
The Multiverse Traveller

*WARNING* *WARNING* Firstly let me get this out of the way. I've already dropped 2 other fanfictions so please don't expect much. If people who have read my other works read this as well, I am deeply sorry if I drop this cause it shows I haven't learned my lesson. Apart from that, there will be no/NADA/ZERO R-18 nor Harem content in this novel there is already enough of that on this site so I don't think you need it again. Apart from that for now I am stockpiling chapters so release rate won't be regular. BE WARNED. Every 5 billion years a tournament was held, a tournament to bring rise to a Great God. The existence of such a being could bring a race to prosperity while the loss of one could bring it to its knees. Humanity had been losing for many many many years. This was already their 629th loss when they picked Jin, the man who would be their champion who they put all their hopes on. "I may die at the Grand Races Tournament but before that, I'll try my hardest, not just for myself but for all of humanity." That was his resolution that led him to the top.

Dragonic_Dao · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Chapter 39 Capturing Charlos

Close to Sabaody, lay a multi-story japanese style palace situated on a crescent moon shaped island made completely out of brick and steel with canons on the edge. This, was Marineford, the main base of the marines.

"Fleet Admiral Sengoku we have a situation." The stalky sumo like man said as he spoke into his Den Den Mushi (snail telephone). "What's the problem Sentomaru? Has something gone wrong on Sabaody? What did those pirates do?" A tall man with a long braided goatee and a mustache said. This was Fleet Admiral Sengoku a 77 year old man who still looked like he was in his 40s.

"The Yakuza has made a move, they've captured 2 celestial dragons." Sentomaru said as he gazed at Izuku and Jin. "WHAT! Mobilize the Pacifistas, I'll call in a Buster Call." Sengoku said as his muscles began to bulge out of his uniform and his marine cap with a life sized seagull placed on it nearly fell off.

"No, we can't do that sir, he threatened to kill one of them if we were to take such action." Sentomaru said hurriedly as Jin's eyes sharpened. "Give me that." Jin said as he held his hand out. "And don't try anything funny." Jin continued as he waited for Sentomaru to hand over the Den Den Mushi.

"I don't negotiate with pirates." Sengoku said as he nearly hung up before he heard a voice. "Oh Sengoku, how could you say that? I don't think I am a pirate." Jin said as Sengoku's brow creased.

"What do you want criminal scum?" Sengoku asked. "Well, what I want is very simple, 3 favors, 1 favor for each celestial dragon I have. "Wait, what do you mean 3?" Sengoku asked in shock. 'Sentomaru only said there were 2.' Sengoku thought as Jin chuckled.

"Well I have 2 my comrade should have another one by now." Jin said as Sengoku's eyes narrowed. "What is it you're after you damn criminal!" He said in rage. "Believe it or not, justice." Jin said as everyone in the vicinity was shocked. 'Justice, this isn't what justice is.' They thought. 'At least not the justice of this world.' They thought as they shook their heads in dismay.

"Justice this?!" Sengoku replied in rage. "Yes, justice, you've let those "dragons" run around far too long, look what they've done, who they've killed. For what? For the World Government's pride? You marines run around like dogs for them, you're telling me these 1 of these little shits is worth Kizaru, Aokiji or Akainu running here?" Jin said as Sengoku didn't know what to say.

"You say pirates are evil, but some of them have done nothing wrong. You pain Whitebeard as a villain but if anything he protects people, protects fishman island from the discrimination of humans. Monkey D. Luffy has saved multiple islands which were terrorized by your Shichibukai. You Marines, you call them all bad because some of them are evil, then what should we call you? Your entire organisation is built on corruption, so I assume, you're the evilest organisation in the world then, right?" Jin monologued as the people around him were confused and didn't know what to say.

"OKAY! Fine just shut up. I'll do you your 3 favors, but if any of the dragons are harmed your head will be next." Sengoku said. "I've changed my mind, 2 favors for each dragon. Or would you like me to talk about Gecko Moria, and Enies Lobby, .....maybe I'll even talk about the treasure hidden in Mary Geoise." Jin whispered as Sengoku grew more and more enraged.

