
Chapter 40 Azizi Enters

"PFFFF!" Jin laughed as he looked at Kai. "You're so much shorter, what happened?" Jin said as he wiped a tear from his eye. "Tch, piss off." Kai answered as he couldn't be bothered to respond. Before Kai was about the same height as Jin but now he was about half a head shorter than him due to being aged down.

'Hah, there's barely anything to make fun of him about, so this is a keeper.' Jin thought as he now directed his gaze onto the now knocked out Charlos. "So, we've achieved the easiest part, now we have to camp out in our base." Jin said as he gazed at the armoured turtle like building.

"Well we could just fight, it shouldn't be that hard, but this method would save some of our man power." Kai responded with. "Ya, probably." Jin said before grabbing the 2 celestial dragons on the ground and heading inside.

Kai and Izuku also did the same after they grabbed Charlos. Once they were inside they entered the conference hall and called all the Yakuza inside. "Attention all members, you see these 3 people? They're Celestial Dragons, we're officially at war with the World Government." Jin said as they chucked the 3 knocked out dragons onto the table.

"What the actual fuck!"

"We're dead meat."

"This, this is bad."

They said one after the other as they panicked. The only people who knew about this operation was obviously, Jin, Izuku, and Kai, along with Hermes, and the scouting unit which consisted of 5 Yakuza who monitored the fights for the celestial dragons. Their main goal was in fact rellaying information between the Yakuza.

"I know what you think, but believe me, we couldn't pick a better time. If you didn't know Portgas D. Ace has been captured, and Whitebeard will start a war over him, so the marines don't have enough man power to deal with us." Jin explained as the Yakuza calmed down a bit.

"But after that we're dead." One of them said. "No you're wrong, cause the more time passes the better situation we're in. Let me tell you something, currently us leaders are growing much much stronger, and as you guys get used to your quirks we get more and more of an advantage." Jin continued explaining.

Hearing this, although they had their doubts, they were more confident. "So are we just going to hide here?" Another Yakuza asked. "Yes, but why ask all these questions? Look does it matter? I can literally teleport in and out of here. We threw in our lot with them ages ago, there's no backing out now, or are you guys willing to take the benefits but not share the hardships? If so, I'll kick your ass right now." Hermes said as he gazed at them.

The Yakuza shivered hearing this. Throughout his time after he joined, Hermes was a loyal hard worker, he felt he owed a lot to Jin and Kai for giving him powers, but he was also intelligent enough to know that even if he backed out now, he'd still be a fugitive for colluding with the Yakuza before.

"Okay, well it seems you're all in." Jin said as his gaze swept past the Yakuza. "Well if that's the case, you'll continue training with Kai, I am heading out for a bit." Jin said as the Yakuza nodded.

"Ah, the sky is so clear all the way up here." Jin said as he rested on the top of a mangrove tree. "Don't you agree?" He asked as he titled his head upward. "Ya, for sure." Izuku said as he walked towards Jin.

"We're all ready but, are you?" Jin asked as he gazed at the passing clouds. Hearing this Izuku's expression faltered a bit. "Why do we have to do this Jin? Couldn't we have just left after learning haki? Why do we have to get involved? So we can start a slaughter? People will die!" Izuku said as he gazed at Jin.

"....I don't know, for power? No. Because I want to play hero? No. It's because I want to, isn't that enough for people?" Jin asked as he gazed back at Izuku. "I see, so you don't care if your subordinates die?" Izuku asked.

"No, I do care, but that's besides the point. You have to understand, the path I've chosen is one where people will die, and we will have to kill. Such is the way of the world. If you want to backout you can, I won't stop you, but playing hero won't take you far in life." Jin said as he got up.

"What do you mean, playing hero?" Izuku asked a bit hurt. Hearing this Jin shook his head. "Wanting to be a hero and having the ability to be a hero are 2 seperate things, you should understand that more than anyone." Jin finished as he jumped off the mangrove tree.

'Am I truly a hero?' Izuku thought as he began to gaze at the sky as Jin did.

Far, far, away in a white void.

"An interesting development I must say." Zubin said as he gazed at Sabaody and specifically at Jin. "You say that, but if he was smart, wouldn't he have just stolen the gura gura no mi, or another highly powerful devil fruit?" Azizi replied as black aura consumed the white void before receeding.

"You've been here an awful lot lately." Zubin said as his expression soured. "Oh shucks, calm your ass down, you sound like an old man. Oh wait, you are one." Azizi said as he chuckled pointing at Zubin's long white beard.

"If you're just here to banter, leave." Zubin said without turning to Azizi. "Okay, okay, I get it. I was sent here to help out by "him"." Azizi said as he pointed up. "Oh, really? Why?" Zubin asked curiously.

"Well it's probably because you're senile, and doing a bad job." Azizi replied. "Seriously, why?" Zubin asked as he gazed into Azizi's abyss like pupiless eyes. Inside strings of white letters appeared and made out a sentence.

"He lost half his power fighting for a chance at the Ancient Coloseum. Luckily, he suceeded but now the weaker races in the faction are looking for chances to interfere." The string of letters formed as Zubin's face grew irritated, but happy at the same time.

'He should know that he's the most important person in our race, but at least, in this way, we now have a chance.' Zubin thought as a single tear fell from his left eye.

"So Azizi, I guess we have a man to watch." Zubin said as he turned towards a tear in space. "Ya, hopefully this is exciting." Azizi said as he removed the hood from his cloak.

"By the way, I just remembered, aren't we allowed to manipulate fate in his favor due to the Jahan title?" Azizi said as his eyes glowed. "Of course, but we can't interfere too much." Zubin replied. "But can we manipulate his thoughts ever so slightly?" Azizi asked in response.

"...Yes, that should be allowed, why?" Zubin stated as he looked at Azizi with curiousity. "Hahaha, you're still too young, you may be an old man at heart but you're still lacking in wisdom. Over my trillion years of seeing competitors take part, I've found out a great deal about these worlds, and in that world, there's a power connected to the tree." Azizi said excitedly.

Hearing this Zubin was shocked. "That, tree? Really? Why wasn't this done in any of the past rounds?" Zubin asked in shock. "Well, it has been done before, I think about 2 or 3 times in the past, but you know how they are, normally they either go after too many girls or they eat a fruit too early and don't have the abilities to consume it afterwards." Azizi answered.

"I got it, since this boy has also obtained All For One, then all we need to do is lead him to that power, regardless if he's eaten a fruit or not." Zubin said. "Yes, and he's already on track to obtain it, we just have to make sure he gets to it." Azizi said as he grinned.

With this, Jin and friends took another step forward, while Zubin and Azizi ensured their progression. Find out more in the next episode of Dragon Ba-- "Stop narrator this is The Multiverse Traveller." Oh sorry about that, then find out more in the next episode of The Multiverse Traveller.

Yay, late release again. At this poitn I should just quit, but I'am continuing this, not just to prove to myself that I can hopefully finish this, but to also make it up for all of you who are still following along.

Besides that, I hope you like how the novel is progressing, and if you have any feedback I'd appreciate if you could post it in the comment section or as a review, whether it be good or bad.

Anyway, till next time, bye.

Dragonic_Daocreators' thoughts