


A/N:Thank you for voting. I might not meet your expectations but I will try to put your suggestions to work and write the story my own style -- You're not paying me to write your story afterall -- teehee!


Dragon Lord

The strongest species of dragons -- just second to that of the True Dragons. Although some might not compare to True Demon Lords -- they still have enough power to be classified as an S-rank at most.

..and the strongest of the 4 Dragon Lords -- The Water Dragon Lord.

As his title suggested -- he had the power to manipulate and create water, he can also solidify it or increase its weight -- such is the power the Water Dragon Lord holds.




A loud voice cried out as the ground started to tremble.

"Why are you not affected!?"

This was of course -- the Water Dragon Lord.

"Of course! How can such a weak attack hurt me!"

The reply came from none other than the strange elf he has challenged.

They have been fighting for a few minutes now -- and it seems that the Water Dragon Lord's attacks have no effect on the strange elf.


With each slash -- the blue-skinned humanoid dodged. This led to the Water Dragon Lord -- using his control over water, to trap the strange elf inside a water balloon -- in hopes that the Water Dragon Lord could suffocate the elf.


..but that was not the case -- the elf just blew away the water balloon like it was nothing.

"Then take this!!"

The Water Dragon Lord -- flew to the air, as he flapped his wings and created several tornadoes made out of water -- to fire towards the elf.



(A water cyclone?)

Veldora charged his energy into his hand -- as long as he doesn't use his aura, then the people won't know his true identity -- as he charged the energy in his right hand, he punched the incoming water attacks.


All the attacks fired by the Water Dragon Lord were rendered useless.


Veldora sighed as he looked at the Water Dragon Lord flying above him.


The Water Dragon Lord charged -- with the intent to ram Veldora with he's horns.


"Hahahahaha!! What now you impude-"

Contrary to the Water Dragon Lord's expectation -- Veldora actually caught his horns.

Veldora let out a creepy smile -- as he looked towards the spectating Dragon Lords.

"You won't help him?" He asked

"Why should I?"

"Hmph! He was always too arrogant!"


It seems that this Water Dragon Lord has done something to earn the ire of the spectating Dragon Lords

"Why you cowards!!"

After hearing their reply. The Water Dragon Lord pushed his horns against Veldora with all his might.

"How's this!!"


With a loud roar -- a strong surge of water was fired from the Water Dragon Lord's mouth -- towards the stomach of Veldora.

(Hahaha!! This he think he can pierce my body!!)

"Just give up already!!"


A large cloud of dust engulfed the whole of Dragon's Peak.

"Yare yare daze man~"

As the smoke faded -- a headless Water Dragon Lord could be seen, just under the foot of a blue-skinned humanoid.

"I just wanted to talk and look at this mess you made!!"

Veldora complained as he threw the head of the Water Dragon Lord -- beneath the feet of the spectators.

(If this doesn't convince them -- then might as well kill them too)

Veldora approached the tensed Dragon Lords -- he then stopped and looked at them one by one.

"Do you still want to fight?"

The Dragon Lords all bowed their head towards Veldora -- how could they not do that when this guy defeated their strongest member without a scratch.


A/N:Cliche personality of the ara ara? or not?


"Do you all agree to follow me?"

As they heard Veldora's question -- they all replied with a tone of respect and reverence in their voices.

"It shall be done"

"Fufufufu~ I look forward to it"


Satisfied with their answers -- Veldora waved his hands and gave them their first order.

"Now then! -- I want you all to gather every Arch Dragon here. I want it to be done as fast as possible"

The Earth Dragon Lord. The Fire Dragob Lord. The Wind Dragon Lord -- heeded their new Master's words.

"Yes Sir!"

"Yes Master!"


Thus, Veldora has gained his first ever subordinates.


In a wide room decorated with majestic wooden designs -- 5 people could be seen talking to each other while sitting infront of a round table.

"So what do you think about this?"

The first one to speak was none other than the King of Dwargon himself -- Gazel Dwargon.

"The Dragon's Peak is a dangerous place for people who are not A-rank"

A warning was stated by an old dwarven woman, who wore a hood to cover her gray hair.

"Indeed that is true"

"However, our Pegasus Knights combined will be sure to match several Arch Dragons"

Suggestions were said by the 2 Generals of the Dwargon Army.

"Indeed, that is possible"

The reason they were having a meetinf right now -- was because of the loud roaring sounds and strong trembling of the Dragon's Peak. That was just above the Armoured Kingdom of Dwargon.

King Gazel looked behing the elder dwarf -- and to the elf-like woman beihind her.

"Search for any information on whom or what -- went to the Dragon's Peak"

The elf-like dwarf noded her head in silence and faded into the shadows.

King Gazel looked at his most trusted retainers and declared with a hint of [Lord's Ambition] to silence any form of complaint.

"None shall pass through the entry way towards the Dragon's Peak. Ready the Pegasus Knights for travel"

"Yes sir!"

"Yes, Your Majesty"

"Just don't do anything foolish my King"

With those words said, the meeting between the King of Dwargon and his trusted retainers have been adjourned.


