
The Night Watcher

What do we really know about these night creatures besides the thing we see and heard from movies or show?

Bean_Works · ファンタジー
3 Chs

The one that hides under a hood

After Lev and Stevan exchange terrifying looks, they proceed to walk toward where the scream came from.

After walking some distance a small house with a few broken windows come to view.

Slowly managing to go behind the house, Lev finally saw a lone wolf with a decapitated arm in its mouth while standing in front of a woman lying on the ground.

tack tack tack tack

Lev rushed towards it with his pitchfork at the ready directly aiming at the wolf.


The wolf turned but it was too late as the pitchfork was already embedded on its side. It started trashing around after feeling an object lodged on its ribs and continues to struggle, then finally Lev manage to pin the wolf on the side of the house.

*wood panels cracking and breaking*

Stevan seemed to be in a daze just looking at everything being unfolded realize someone was yelling at him.

Lev cried towards Stevan.

Lev: Any day now Stevan!!

Stevan snap out of his daze then ran towards the pinned creature. He gripped his axe with both hands and swung at the creature as strong as he can.


The creatures' head fell off from its body and slowly rolled on its side towards Lev's foot. Its body still hanging on the wall with a pitchfork embedded on its side.

Stevan realizes the axe was stuck on the wall, he then let go and checked on the girl behind him instead. "I think I swung my axe too hard this time huh?" he thought to himself as he walks closer to the girl.

Stevan: Are you okay?

asking the girl lying on the ground while slowly helping her on her feet.

The girl is covered with blood but thankfully it wasn't hers, shes noticeably trembling. Stevan proceeds to comfort her that everything is fine then the girl slowly looks at him and she opened her mouth slowly.

Alyona: Th-th-thanks for h-he-helping me. I-i thought I was dead for sure bu-but thankfully you guys came j-j--just in time.

she then starts wiping her face with her sleeve that's not covered with blood.

Stevan put both of his hands on the girl on the shoulder and reassured her that everything is fine. He then remembered that he's unarmed. He said something to the girl and slowly walked back towards a weapon that is stuck on the wall of the house.

Several minutes had passed they heard a familiar voice coming from an alley short distance from where they were standing.

Alek: You guys alright? We came running as soon as we hear someone screaming.

Stevan visibly wiping his axe blade with a rag he found on the ground while Lev is talking to the woman

Stevan: Yeah we are fine, we found this girl over there.

pointing at the girl and motioning towards the back of the house and few dead creatures lying on the ground.

Stevan: How about your end? Did you manage to kill everything?

Alek: Yeah, but there's a lot of folks that didn't survive the attack.

scratching his head visibly annoyed.

But then a loud roar echoed the village, loud enough that sent shivers down everyone's spine.

Everyone looks at each other and knew exactly where the noise was coming from.

Alek: That sounds like trouble, hope Grigory's group is okay.

as he motions the team to run towards the front gate

Stevan: Lemme bring this girl with the rest of the survivor in the mead hall

Alek stops and looks behind him. Motioning at another guy

Alek: Rak, go with Stevan and gather everyone towards the mead hall and barricade yourselves in there, and don't let anyone in unless it's us or Greg's group.

Rak nodded and walk towards Stevan. Then slowly they were out of view along with the girl

Alek's remaining group rushed towards the front gate and slowly their torches fades under the night sky. Then, Rak and Stevan slowly walking toward the mead hall located in the middle of the town.

A hooded figure carefully hiding in the shadow observing both parties as they slowly split up in opposing direction. This mysterious figure slowly turns its head towards the gate and muttered something then it then slowly melt on its shadow on the ground, a few veils of mist slowly escaped from the ground then it completely vanished along with its shadow.


After hearing Igor shouting towards them, Grigory quickly turned around just to find the creature was already behind them.

The creature pounces at someone and pinned them on the ground. That person tried to defend itself it but it was no use, the creature already bit their neck and stop flailing their hands toward the creature.

Grigory ran towards the creature with his weapon at the ready but only to be met with black mist dissipating right before him. He looked around to see where the creature went, but only to be welcomed by a scream coming a few feet behind him. He turned around but it was too late, the creature already running towards several villagers that were with him and proceed to ram its head towards a few villagers, one villager flew a few feet up and fell on its side lifeless while the other villagers got run over and some were pinned by its mouth.

Igor tried his best to hit the creature but only to be eluded every time an arrow reaches its mark the creature would bob and weave across the area. Igor crying in frustration as he watches his town-mates getting massacred by a lone creature right before him.

wooooshh swoosh woooosh

Arrows continue to miss its target. Finally, an arrow hits the creature on its hind leg after it stopped, then the creature turn towards where Igor was standing. The creature ran towards the tower and suddenly vanish only to be replaced with thick mist.

Grigory: It's coming for you Igor, you have to jump down!!

yelling at Igor and motioning the rest of the villager that was still alive to run under the tower

Igor noticed what is about to happen, he then grabs a quiver and filled it with arrows. Then he ran on top of the perimeter wall then jump towards where Grigory and his men were standing. The tower wasn't that tall so he manages to land softly and roll without hurting himself.

The creature appeared right behind Igor as he leaps from the perimeter wall and misses him by a hair, the creature is now standing on the wall and start growling while facing them. The creature's eyes suddenly covered with amber-colored hue, almost looks like its glowing under the night sky.

pant pant pant pant

Greg is holding his weapon but noticeably tired by the way he stands. The creature standing on the wall has stood its ground with an arrow stuck on its hind leg. Behind Greg, Igor is already aiming at the creature only waiting for it to make its move.

Standing a few feet from each of Grigory's side a few people still standing but with visible cuts everywhere but still trying to stand their ground but noticeably tired. A few were lying on the ground lifeless with gnarly cuts everywhere and some were missing limbs or legs.

The Grigory, Igor, and the rest of their men realize the creature wasn't growling at them, but instead something from behind them.

All of them turned behind them at the same time only to be welcome by a figure with its head covered by a hood that is slowly emerging from a shadow on the ground with mist slowly escaping it and slowly revolving around it.