My lady, it is time for breakfast," he announced, standing tall with a sense of formality.

Claire opened the door wider. "You don't have to be so formal with me, Alfred. I'm not my father or brother," she responded with a warm smile.

"You know I can't help it, Lady Claire," Alfred replied, his posture unwavering. "Come, let us proceed to the dining room."

"Alright, Alfred," she said, tilting her head playfully from side to side.

Alfred walked ahead with an air of formality, while Claire couldn't resist a playful impulse. With a mischievous smile, she broke into a light jog, following closely behind Alfred as they made their way to the dining room.

Alfred opened the door to the dining room and stepped aside, allowing Claire to enter. She walked into the room and inclined her head slightly in gratitude towards Alfred. The door closed behind her. Inside the dining room, a large table occupied the center, while four knights stood in the corners, and two maids stood close to the table. One of the maids pulled out a chair and bowed, gesturing for Claire to take a seat. Claire sat down and nodded her head in appreciation towards the maid.

Seated across the table, she faced the king. To the left of the king sat the queen, a beautiful woman with black hair, and on his right sat her eldest brother, with long red hair.

"How are you feeling, my sweet?" the queen asked, rising from her seat and walking closer to Claire. She took a seat at Claire's right side.

"Can you move properly? Can you eat without difficulty?" the queen inquired, gently touching various parts of Claire's body.

"I'm fine, Mom. I told you," Claire replied.

"Nonsense! You've just been injured, and now you think you're alright? I think not!" the mother retorted, furrowing her brows.

The queen picked up a spoon and attempted to feed her daughter, saying, "Aaahhh."

"What are you doing, Mom?!" Claire exclaimed, leaning away, feeling flustered. "I'm old enough to eat on my own." She took the spoon from her mother's hand and began eating.

Her mother bowed her head and started sobbing. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. I won't do it again."

Claire took notice of her mother's tears but chose to look away, trying to ignore the emotional display. "Here," Claire said, extending her hand and offering the spoon to the Mother. "My hand hurts, and I can't eat by myself." Claire said with her head turned away from her mother.

"Yay!" her mother exclaimed in excitement. The queen then resumed feeding her daughter, and Claire ate without any visible struggle, although her face red with embarrassment.

"How are you, daughter?" the king asked, his voice authoritative.

The queen set down the spoon and listened intently.

"I am alright now, Father," Claire replied.

"And how was your friend? The girl who was kidnapped?" the king inquired.

"I haven't heard any news about her, Father," Claire answered.

"I heard that when you rescued the lady, you were with someone. They told me that this person wasn't injured as much as the three of you. Who was he?" the king asked.

"He was also my friend. He helped me rescue Grace and was the one who defeated the enemy," Claire replied.

"I see," the king responded before continuing to eat.

"I sensed a strong magic that day, it was strange, unlike anything I've felt before," the eldest brother chimed in, shifting his gaze to Claire.

"Was that your 'friend'?" the eldest brother inquired.

"Yes, dear brother," Claire confirmed.

The eldest brother then stood up and walked away, but before leaving, he stood close to his sister, his eyes fixed on her. Claire, feeling fearful, leaned back.

And then, unexpectedly, he hugged her tightly. "I was so worried about you, Claire!" he exclaimed, tears streaming from his eyes. "Why didn't you tell me you were going on such a dangerous mission?" He continued to hold her in a tight embrace.

Claire struggled to move, but the grip was too tight. "Get off me!" she said, attempting to push her brother away.

"No, you can't! I missed you!" the brother insisted, pressing himself closer to Claire.

"Ahem," intervened the king. The eldest brother ceased his actions and stood with a smile.

"I know you missed your sister, but don't you have work to do?" the king reminded him.

"Yes, Father, I know," the eldest brother replied. With a pat on Claire's head, he walked away. "See you later." The door opened and closed.

The king sighed. "Your brother was really worried about you. He was always there while you slept. It was so bad that the entire knights had to pull him out of your room."

