
Chapter 18:Blacky

Seeing the search party, your Shadow morphs into the shadow of one of the nearby trees, and listen to what the 3 humans have to say. There's 1 male and female, while you can't figure out the gender of the third person; the man was old and grizzled, with short dark brown hair and was wearing a suit of iron armor, the woman was middle aged and ice cold, with long silk black and was wearing a white and blue silk robe, while you couldn't figure out the gender of the third person, with his or her covered up body, wearing black Assassin type clothing.

Man:"it looks like there was a fight here, and a short one at that because the mages didn't fire off any spells, and no smell of blood. Meaning the cargo was attached by someone faster than the 60 guards, and skilled enough to kill all of them extremely quick, and seeing as there no weapon or large amount of foot marks, it wasn't a large group ambushing them" the man tensed up know that they're going to might fight someone powerful, will the others got serious from deducting the same conclusion.

Woman:"seeing how the guards footprint are faint, it means the enemy's probably long gone by now, we should report back base. Black, you should keep around to see if you can find anything else that might be important to finding who attacked" the others nod before splitting up.

Making a shadow clone, on shadow follows the woman and man back, while the other trails black. The group was fast, making you believe they where at lease level 50 or above, making them higher level than you but not as fast because of Flying Raijin. Thinking of a plan, you wait until the man and woman leave far enough so that you can attack Black. Seeing the man and woman are far enough through the other shadows vision, you put on Akatsuki robe, and attack Black, throwing Kunai's around the assassin.

The assassin takes outs out the katana from his back, deflecting 3 kunai's. Taking out another kunai, you wait for the assassin to attack. Scanning around quickly, the assassin finds nothing strange and attacks you head on with his sword.

You throw your kunai, aiming at his shoulder, allowing it to be easily dodged, before you teleport away before he could hit you. Reappearing behind his back, you grab your kunai you threw and give him a hard punch in the back, using your chakra to gain the strength of Tsunade, sending him flying.

The assassin try's his best to avoid the tree he's flying towards but all he could do was turn around before hitting the tree. Getting back up, the assassin looks at you with a cold stare, not knowing how you disappear, looking at your red eyes, throwing metal needles at you.

Using your Sharingan, you easily dodge and deflect the needles he threw, and noticing that they had poison on them. Looking at each other, the assassin tried to turn back and run away, seeing you somehow in front of him, before jumping backwards in a cold sweat.

Black:"What do you want?" He said in a neutral voice.

You:"Hmm... Oh I got it, what gender are you?" You said nonchalantly, making the assassin look at your weirdly, which you could see but could tell from the black lines falling above his had, like in anime.

Black:"What does my gender have to do with anything?" Which you can tell he's annoyed because of the red symbol above her head, thinking to yourself 'I feel like Gwenpool, I wonder if I can touch the symbol above his head?'

You:"Well depending on your answer, it'll determine if I Kill you or leave you" planning to kill him if he's a man or let her leave if she's a woman; going with the actions you did so far of killing anyone who's a guy and you don't really like. After all who cares if you kill male monsters and slave traffickers?

Black looks at you funny again, "I'm a woman?"

You:"Was that an answer or question? or are you both? Or worse, a trap. By the way, if your a trap, I'll kill you" you say with a serious tone at the end, like you have some backstory against traps.

Black:"NO NO NO, I'm not both or a... trap? It's just your question is a little... unexpected that's all. I'm a woman, Ok" she says while waving her arms.

You:"Prove it to me, let be feel your breast, what no you could just have muffin tops. Let me see you pussy" saying that you make her mad and annoyed again, making her attack you again with her sword, which you block with your kunai.

Black:"P-P-Pervert!!! What are you doing asking a lady to,d-do something like that" pushing her sword even harder.

You:"Well if your not going to show me, then I'll just need to do it myself" jumping back, you touch the ground, transmuting the ground around her foot, sinking her into the ground before launching bindings to restrain her hands, making her lose grip of her sword.

Struggling, you walking towards her, "W-Wait Wait Wait on for a second, I'll give you anything, If you looking for cute girls, I know where to get some high quality slaves, th-their not even taken yet, still fresh"

Stopping you think about her proposal, interested you tell her what to do, "Since your teammates will think it's weird if you came back with me, I'll put a magic spell on you, making it so that whenever I want to, I could find you, and kill you. You will take me to where you keep you slaves, just let your teammates know that you found a rich buyer coming in 3 days, and don't worry, I'll find you then"

Nodding she agrees to your terms, while you put an extra 10 Flying Raijin marks her, adding to the one you put on her back when you punched her. Letting the marks move around, to be not seen, you undo the bindings and let her go. Freed, Black runs away as fast as she can, trying to get away from you as fast as possible.

You:"I forgot to ask for her name. Whatever, I'll just call her blacky" Seeing her run off, you undo your shadow clone jutsu, turning into a puff of white smoke.