
The Next Generation Of Magic

It was gone in a flash. I became everyone’s spare and not their prime. Once their first story but now their cautious subject. I once felt their love but now it fade away. This is how villains were made. I don’t want to be one, i don’t have a choice, or maybe i had. I have no one as my firm foundation. No one wants my company. They plot their twist without me, i know it but i act like i don’t. I was foolish to act like everything’s fine when no one cares about it. I was not craving for competence, just for importance. No one wanted to help me, not until I came to the other side. Everyone suddenly wants to make me feel loved. Everyone wants me to realize that I am important to them, that they value me. But it was too late. They were a decision late. I needed to hear that but they are a life late. They are a choice late. I chose to become the villain of the story so i have the attention i deserve. I was the main character that was rejected. I was the main character that was denied of love.

chocfrog · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Hi, I’m Vixen

Have you ever seen a night sky? The night breeze sweeping through your open window. Crickets are heard from the nearest tree from you. The moonlight illuminating your bed while you stare at the window when suddenly a cloud blocked the moonlight. You wished that the cloud would move past the moon because it made the night dimmer. It was darker than it used to be but when you look up, you see the beauty of the moonlight. The cloud made the moonlight it's own halo. Fireflies are more visible with the increase of darkness. The light that you can see in the cloud's edges seem to be more beautiful than the full moon. It was a wonderful and magical night. It's all about the moon and it's gracious light. We always dream to be the main character of our life. We wanted to always be in the light. We think that darkness is evil. Hi, I am Vixen and I'm the cloud. This is my life, but not my story. It never was because my fellows told me that i was into darkness and evil. It's true tho, but not all of


Welcome to the world of witches and wizards. This is the life of Vixen who loves darkness, but not evil. Somehow, it differs to her or at least it used to have a difference for her. Vixen is a descendant of Arianna, a Pentamerous member. The Pentamerous is an old governing body of 5 members. They are entitled to be the most powerful witches and wizard of their age. They were the Creator of Spells, Charms and Curses. They made the Principal Rules of Magic. Arianna was the only survivor of the Pentamerous after their legendary fight against Borris, who is one of them. Borris Crackwood is the most powerful dark wizard ever known to wizard kind.

Growing up, Vixen has many friends. Her childhood was dashing and colorful. She was raised by her grandmother. Their bloodline are what many so called The Priests because their descendant, Arianna, created most of the healing spells. It is said that Vixen possesses Arianna's most prized traits. Vixen, like Arianna, has long, sleek and shiny black hair. She was also rumored to have inherited Arianna's beauty and magical prowess. When Vixen was born, her mother and father died. They died of a curse casted upon them by a dueling opponent. Her mother and father were magical governors which gain them plenty of enemies. It was one of those families who wants to avenge their lost to the Magical Government. The Magical Governors are those who decide what happens to the witches and wizards that committed grave exposure of their world to the normal people or to the violation of the Principal Rules of Magic. They are often in incognito. They have their masks on whenever they work outside the trial court. How unlucky it was that Vixen's parents were the first they discovered to be part of it. They were cursed to die after they had their first born by the power of infused blood contract. The wizard was caught and was sentenced to the removal of all magical powers and memories to live with the normal people.

Vixen was the gem of the magical town they live in and in 6 hours the town is about to miss her. She is 11 and is about to start her magical education.

"Gran did you see my shoes?" Vixen shouted from her room. She was wide awake and is getting ready for departure.

"Yes dear it was in the old closet where you put your old stuff" her granny replied while she prepares for Vixen's breakfast. After some time, Vixen then got out of her room ready to go. Her black matte shoes crawling down the stairs with excitement. Her granny just finished making breakfast, turned to her and saw her most beautiful grandchild. She broke in a delighted smile seeing her in a pearl white dress and a heavenly smile. She sat Vixen down and they ate. It was 7 AM and in an hour the gates will be closed. They stood up the table and got all Vixen's Baggage.

"You ready dear?" Her gran inquired. "I will miss you, take care of yourself okay? I hope you learn many things there"

"Gran I��m gonna be fine and i'm sure to make many friends there" Vixen replied with glee. She hugged her gran, the last time probably this year. She smiled and with a wave of her gran's wand she closed her eyes and upon opening it her eyes, she saw a very bright hall filled with her fellow first years.

The hall was full of white light from the sun above which illuminates the places given that the high ceiling consists of magical glass. It seems to Vixen that all the first years were glowing from their white dresses and robes for boys. They were all excited. She decided to seat from the front of the many chairs. Her smile is embarked on her face. Her mouth was slightly open, she turned her head left and gasped in the sight of the pixies from a near plant floating in the corner of the hall. Fully consumed from her surrounding she didn't saw a boy sat beside her. She then turned her head right and there was a white blonde haired boy smiling at her.

"Wow" she gasped. "Hi" the boy started with a friendly smile. But Vixen's attention was not in the boy. She stood up and walked past the boy her mouth opened again and eyes focused on what she saw, the Magical Staff of Arianna and on the left of it a sword, a necklace, a ring and a golden chain.

"That's the Pentamerous Symbol. The Magical Staff of Arianna, The Mighty Sword of Calvert, The Protective Necklace of Agrona, The Cursed Ring of Baldwin and the Golden Chain of Borris" the boy said. Vixen then turned her gaze to the boy with a shock.

"The what now?" She replied with a smile.

"I'm Darius" said the boy. He held out his hand which She accepted.

"Vixen" she replied. They smiled. "So what are those again?"

"Those are the Pentamerous Symbol, each one of them are known to be the Pentamerous prized weapons-" Darius was cut off when a plump woman of brown coat and and a furry pointed hat stood in front of them and said "Welcome to the Academy of Magic first years, gather around so we can start the initiation"