"I, no, we marines will not be extorted." Sengoku said. "Good, good, I am sorry, but you've forced my hand." Jin said as he hung up and chucked the Den Den Mushi back to Sentomaru. "Now, you fat shit. You better leave or I'll rip Saint Rosward a new one." Jin said as he looked at Sentomaru.

"...Fine." He simply responded before retreating. "Keep watch on him." Sentomaru whispered through a transmitter.

"Now that the annoyance is gone. Monkey D. Luffy, I have something to tell you." Jin said as he gazed at Luffy. "What me?" Luffy said as he pointed to himself. "Don't get involved with him, we could get killed for it." Hatchan said as he shut Luffy up.

"Don't worry it's nothing like that I just have something to tell him, well 2 things." Jin said as a portal opened up behind him. "Oh it's time? Well I'll keep things brief, your brother, Ace he's to be executed soon, he got caught by Blackbeard." Jin said as he grabbed the celestial dragons.

"Just go in." Jin said to Jean as He began to walk in. "Wait what do you mean executed?!" Luffy asked in fright. "Don't worry with bad new there's always good news. If you take your crew I am sure you'll figure something out." Jin said as he entered the warp gate.

As it began to close though a sound escaped. "And Sabo is alive, he's currently with your father." Jin said as the warp gate shut closed, leaving a speachless Luffy. "Is he alive!?!" Luffy asked himself in shock as tears streamed his face.

"Who are those people? And won't he think you're lying?" Izuku asked as they reappeared in the Yakuza base. Hearing this Jin shook his head. "Don't worry, he may be dumb, but he'd be smart enough to know I have no reason to lie to him." Jin said before chucking the 2 celestial dragons onto the ground.

Suddenly another warp gate opened and out came a celestial dragon and Kai soon after.

A few minutes ago as Jin and Izuku were dealing with their own tasks, Kai was in Grove 24 dealing with the issues there. 'Tch, this better pan out well, cause if it doesn't we're screwed.' Kai thought as he gazed at the street.

On it there were multiple notable characters which Jin had warned him of. 'So there's Mad Monk Urouge, a skypiean, a race most known for their angle like wings, apart from this his most notable features were his huge figure, his shaved hair and scraggly beard, a pillar he always carried, and his devil like smile which he always wore on his face.

Big Eater Jewelry Bonney, a human with bright pink hair, and too much lipstick, she's also as her title suggest always eating. Magician Basil Hawkins, a human fortune teller with long blonde hair and 6 triangle tattoos, 3 above each eye brow. Roar of the Sea Scratchmen Apoo a man from the longarm tribe with 2 elbow joints, he has piano like teeth and hair pulled back into a pony tail. And last but not least Gang Campone Bege he looks like a typical Italian mafia boss, and is typically always found smoking a cigar.' Kai thought as he made note of the people around him.

"And of course, the biggest buffoon my target." Kai whispered under his breath as a fat man with high black hair came riding in on an average sized blonde man. 'Why was I the one picked to deal with a slob.' Kai thought as the man's very face disgusted him.

He had the thickest lips he'd ever seen, the fat on his face made his face look like a pear, and he had snot always hanging on one of his nostrils.

Along with him there were 3 guards and a man in a black suit. As the people began to kneel the celestial dragon grew enraged at his slave and began to kick his head. Soon after he calmed down, and they continued to move again, as they passed by Kai the celestial dragon's pupils narrowed as he gazed at him.

"Why aren't you kneeling!" The celestial dragon said as he gazed at Kai enraged. "Tch, is that how your mother taught you to speak." Kai said as he walked towards the celestial dragon.

Immediately Charlos took out his gun and began to fire at Kai but he simply dodged. Suddenly though a pink haired girl came out of no where jumping towards Kai. 'Oh a sneak attack?' Kai thought as he immediately elbowed the girl to the ground.

"So you do have actual protection." Kai said as the girl hit the ground and the celestial dragon looked on in shock. "Y-You dare dodge my shots!?! Guards seize him!!" The celestial dragon said. "Your wish is our command, Saint Charlos." They said as they surrounded Kai.

"Why did you do that!?!" Jewelry Bonney who was hit by Kai said. "Tch, don't get involved, this is MY territory." Kai said as he took off his gloves.

