
The New Storm Dragon

Reincarnated with the Appearance of Baruka from Solo Leveling -- In the world of Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken -- But there's a twist. There might be Multiverse Travel soon -- Maybe? If you hate it. Then don't bash it. Just leave it. If you are going to leave a 1-Star review -- Then at least give an appropriate explanation. All illogical and non-acceptable 1-Star complaints shall be deleted.

DeadGoneAscended · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs



Poll -- Poll

-Harem-Note:This may lead to forced romance. If so then list at least 3 women.

-No Harem-Sticking true to the show. No sexual relations and will just have admirers.

-One Woman-Note:Might be less rushed but be in for some shitty romance writing.

-Humanoid Dragon Form-Note:Evolution from Humanoid Dragon Form Like This---->

--To Ultimate Dragon Form soon.

-Vote Now-


As Veldora flew towards the Dragon's Peak, Rimuru left the cave to go on his own journey.


Dragon's Peak.

The home of the reptilian dragon race. Although they are referred to as dragons. They are completely different from the True Dragons.

Unlike the True Dragons who are made with pure energy -- The dragons that reside in the world of Tensura are physical dragons that grow stronger as they age.

There are a few notable rankings when it comes to dragons like these.


A/N:I mighy not be correct in these rankings. But hey! Tis but a FanFic everyone.


-Lesser Dragon

-Greater Dragon

-Arch Dragon

-Dragon Lord

There is also one major fact about these dragons -- it's that they can never evolve into a True Dragon. Since they are born in a completely different way.


(Should I make my own home here? or...)

Whilst Veldora was flying, he was also thinking about whether or not he should make Tempest his home like the Original -- or make his own home here in the Dragon's Peak.

"We shall see soon"

With those words, Veldora pushes his thoughts at the back of his head, as he neared a nice landing spot.

As he landed, dragons started to fly above him -- as if stalking their prey. Of course, for a being as strong as Veldora. This was just akin to nonsense for him.

"Dragon Lords show yourselves!!"

With a loud roar -- 4 dragons flew out of their respective territory and landed on the wide flat plateau infront of Veldora.

"Who dares to awaken us!!"

"An elf? How interesting~"

"Ara ara -- what a unique one you are~"


Four proud dragons majestically stood before Veldora -- who at this time has been suppressing his energy, as to not inform these arrogant dragons about his true identity.

Veldora stared at each of these Dragon Lords.

There was a red-scaled Dragon -- The Fire Dragon Lord.

A blue-scaled Dragon -- The Water Dragon Lord

A brown-scaled Dragon -- The Earth Dragon Lord.

..and a sky blue-scaled Dragon, with a touch of white scales here and there -- The Wind Dragon Lord.

"It seems that the saying "with age comes knowledge" is true"

Despite Veldora's nonchalant statement -- The Water Dragon Lord took this as Veldora mocking them.

"An Impudent elf dares to mock us Dragon Lords!!" He roared


Contrary to the Dragon Lord's expectations -- the unique sky blue-skinned elf just stood there. Unfazed by the pressure emitted through the Water Dragon Lords roar.

(Ara~ He isn't just good looking but strong too~)

It seems that this unique elf has caught the attention of the Fire Dragon Lord -- as she eyed him from head to toe.

The long thick spiky pure-white hair. The tall lean and muscular stature. The pure-white glowing eyes that give of a strange feeling. The strangely long ears that even high-elves cannot match -- and of course, that unique skin color and voilet colored glowing mark on the elves forehead.

(What a treat!) She thoughtfully exclaimed.

"Oh? It seems that you're power is quite -- so so"

(And that strange raspy yet ethereal voice too!) The Fire Dragon Lord added.

Unbeknownst to her. The True Dragon disguised as an elf, showed a mysterious glint in his eyes as he glanced at her.


(Is that a she?)

Veldora has been getting a strange feeling when he glanced at the eyes of the Fire Dragon Lord.

(What is she thinking right now...)

Just as he was wondering what was going through the mind of the said Dragon Lord -- his partner that he had long forgotten made itself known.

<<Answer:Feeling of Lust has been detected coming from the Fire Dragon Lord>>


Veldora was shocked -- yet he didn't show it in his face, as he stared down the Water Dragon Lord and continued his converstion with his partner -- The [System]

(Lust? Is that what I think it is?)

<<Answer:Indeed it is Master>>

Veldora's sagely mind were shocked again. He scanned through his predecessor -- now his memories, and remembered himself talking about the beauty of women with his older brother Veldanava.

Veldora shook those thoughts from his head as he faced the Water Dragon Lord.

"Is that all you have"

Veldora marched forward and proceeded to approach the Water Dragon Lord.

"This bastard!!"

With an angry roar, the Water Dragon Lord charged its large claws -- with the intent to pierce the blue-skinned humanoid.


A/N:Short chapter cause got a lot of work to do. Anyway please vote in the poll above. But if I were to give my opinion then I would say that No Harem is good. Since it's quite rare that you see a FanFic that does not have any Romance related stuff in it.