Hearing that made Claire smile, and her mother continued to feed her.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the door, as the eldest brother walked past windows, he suddenly stopped. A man dressed in black tights, with his mouth and forehead covered, appeared before him like a ninja. The man kneeled down in front of the eldest brother.

"Do you have any information for me?" the eldest brother asked.

"Yes, Sir Noir. After the knights and medical staff arrived at the scene of the battle, there was a guy there with the princess. He must have helped the princess on her mission somehow," the man reported.

"I see," Noir replied. He then walked away. "Continue your investigation. Find that man and tell him to come to the Castle."

"Yes, Sir Noir," the man acknowledged, before disappearing into thin air.

At the hospital, a boy with silver hair and long, pointy ears lay on his bed. He shifted his body from side to side. "Soooo boring," Tem muttered. "I want to go with Sir Aaron"

Meanwhile, outside of the kingdom, I walked, still on my quest to hunt slimes and make some much-needed money. As I ventured forward, my path intersected with the presence of four orcs, known as Greater orcs. These creatures possessed a heightened intellect compared to their lesser orc brethren, although they were smaller in size but greater in numbers.

Without warning, one of the orcs charged at me, brandishing a menacing club. Reacting swiftly, I leaped backward, narrowly evading the powerful swing. Another orc, fueled by aggression, swiftly pursued me from behind. But I proved to be too fast, skillfully maneuvering my body to avoid the imminent blow.

Seizing the moment, I closed in on the two orcs who were charging at me with unwavering speed. Summoning all my strength, I materialized a sword in my hand and unleashed a single, devastating horizontal swing, cleaving them in half and severing their torsos from their legs. Two foes remained, and these cunning creatures abandoned their reckless charges, opting instead to encircle me.

With one orc positioned menacingly in front and the other lurking behind, they coordinated their attack, simultaneously swinging their clubs vertically in an attempt to overwhelm me. Anticipating their move, I swiftly shifted my body, ensuring that both orcs were now positioned on my left and right sides.

Just as their clubs were about to strike, I took a deep breath, channeling my inner strength and I raised my hands. The ensuing clash of their clubs created a thunderous explosion, engulfing the area in a cloud of smoke and swirling dust. Through the haze, one of the orcs displayed a malevolent smile, seemingly pleased with the outcome.

However, as the smoke dissipated and the dust settled, the remaining orcs' eyes widened in disbelief. They bore witness to a sight that shattered their confidence-the person they had attempted to crush had caught their clubs effortlessly with both hands. I swiftly disarmed them, pulling the clubs from their grasp and throwing it far away from them.

Unfazed by their failed assault, the orcs quickly regained their composure and launched another attack, screaming. This time, both swung their fists at me, determined to overcome me. Yet, in an astonishing display of speed, their vision blurred and tilted, their bodies cut in half from top to bottom in a single, decisive strike. They were oblivious to their own demise, unable to comprehend the swiftness of my counterattack.

With the lifeless bodies of my defeated foes lying before me, the summoned sword in my hand disappeared, dissipating into nothingness. I knelt down, contemplating the limitations of my physical form. "I suppose my body still can't sustain the manifestation of that sword for an extended period," I muttered to myself.

Rising to my feet, I resolutely pressed forward, unaware of the prying eyes that watched my every move, intrigued by the enigmatic powers I wielded.

On the third day, in the early morning, the warm rays of the sun embraced my face as I made my way toward the kingdom. Following the familiar path where we had once been ambushed, I remained vigilant, ready for any potential dangers that lay ahead.

Suddenly, a boisterous laughter pierced through the tranquility of the surroundings. "Ha Ha Ha,"

I recognized that laugh instantly-it belonged to someone who annoys me. I glanced up toward the trees, and there, silhouetted by the sunlight, stood two familiar figures.

"Once more, our paths intersect, dear human," Jem exclaimed, her voice filled with unwavering pride and arrogance.

In perfect synchrony, the two figures gracefully leaped down from the trees. Bem landed with remarkable elegance, while Jem, in her usual flamboyant fashion, attempted a backflip but ended up plunging her head into the ground. With a swift recovery, she nonchalantly stood up, seemingly unaffected by her little mishap. I maintained a stoic expression, watching her with a raised eyebrow.

