
The Next Generation Of Magic

It was gone in a flash. I became everyone’s spare and not their prime. Once their first story but now their cautious subject. I once felt their love but now it fade away. This is how villains were made. I don’t want to be one, i don’t have a choice, or maybe i had. I have no one as my firm foundation. No one wants my company. They plot their twist without me, i know it but i act like i don’t. I was foolish to act like everything’s fine when no one cares about it. I was not craving for competence, just for importance. No one wanted to help me, not until I came to the other side. Everyone suddenly wants to make me feel loved. Everyone wants me to realize that I am important to them, that they value me. But it was too late. They were a decision late. I needed to hear that but they are a life late. They are a choice late. I chose to become the villain of the story so i have the attention i deserve. I was the main character that was rejected. I was the main character that was denied of love.

chocfrog · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The First Day at the School of Magic

Vixen walked excitedly in front together with Darius. "I am Professor Nora and i will now lead you to the Main Hall" She waved her hand and with a snap of her finger the surrounding changed. They were now with a very crowded hall. All the first years looked around, their mouths aloft, some smiled to others.

"First year form one straight line now, come on" Professor Nora said. It was a sudden fiasco. Almost everyone wanted to be in front. Vixen bumped to many arms and backs of fellow first years so she decided back down. She was held by Darius' hand who pulled her at the back of the line.

"That was wild" she said and they laughed. "You are now to pick your preferred Magical Instrument to use. There are Wand, Ring, Necklace and staff. Each possesses different material that amplifies your magical powers." Professor Nora said. Each student that picked their Instrument was to go in the door ahead them.

Five students ahead Vixen, Darius asked him "What Instrument would you choose?"

Vixen turned around to face Darius behind her "I don't know. The Wand i guess, the Staff looks to flashy and it's too big. The ring may be irritating and so is the necklace-" she said but was forced to stop talking because she's the next in line. In front of her is a dashing staff sample. A wooden handle that seems so lightweight and of blue gem wing golden wings on top of the handle. At the left side of the staff is a Magical Wand. It has a black material as the body with a small red gem beneath the handle. At the left side of the wand is a Ring. The most glamorous ring she ever saw. It has a green gem in the middle with gold on the holder. The last was a necklace. The necklace seemed so old for Vixen. It has black chains that resembles snakes with a violet gem as the pendant.

"Which one do you prefer dear?" Professor Nora inquired. Without looking back at her she said that she wanted the wand. She was then instructed to walk past the door in front of her and with a quick smile at her back for Darius she strode down the path. Upon opening the door is a very different scene, darkness crept. She took her steps and came inside and then she was in a room. She heard a snap of fingers and the light of the sun illuminated the place. Ahead of her is a long table and a man behind it.

"Come dear, we're going to make you a wand of your own" said the man. "I am Mr. Agustus, a wand maker"

"Hello Mr. Agustus, I am Vixen" she replied with a bright smile. She was then measured from her physical dimensions. "What kind of wood would you like to use?" Inquired Mr. Agustus "There are Cedar, Walnut and Oak" He handed out three different strips of wood. Vixen examined and found out that the Cedar is the loghtest among the three, Walnut is the Hardest and the Oak is flexible.

"I like the Walnut best" she said. Mr. Agustus smiled at her and started working on her wand shape and size. After some time of cutting and polishing, Mr. Agustus was done. He handed it to Vixen, who smiled.

"Hold out your wand arm dear" He commanded. Vixen held out her right hand.

"This is the blood recognition process. I will put blood to you wand as a mark of ownership" He explained, Vixen nodded. Mr. Agustus punctured Vixen's index finger, she flinched, then tip the punctured finger lightly at the tip of her wand.

"Introduce yourself to your wand Vixen" Mr. Agustus instructed.

"I am Vixen" She said. Tiny ball of white lights shot out from her wand. They soar through the space before they disappear.

"I hope you take care of your wand Vixen" Mr. Agustus smiled. She was then instructed to walk past the door ahead of her where she will join her fellow first years. Clutching her wand, she wandered what instrument Darius will get. She joined her fellow first years in the hall and after a minute spotted Darius. She waved at him and smiled while she look around the glamorous hall of bright light and beautiful pillars. There are four long tables in front of them. The teachers are on the stage seated and in the middle sat what Vixen thinks is the School Master. An old man wearing a pointed violet hat, a black dress robes with violet lining and a ring. The man's ring was of plain gold with only a small stripe of red in the middle.

"Nice wand" Darius said with a smile in his face. Vixen averted her gaze to hum and smiled back. "I see you chose the ring" when Darius lift his right palm showing his ring.

"First years can now go to their seats, you can seat wherever you like in four of the tables" Professor Nora instructed. Vixen and Darius then sat in the front of the third table. "Thank you for keeping me as your company" Vixen said with a warm smile. "Thank you for letting me stay" said Darius.

"So your wand, did you chose it or something? I don't think it's the same process with rings" Darius inquired.

"Mr. Agustus, the wand maker, made me choose the kind of wood i want for my wand. One feels very light, the other is flexible and this one is the hardest" Vixen replied lifting her wand in the air.

"Wow. And did you also have the blood thing?" He asked. When Vixen was about to answer a woman behind them said "The Blood recognition Spell, is a natural process to all magical instruments" she smiled at them.

She has a black robes with green lining of a very mossy material. She then walked past them, shook Professor Nora's hand and pointed the tip of her wand in front of her mouth and spoke.

"Welcome First Years, I am Professor Cora the Deputy School Mistress and this is magic" She smiled then winked on Vixen. Waving her wand a string of blue light flows out of it's tip while she perform a complicated spell. The ceiling above was then made of clouds which snow falls. Everyone was in awe when they looked up, even the older year students was amazed. Professor Cora bowed everyone broke into applause. She took her seat from the staff table right beside the School Master's left side.