
The NightBlade

Arcania, a world where magic dominates, different races are fighting for the peak of the Holy Mountain where the you can receive the blessings of the Gods. The most Dominant of the races, which are the Undead is slowly becoming more and more dangerous with their dark magic. Thus to prevent this, the races formed alliances in order to stop the Undead. The Alliance, which consists of Humans, High Elves and the dwarves. The Marsh, which consists of the remnants of the beast race. The Sentinels, which consists of the Night Elves and the Dark Elves. These alliances had managed to win against the Undead. Because of this the Undead have been forced to live in the shadows for them to continue to exist. The remaining races formed a contract, in which they will no longer kill for the right to climb the Holy Mountains. They will hold competitions every decade for all the races in Arcadia in which each race will choose it's young generations to compete, the elders are not allowed because they have great battle experience in the Great War. The race that wins 100 matches shall have the right to ascend the Holy Mountains. Arcania, city of Varsandra, Human Race. There has been a revolution against the Empire because of the discrimination against the people who have low or zero affinity of magic, a few of the elders of the Magic Court had joined this revolution. There is a rumor that tells about a mysterious person that kills the generals of the Empire that is against the revolution, thus he was called the "Spark" of the revolution. There happens to be another rumor in which that mysterious person also kills the leaders of the revolution and that person was entitled by the Empire, the Imperial Justice. But there is another title in which he is famous, the NightBlade. He kills his targets during the night, with his unparalleled strength and speed and his swift and destructive magic. What is this man's aim? Whose side is he on? Is he the "Spark" of the Revolution? Or is he the "Justice" of the Empire?, or is he the Doom Bringer sent by the Undead?

NeMeSis_ChAoS · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 2: Trouble

The red haired student, Leo, and his group is slowly cornering Kaito to a wall.

"You take back what you said and apologize to us while kneeling down, we might as well forgive you if you do" Leo said grinning.

"I have done nothing wrong to ask for your forgiveness" Kaito responded with a firm voice.

"Looks like you don't know your place yet" a student from Leo's group said.

"Leo, why don't you help him learn his place?" another one said.

"Sorry for doing this but if you hadn't angered us and just begged for our forgiveness you might have left this place without a scratch, but now things are different, you need to learn a lesson". Leo then chanted a low level earth-magic. Kaito prepared his arms to block the attack. . After Leo finished chanting, 12 earthen bullets appeared around Leo, he aimed his hand to Kaito. The bullets hit Kaito's arms, after the 6th bullet landed, Kaito finally stopped blocking and received the remaining bullets at his body. The other students at Leo's group soon joined the fray. Even though Kaito seemed to be in trouble, there was something off with him, he isn't showing any pain nor fear, it's like he doesn't feel anything nor see anything, Kairi, who have been watching all this time had also seen this. She was thinking why Kaito is still calm after all that is happening to him. Soon Leo's group stopped, "Now you should know your place" Leo said with a smile on his face.

He then left to head to the school canteen. Kaito stood up from the ground and started to tidy his clothes and things, it's like nothing happened. This confused Kairi more, she hadn't seen anything like this before, most commoners would obey Nobles, if not, they would after getting beat up but this "New Student" doesn't seem to be affected at all. After some time preparing, Kaito went outside the room. Kairi, filled with curiosity followed Kaito wondering what he would do. Kaito then soon arrived at the Academy's Library and took random books and started reading it at a table in the corner of the Library. The Library was huge, it has gigantic bookshelves, magic was commonly used to take books here. Students are required a special pass to access the second floor of the Library. The first floor mainly composed of basic magic while the second floor are filled with attack, support and suppressive spells.

"What is he doing?, it couldn't be that those books are about his dominant element?, there is at least 4 different elements in those books, he can't have all of those elements right?" Kairi told herself and continued to watch. After Kaito finished reading a book, Kairi thought to herself that maybe Kaito is either trying to master those elements or he is an idiot thinking that he can master four different elements. Kairi then started to go to the canteen to process what she just saw.

"Kairi!!" a girl's voice can be heard.


"I missed you so much!" Val said with a cheerful tone.

"But we just met before the classes had start". Kairi said with a surprised voice.

"Really??,it feels like ages!"

"We can talk in the canteen."

"I would love to talk with Kairi!"

"It's fine, I also need someone to talk to."

The two of them then headed to the canteen, not knowing there was someone else listening at them.