
The Ninja War is Too Dangerous, So I Run Away and Become a Pirate MTL


xientakahashi · アニメ·コミックス
40 Chs


"The aura of the Shinobi world always feels a little depressing these days."

  The head covering of Yota looked at the sky, although it is now a very clear weather, but a dark and low aura is always lingering.

  If you have not been to the world of the King of Thieves, Yota may not have this feeling, but now, he can feel that the Shinobi world does have a depressing atmosphere, and the King of Thieves kind of joy to the world, even the bad guys are given a single stupid feeling completely different.

  To put it simply, the Shinobi world is filled with a breath of old Yin coins everywhere.

  However, this kind of thing naturally is not what Yang should consider, he is only looking for his father left him among the record scrolls, those black market locations.

  In fact, the ninja such a dark profession, and the black market always can not get away from what, even as a big ninja village of ninja, occasionally will go to take the black market mission.

  For example, you because of the conflict between the task. The ninja of the other ninja village. The village will certainly not give you a bonus, but you throw the head to the black market, then, basically can get a profit.

  This is precisely the basis for the existence of the black market. Many of the things that the five major ninja villages are not willing to do and cannot do, are basically put on the black market.

  "It's this place, why do they always choose next to the toilet?" Yota covered his nose and said somewhat unpleasantly.

  Of course, this is actually to cover the corpse stench, know a little ninja is clear, however, yota still issued a spit at the smell of the place.

  Walked into the dark door and looked at the boss sitting there at the counter. Yota casually threw out a small bag, the bag slightly loosened, from which emitted a golden glow.

  The boss, who was looking like he had nothing to do, lit up and reached out his hand and grabbed the bag. He casually weighed it, and a smile of satisfaction appeared on his face.

  "Guest, I wonder who you are planning to launch a bounty on? Or do you want to collect any information, we here ..."

  "No bounty is being offered, and no information is being bought. I'm just here to buy some Ninjutsu." Yota said in a low voice.

  "Buy Ninjutsu?" The boss froze slightly, but didn't think too much about it, "Then you've come to the right person, in addition to some ninjutsu unique to the village and clan. We have a lot of general ninjutsu here, but what about this price ..."

  "Price is not a problem, will your jutsu catalog, all show me." Yang too directly nodded and said, raided a large amount of gold from the magnetic drum country, Yang too really confident to say this.

  These gold into the ninja world's money, almost also several hundred million taels, but only some B-class ninjutsu is just, hold up the price is only a few tens of millions.

  You know, the S-rank mission that concerns national security, its reward is only millions of taels to start. Asma, the son of the third generation of Naruto, elite ninja, can almost be regarded as one of the candidates for Naruto, the price in the black market is only 35 million taels. No one would think that a few common B-rank ninjutsu would be worth more than Asma's head, right?

  "The guest is just cool." That boss smilingly took out a catalog and handed it to Yang Tai, who opened it and saw that it was basically some common B-rank five-rank jutsu, with even some A-rank jutsu interspersed within. In the back of these jutsu, their prices are also recorded.

  However, even the A-ranked jutsu are some jutsu without much practicality like the Great Waterfall Technique. On the contrary, some C-rank jutsu that are practical and highly characteristic of the village, such as the Art of Mistletoe, are not recorded in this catalog.

  The most important thing is that you can use all the jutsu that you can use and estimate the price to be around 30 million.

  One of the most expensive palm immortal arts sold for tens of millions of taels.

  "Well, when will these ninjutsu be available to me?" Yang Tai handed the catalog back and opened his mouth to ask.

  "It will only take three days." The shopkeeper spoke with a smile, "In three days, the customer can come and pick them up."

  Yang Tai nodded after smiling, put on his hood, turned his head and walked out. "In that case, those gold just now are worth about one million taels, take it as a deposit."

  "Okay, sir, please go well." A smile appeared on the boss's face. In fact, the gold exchange for currency was originally a kind of transaction in the black market, and once it came and went, the gold probably gave this boss about 200,000 taels of extra income, which was his private income and did not need to be handed over to the black market boss, so he was naturally quite happy.

  But just as Yang Tai went out, there were several guys who didn't look like good guys, trailing behind him. The boss sighed softly, "The customer must be careful, I'm still waiting to collect the final payment."

  The boss in the black market, the strength is generally not good, make a black eat black act, bad the whole black market's reputation deliberately for. Therefore, he wanted to stop is also the heart but not enough.

  So, the black market actually rarely robbed their own customers, because once exposed, the black market by the loss of credibility can be far more than those interceptions to get the money to most. But if you do not know how to restrain words. Those renegade ninja and bounty ninja are not good people.

  The fact that you know this, but this, he does not care much, no matter what, his strength is definitely no less than the top ninja, but also Kiba such a large ninja village first-class top ninja, this strength in all the bounty ninja, can definitely be ranked in the top 20, not some ordinary renegade ninja can deal with.

  The first thing you need to do is to get a newbie, and you don't know the rules, so just use your strength to talk.

  Just walked out of the black market about three kilometers away. The few bounty ninjas that followed behind the balcony could not help themselves.

  In fact, if the black market rules do not allow ninja to fight within three kilometers, or else will be full pursuit, Yang too just out of the door, it is estimated that a few bounty ninja will make a move.

  On the one hand, the money is moving the hearts of people, on the other hand, because they saw the appearance of Yang Tai, but a 15 or 16-year-old teenager is just. How strong can the strength of this age? At best, it is an elite ninja.

  After all, the need to buy ninjutsu, certainly not what the village ninja forces from the genius, and ordinary genius, even if the ceiling level of talent, such as Bannerwood Kakashi, Bo Feng Shui Men, if there is no Kiba training, fifteen or sixteen years old is at most the strength of the special ninja.