
The Mysteries of Green Dale chpt. 2

It was midnight when Asuna finally returned home, and when she did sitting on the stairs was her dad who had been waiting for her.

"A walk till midnight? What were you really doing? And don't lie." Her father said sternly.

"Yes sir." Asuna said as she hung her head. " I lied, I went to a party. I'm sorry dad."

"Thank you for being honest with me this time. However, you are grounded for a week with no technology. Now get some sleep, you have school tomorrow kiddo." Her dad said.

"Yes sir." Asuna said.

The next day at lunch the Fantastical Four sat next to Asuna again except for one of them, May, as she was absent that day for the first time in years.

"Hey guys! Where's may?" Asuna asked.

"We're not sure. I've tried to call but she hasn't answered." Sam said.

"I'm sure she's Okay!" Asuna said happily.

Little did they know how


They were

That night when Asuna looked into Kai's window, he was holding up a sign that said "wanna come over?" Asuna smiled and grabbed a sign and a pen. She wrote on it and held it up. "Sorry, I'm grounded" it said. Kai disappeared for a moment but then appeared with another sign that said "what if i sneak into your room?" Asuna chuckled and nodded. There was a tree between their windows that was big enough to climb on. So, Kai climbed the tree and hopped through her window. "I've come to rescue the fair maiden." Kai would say as they both gigled.

After a while they started talking about the Fantastical Four.

"So, when did you become the "fantastical Four"?" Asuna asked curiously.

"Well, kindergarten through 3rd grade it was the Terrific Three. Me, Cody, and sam. But then, a new girl came to town by the name of may. She soon became part of our group thus making us the Fantastical Four. We got our name for helping people out. May has always been one of the kindest people in our group. That's why in freshman year, when we found out her boyfriend cheated on her, Sam and Cody went to his house and taught him a lesson." Kai said.

"Wow, that's awesome. It was probably nice to know that someone cared about her. Wait, if it was just Sam and Cody who went, Where were you?" She asked curiously.

"I'm not a violent person so I opted out of the whole ordeal."

"The way you talk about May makes it seem like you all really care about her."

"Yeah, she's like our little sister. We've all known her since 3rd grade and now we're in our junior year of highschool."

"Tomorrow if she's not at school, we should go to her house and see if she's okay."

"I thought you were grounded?"

"I am, but I don't mind sneaking out."

"You sure?"

"As long as I don't get caught I'm fine." Asuna said with a smirk.

The next day after school Asuna went into her room and closed the door. She then opened her window quietly and carefully climbed onto the tree. At the bottom Kai was waiting for her.

"You need help Asuna?" Asked Kai.

"I got it." Asuna said as she started to climb down. Suddenly her foot slipped and she fell right into Kai's arms.

"So much for having it." Kai laughed.

"Oh whatever. Can you put me down now?" Kai put her down and they started to walk towards May's house.

"So, I'm hoping you know where May's house is?" Asuna said.

"No, I just went in a random direction." Kai said sarcastically.

Eventually they made it to May's house on the north side. The old creaky house almost seemed to growl at them. The closer they got, the louder the growl became.

"I'll knock. If you don't knock in the correct pattern she won't answer." Kai said as he walked up to the door. He knocked three times then paused, and knocked twice more. After a few moments an old lady answered the door.

"Hello Kai, how can I help you?" The lady asked.

"Can I speak to May please?"

"I'm afraid she's at her mom's house right now."

"Where is her mom's house?" Kai asked. The lady went into the house for a few minutes and came out with a sheet of paper.

"Enter that into your phone and you should find it in no time."

"Hey Asuna, got your driver's license?" Kai asked.

"Yeah why?"

"Cause we're going to Centerville."