Immediately the guards charged at Kai but he simply dodged all their strikes and tapped them once, overhauling them into nothingness. "It's been a while since I fought unrestrained." Kai said as his eyes grew cold.

'What is that power!?!?" Mad Monk Urouge thought as he looked on in shock. "W-What are you?!" Charlos said as he pulled back in fear. "WAHH!" He screamed as he fell off his slave.

"I am Kai Chisaki, Yakuza Boss, people around here call me Crow. And if you didn't know, I care a lot about my pride!" Kai sneered as he walked towards Charlos. Seeing this the black suited man next to him began to pull out something.

Before he could do anything though, Kai immediately closed in on him. "No." Kai said as he slapped the man, overhauling him as well. "W-W.... SLAVE SAVE ME!!" Charlos said as he tried to run away. "You people, save me!!" He said as he tried to get the surrounding people to help him.

As soon as he said this a green haired man with 3 swords hanging at his waist walked to the scene. He was currently chugging down wine as he gazed at the fiasco. "What's going on here?" He said as he gazed at Kai.

"Pirate Hunter, this is none of your business." Kai said. "No it is our business." Urouge said as he walked forward. "If you harm this man, they'll call an admiral!" Jewelry Bonney said.

"What an admiral!?" Zoro on the side asked in shock and disbelief. "Then start running, my companions should already have this man's family." Kai said as he passed by the slave of Charlos.

"What you got my father and sister!?" Charlos said in shock as he gazed at Kai in fear. "Slave, aren't you irritated by this scum? Here I'll set you free." Kai said as he tapped the slave overhauling him into an uninjured state, after that he overhauled the collar freeing him.

"T-Thank you." The slave said. "If you want to thank me live your life now." Kai said as he walked past him and towards Charlos. "My partner told me about you Roronoa Zoro, I know you won't stop me since you'd hate what these celestial dragons are doing. And you two? By yourselves you can't beat me." Kai said as he shook his head while cleaning his hands.

"How weak do you think we are?" Urouge asked in anger. "Weak enough to kill with one hit." Kai said as he tilted his head and gazed at Urouge coldly.

"Hmph, fine you asked for this." Urouge said as he jumped towards Kai swinging his pillar. "Ya, no one can beat my ability." Jewelry Bonney said as she got ready to fight. 'What the fuck is going on.' Zoro thought as he continued drinking, watching the sight.

"Father, we gotta run." One of Bege's men said. "Ya let's go boys." Bege said as they went away. "The shadow of death is not upon us today, this battle is of no concern, let's depart." Hawkins said as he and his crew also left. "This'll be fun to watch." Apoo said as he hopped on a roof to watch.

"Busoshoku, haki." Kai said as he raised his hand to grab the pillar. Immediately an invisible force wrapped around Kai's hand and when the pillar hit his hand it simply stayed there as it pressed against Kai's hand. "Impossible!" Urouge said in fright.

"Overhaul." Kai stated as the pillar overhauled into a spike which penetrated through Urouge's hand. "GAHH!" He screamed in pain as the spike tore through his palm. This wasn't the end though as Jewelry Bonney snuck up from behind Kai touching him for a brief moment.

In that second Bonney's devil fruit ability activated and Kai shortened by about 20 centimeters and his clothes immediatel fit him loosely. "You irritating bitch!" Kai as he turned around and overhauled her in and out of existence.


She screamed in pain as Kai looked at her in rage. "You're lucky you're on the no kill list." Kai said as he turned to Charlos. "Now you're coming with me, I swear if one of you others interfere now, I won't hold back." Kai said as his mask began to fall off.

Immediately he grabbed it and overhauled it to fit his face. 'These digusting pigs, they're triggering my misophobia.' Kai thought as he walked to his target. "S-Stay away!" Charlos said as he fell on his ass and tried to scurry away. "You've made a great deal of trouble for me. Now come with me!" Kai said as he grabbed his foot and dragged him.

Suddenly he threw him towards a direction and at that exact second a warp gate opened warping Charlos away. 'Seems my calculations are still fine.' Kai thought as he walked towards the warp gate.

"What in the world are you?" Zoro asked in shock after witnessing these events. "I am a Yakuza boss." Kai said before walking into the warp gate.