
The Mysteries of Green Dale chpt. 3

They headed back to their house and Asuna looked at Kai.

"I'm going to tell my dad that I'm going to sleep so that way he doesn't come into my room." Asuna said.

"Smart. I'll stay here."

"What about your dad?"

"My dad won't bother checking on me." Asuna said. She climbed back up the tree and into her room. She then walked down stairs.

"Hey dad, I'm going to sleep."

"But you haven't even had dinner?"

"I know but I'm not feeling good."

"Alright but at least eat a granola bar." Her dad said as he handed her one.

"Thanks dad, I love you." she said as she ran upstairs.

Asuna closed her door and climbed back through the window and onto the tree. She climbed down and looked at Kai.

"So, I assume we're using one of your cars?"

"Yeah, my dad has a truck that he no longer drives."

"Cool." Kai led her to his garage where the truck was.

"Where's the keys?" Asuna asked.

"Think fast," Kai said as he threw them to her. She caught them and unlocked the doors. She then hopped up into the truck and started the car.

"You ready?" Asuna asked.


"Onward and Yonward." She said as they pulled out of the driveway.

"Hey Kai, you hungry?" Asuna asked as they entered Centerville.


"Good. we're going to stop at my favorite diner!" Anya said excitedly. She pulled into the parking lot and turned off the car.

"Here we are, Danny's Diner!" She leaped out of the car and walked into the diner.

"Hey Asuna!" A worker said joyfully.

"Hello Amber! I'll have my usual. What do you want Kai?" Asuna asked.

"I'll have a cheeseburger and fries with a Chocolate milkshake." Kai said.

"Alrighty!" Said Amber. Asuna and Kai sat in a booth.

"This is where I used to go everyday after school." Asuna said. Amber came up to the table.

"One Double cheeseburger with a strawberry milkshake, and one cheeseburger with a chocolate milkshake."

"Thanks Amber!" Asuna said.

"Did you go to school with Amber?" Kai asked

"Indeed I did. She and I also used to work on the school newspaper together."

"You used to work on the school newspaper? You should come and work with me on the school newspaper. I could use another person to write with me considering I'm the only one right now."

"Sounds awesome!"

After enjoying their dinner they pulled into May's mom's house. They hopped out of the truck and knocked on the door.

"Hello Kai, May is in her room." Ms. Mark said.

"Can we see her?" Kai asked.

"You can try. She hasn't come out of her room. She won't even talk to me."

"We'll try to talk to her Ms. Mark." Asuna said. They walked up to May's room and knocked on the door.

"May?" No answer.

"It's me, Kai." No answer.

"Can you tell us what's wrong?" No answer. Asuna tried to open the door but it was locked.

"May, are you okay?" Asuna asked. No answer.

"Hey Kai, do you have a credit card?" Asuna asked.

"No, why?"

"Bobby pin it is." Asuna said as she pulled a bobby pin out of her hair. She put it in the lock of the door and twisted it.

"I'm coming in." Asuna said as she opened the door. The room was dark and they couldnt see anything so she turned on the light.

"May?" Asuna said as he looked around. Asuna looked in the closet and was horrified by what she saw.

"Oh.. my.. God… Call 911!" Asuna yelled. Kai pulled out his phone and called 911. There in the closet was May. She had multiple stab wounds and bruises all over her body.

"911 whats your emergency?" The first responder asked.

"16 year old female with multiple stab wounds" Kai said frantically.

"Calm down sir, does she have a pulse?" They asked. Asuna checked May's body for a pulse. She then Shook her head.

"No, she… she doesn't.." Kai said.

"Okay sir, where are you right now."

The Police came shortly after and declared May as dead from blood loss. The only question now was who, and most importantly why? It seemed to be May's mom, even though she swore her innocence.

"When was the last time you saw your daughter?" Sheriff Daniel asked.

"Two days ago when she and her friend went into her room." Ms. Mark said as she cried. " I swear on my life that i had nothing to do with my daughters murder!"

"Ms. Mark, who was this friend?"

"Alice Alluka"

"Hello Alice, let's get straight to the point. Did you kill May Mark?" Asked the sheriff.

"I want my lawyer." Alice said.

"Okay." The sheriff walked out of the room.

"How's it looking boss?" Asked one of the officers.

"Well, from an evidence stan point, it looks like she's not it. But from an officer standpoint, she's guilty. All I have to do is find the evidence to support that statement."