
The NightBlade

Arcania, a world where magic dominates, different races are fighting for the peak of the Holy Mountain where the you can receive the blessings of the Gods. The most Dominant of the races, which are the Undead is slowly becoming more and more dangerous with their dark magic. Thus to prevent this, the races formed alliances in order to stop the Undead. The Alliance, which consists of Humans, High Elves and the dwarves. The Marsh, which consists of the remnants of the beast race. The Sentinels, which consists of the Night Elves and the Dark Elves. These alliances had managed to win against the Undead. Because of this the Undead have been forced to live in the shadows for them to continue to exist. The remaining races formed a contract, in which they will no longer kill for the right to climb the Holy Mountains. They will hold competitions every decade for all the races in Arcadia in which each race will choose it's young generations to compete, the elders are not allowed because they have great battle experience in the Great War. The race that wins 100 matches shall have the right to ascend the Holy Mountains. Arcania, city of Varsandra, Human Race. There has been a revolution against the Empire because of the discrimination against the people who have low or zero affinity of magic, a few of the elders of the Magic Court had joined this revolution. There is a rumor that tells about a mysterious person that kills the generals of the Empire that is against the revolution, thus he was called the "Spark" of the revolution. There happens to be another rumor in which that mysterious person also kills the leaders of the revolution and that person was entitled by the Empire, the Imperial Justice. But there is another title in which he is famous, the NightBlade. He kills his targets during the night, with his unparalleled strength and speed and his swift and destructive magic. What is this man's aim? Whose side is he on? Is he the "Spark" of the Revolution? Or is he the "Justice" of the Empire?, or is he the Doom Bringer sent by the Undead?

NeMeSis_ChAoS · ファンタジー
23 Chs

Chapter 3: What?!

Kairi and Val arrived at the Canteen, it was large enough to accommodate every student at the Academy, the tables has four seats each. The Canteen is also suppressed by a magic array to prevent magic casting inside. "Val I have something to talk to you about" Kairi said as she took a seat.

"What is it?" Val asked. Kairi then told Val about their "New Classmate".

"Don't you think it's strange?" Kairi asked.

"I do, but what can we do? It's not like it will affect my Kairi! Val said while suddenly hugging Kairi.

"Cut it out, you're embarrassing me!" Kairi said as she tried to shake Val off.

"Oh sorry, hehe." Val said with a smile on her face. "Anyways let's eat before it gets late." said as she pointed at a school clock.

"You're right!" Val said as she stood up.

"Hey get me some as well! "

"Okayyy!" Val replied as she lined up with the other students. They ate while talking about other things that happened.

The two of them soon said their goodbyes and went back to their classes. Before heading back, Kairi went to the Library to check what Kaito is doing.

"It seems he is still reading, won't he get bored if he read to much alone? I'll just mind my own business."

Kairi then went to her class and sitted on her seat. She saw a familiar figure on the back of the class, it was Kaito.

"When did he get in here?"Kairi asked her seatmate while pointing her finger at Kaito.

"Oh, he is already here when I arrived, why do you ask?". The student responded curiously.

" I-It's nothing" Kairi said while stuttering, she was surprised.

She started to think about what happened. As far as magic goes, there is no Magic that allows you to teleport. Kairi then racked her brain, but came up with nothing.

"Even if you're a master of the wind element, you can't enter rooms without making a fuss because of your speed" Kairi said to herself while thinking more about how Kaito came first before she did.

(Masters of the Wind Element can increased their speed by tenfold, thus becoming very fast that a normal eye cannot see. )

An idea popped up on her mind, what if Kaito knows about the Dark Element? This will explain why he managed to teleport. The dark magic is not available in any Magic Academy nor do veteran Magus knows about the Dark Element.(Magus are people who have finished studying at a Magic Academy that also has a high affinity for magic) If even the Magus doesn't know about the Dark Element, how come a commoner like Kaito know how to use it? But there is no better explanation on how Kaito came up first before she did. She made plans to talk with Kaito tommorow morning.


Kairi arrived as usual with Val, they then went to their classes before the bell rings. This time Kairi made her decision to ask Kaito after morning class today. The same teacher as yesterday came with a pile of paper.

"I'll announce the partners". After announcing some names, a surprise came. " Kaito Ieshi and Kairi Shou" the teacher said with a clear voice. Kairi stood up and said "What?!, why??! Why would you pair me with a commoner??" Kairi said with a loud and surprised tone. The teacher breathed out a sigh then said

"I know that you are a Noble, but you are also the top of our class, while Kaito is the opposite, I'm sure you can manage to win a slot for the School Representatives even without help from another Noble" the teacher explained.

"B-But thi--, Kairi was again interrupted by the teacher.

" I know you have your questions, I'll answer them later but for now let me finish announcing the remaining pairs". Kairi then stopped and looked at Kaito, who seemed to have no interest on what is happening. This annoyed her but she soon regained her composure thinking that there might be a chance that Kaito knows the Dark Element. After the morning class, a student walked up to Kairi,

"I have some friends in the administrators of the School Competion, I can re-arrange a new partner for you" the student said with a kind tone.

"And what would you ask for return?" Kairi asked. "It's simple, just one date would suffice" the student said, smiling.

"No thanks, I can handle this myself".

"Very well then, if you need help, you know who to ask". The student said them left. Kairi was annoyed. Jake, the student who had just approached her, had always pestered her about going on dates with him. Jake's family is stronger than Kairi's, that is why even her own family wants her to go out with one of the sons of the strongest Nobles in Varsandra. Since Kairi needs some cooling off, she decided to delay her talk with Kaito and just try to find Val.