
Chapter 17:Completing Sub Missions

[What Happened The past 7 Days]

Notes have MOST of events that happen in chapter, not all btw


With your help the castle was build. The only difference between Hiryuu Castle and the one you made was, yours has more Floors, the dungeon entrance at the beginning of the stairs, and better building material. After you finished that Castle, after which you got another mission.

System:Ding! Sub Mission Complete:Build Castle, Reward:41 Homunculus Maids (Overlord)

System:Ding! A Castle needs to have good guard, Mission:Build a military Camp and 1,000 troops to train, Reward:Esdeath (Akame Ga Kill)


During the afternoon, your shadow in the West found: A Goblin Village, A pack of 17 Wolves, and slimes in the area. For the Goblin village and wolf pack, you do the same routine, killing the males and taking the females. After killing the males, you summon 50 Hobgoblins and wolves to take the 17 goblins, and 8 wolves. As for the slimes, you catch all the slimes in the area, adding 178 slimes into the mix.


The 41 Maids empty some hands by doing the chores; Cleaning, washing, cooking, While you and the Hobgoblins Build The Clan Halls.

System:Ding! Sub Mission Complete:Build Clan Halls, Reward:10 [Hyūga Bloodline], 10 [Jūgo Bloodline], 10 [Senju Bloodline], 10 [Uchiha Bloodline]

For the Jūgo and Senju bloodlines, you decide you'll give it to an Elf when you find some, while the Hyūga and Uchiha bloodlines should be given to the hobgoblins, Human, or another race you can find.


Today you built a Large Church as big as the Clan Halls, and decide to Synthesize The [Affection Slave Collar] with [St. Margaret's Crucifix's](A Certain Magical Index) making a [Crucifix Affection Necklace], placing the Crucifix's around the Church, and adding small churches into the west and south side the dungeon.

System:Synthesizing [Affection Slave Collar and [St. Margaret's Crucifix's]... Successful

[Crucifix Affection Necklace]:Make Crucifix's that can be place in any holy structure, mentally affect anyone around into liking users ideas, actions, and looks. Effects duration will be determined by how long, the level, and mental state of target.

System:Ding! Sub Mission Complete:Build Church, Reward:Saber Lily (Fate)

Asking the system what would happen if you use an upgrade card on lily would do, you could guess she will become saber. Although lily is going to a king, I tell her that I'm going to be her emperor under the influence of Cross. Needing to continue building, you let lily teach the girls how the sword and riding mounts.


Today almost all of the shadows found something, you finish building the small churches and started building the apartment Complexes.

East:A large Village of Ogres and Trolls

South:A beach

West:4 Guarded wagons; 2 of the wagons had slave inside.

After finding out that Ogres and Trolls can't become cut girls, you raid and loot the village, while also finding out about a few other villages nearby, which you'll also raid and loot for Dp.

(Achievement:Completely destroy a village leaving no one alive, Reward:25,000 Dp)

Making the beach with Flying Raijin for a beach episode, that shadow went back in your shadow, then started help build the apartments.

Summoning Ikaros, you save the slave girls which turned out to be demi-humans; 17 Elf's, 3 Fairy's, and 8 Beastkin. You kill the male guards and capture the female guards; 13 knights, and 4 mages. Using the wagons, you and Ikaros transport the slaves and guards.

(Achievement:First Human Kill, Reward:1,000 Dp, Penta-Kill, Reward:5,000 Dp, and Savior, Reward:10,000 Dp)

Give the slaves warm food and clean water, you tell the slaves that you are their savior and Ikaros is the angel you summoned. The slaves believe you, falling in love with you fast with the necklace around your neck. The Guards don't put up much resistance because they somewhat believe you and are scared of Ikaros power.


With clones Ikaros carrying wagons, you meet up with the Hobgoblins, wolves, and slimes from before, making it back to the dungeon in the afternoon, as well as the shadow in the north because it couldn't find anything.

You give the slimes a lot of water and tell them to try to evolve into the shape of the girls, While also letting them 'hydrate' with the sweat from the girls.

The guards are placed inside a isolated room under the church until they give in freely or with the help of the cross. You send your shadow back west to see if you can find more slaves or humans. For now you get Dp from the guards right now.

Later that afternoon, you guys finished the Apartments and started working on the mall.

System:Ding! Sub Mission Complete:Build Residential space, Reward:8 Lottery Tickets


Today you finished the Mall and Shrine, finding out Mito can only kill inside the shrine, Inn, and Core room, which is fair because she has an Old Deus. While your shadow in the east got back near the place you found the wagons, finding a search group looking around.

System:Ding! Mission Find Human settlement, and save as many slaves as you can, Reward:1 Lottery Ticket per 100 slave freed


Note:You can skip chapter if you want all that happen was...

-Completing buildings beside blacksmith and restaurants

-kill Ogre and Troll Villages in east bc they can't be girls

-Save slaves in west 17 Elf's, 3 Fairy's, and 8 Beastkin, capture female guards;13 knights, and 4 mages

-Synthesizing [Affection Slave Collar] with [St. Margaret's Crucifix's](A Certain Magical Index)

-Nothing north and beach south.

-17 Goblins, 8 wolves, and 178 Slimes

-Find Search party