"Pardon me, dear human. Is something amiss?" Jem inquired, her face still smeared with dirt.

Bem approached Jem, leaning close to her ear and whispered something inaudible to me.

"O-oh," Jem responded, her expression shifting. She quickly turned around, wiping the dirt from her face, and then faced me directly.

Puffing out her chest, Jem raised her hand and pointed directly at me.

"I saw thee! Thou wert incredibly strong!" Jem proclaimed.

I hesitated for a moment, then pointed at myself in disbelief(sarcastic). "Me?"

"Is there anyone else present in this vicinity?" Jem retorted with a smirk.

"Yeah, your brother," I replied with a straight face.

"Oh, y-yeah. I apologize," Jem responded, dropping her hand and placing both hands on her waist. "Verily, thou art strong, O human. What is thy name?" she inquired.

"Why would I tell you that? I don't even know you," I retorted with narrow eyes.

"R-Right... But didn't we introduce ourselves?" Jem questioned, turning to her brother. He nodded in confirmation. Jem then refocused her attention on me.

"Did you forget? We met duri-" Jem began.

"I know, I know," I interrupted, cutting off her attempt to jog my memory. "Were you the one following?" I asked, suspicion lacing my words.

"F-following? Me? Why would we ever follow you?" Jem replied, darting eyes and the visible beads of sweat on her forehead.

"So, you were?" I pressed, seeking a straight answer.

"Y-yes, we were," she confessed, her gaze shifting downward. Bem, her brother, stepped closer to me. "Your power is strong, something is odd about it," he remarked as he leans forward.

Taking a step back, I assessed the situation, wary of the potential threat Bem posed in a confrontation. "What's so odd about me?" I questioned, my hand instinctively resting on the hilt of my sheathed sword.

"Ohh, so this is how it's going to be," Bem commented, his perceptive eyes catching my hand placement. He swiftly retrieved his kama blades from beneath his cloak. "Then let it be."

Jem looked up, observing the tension between her brother and me. Sensing the escalating conflict, she positioned herself between Bem and me. "What are the two of you doing?" she asked as she shifts her gaze from me to Bem.

Turning, she faced me directly. "I beg thy forgiveness if my brother didst intimidate thee. We were merely curious, but if we were causing any trouble, we shall take our leave," Jem offered as she bows her head slightly.

I was taken aback by Jem's unexpected change in demeanor. Despite her usual arrogance, there seemed to be a possibility for a meaningful conversation with her.

Relaxing my hand, which had been poised near my sword, I replied, "My name is Aaron Stranezza. You can call me Aaron."

"Brother, put that away," Jem instructed her sibling.

Bem reluctantly complied, concealing the kama blades within his cloak. "Bummer, I wanted to see what that power was," he remarked, his gaze fixed on me, accompanied by a menacing smile.

I held his gaze for a moment before Jem shifted to interrupt our standoff. She grabbed my hand and shook it firmly. "I extend my gratitude for revealing thy true identity. I hold deep admiration for individuals of great strength," she expressed with a smile.

Jem then walks back and pulled her brother along, signaling their departure. Both of them turned around and swiftly jumped away, disappearing from my sight.

"Those two were really weird," I muttered to myself, contemplating the encounter. With that thought, I refocused my attention and continued my journey toward the kingdom.

As Bem and Jem leaped from tree to tree with grace, Bem initiated a conversation, his eyes narrowing. "What do you think?" he inquired.

Jem, her brows deeply furrowed, pondered the question. "At first, I thought I was just imagining things, but after holding his hand, that guy, he had a similar power to Mother," she responded, her brows furrowed. However, in the midst of her response, Jem slipped and fell to the ground head first, abruptly halting their movement. Bem quickly turned to his fallen sister who's face was burried in the ground, letting out a sigh.

"Mmeeelphh meeee!" Jem shouted, her voice muffled by the ground. Concerned, Bem swiftly jumped down to assist her.

End of chapter