
The Multiversal Empire

The Greatest of the Ghoul, The Lord of Blood, The Tamer of Slaanesh, The Friend of Tzeentch, The Rival of Khorne, The Desired One of Nurgle, The Slaver of Malice, The Shinigami, The Grand Vasto Lord, The Deadliest Killer, The Chaos God of Betrayal and Loyalty, The Law and The Great Emperor of Earth. These were all names to describe one man. Now John has awakened, but not in the world he knew. Watch as he walks the fine line between the light and dark. Witness him protect life and bring death. His path is not certain but he is. The path he chooses will lead him through the depths of hell to the reaches of heaven. He is a man, he is a warrior, he is a leader, HE IS AN EMPEROR, and he shall have his empire or he will die trying. DISCLAIMER This novel is a brain child of mine I've been working on for a while. I plan to take typical isekai fanfiction a new direction, this if you haven't guess is based on the novel The Lord's Empire.

AverageDaoist · 書籍·文学
23 Chs

Chapter 16: A God Reborn

"Warning! The transfer is unable to be stopped, find an isolated location immediately to avoid collateral damage."

The man pauses, frozen by the message in front of him.

'No....' The man lowers his head. All his plans, his drive to help his people in thus trial. All for nothing.

"Warning! The transfer is unable to be stopped, countdown commencing."


"Ding! 10"


"Ding! 9"


"Ding! 8"

'No...' The man slowly falls to his knees.

"Ding! 7"

'No...." Tears begin to fall from the mans eyes.

"Ding! 6"

'No....' The man begins to feel dread in his heart.

"Ding! 5"

'No....' The mans dread deepens.

"Ding! 4"

'No...!' The mans dread slowly turns to rage.

"Ding! 3"

'No..!!' His rage is building.

"Ding! 2"

'No!!!!' His anger begins to emanate in his surroundings.

"Ding! 1"

'NOOO!!!' The man suddenly bursts. He manages to tap into the warp, releasing it and destroying his surroundings.

The man screams, he continues to scream. His power growing as warp once again flows through his body.

The mans anger is great, he feels betrayed. Betrayed by this trial, by his race and even by himself. He hates being betrayed and he would stop it.

He directs his warp into the now frozen screen in front of him, it slowly begins to crack and crack until suddenly it shatters.

The man lowers his head, slowly raising it to see an new screen had taken its place.

"Ding! Godly Energy detected, transference cancelled. Beginning Godly Trial."

"Ding! Already inside trial world, beginning trial."

The man looks stunned at this new development.

"Ding! Mission recieved."

"Ding! The Wrath of Betrayal and Loyalty.

Your objective, using the power that you have built in this world make a safe haven for ghouls from anywhere in the world. Conditions;

You can not die.

Kaneki Ken can not die or leave Chaos.

Hinami Fueguchi can not die or leave Chaos.

Touka Kirishima can not die or leave Chaos.

Nishiki Nishio can not die or leave Chaos.

Shuu Tsukiyama can not die or leave Chaos.

Yoshimura can not die or leave Chaos."

The mans rage subsides and he smiles, he grins wider than he has since he inhabited this new body. He begins to move when suddenly a portal opens in front of him.

The man quickly moves back and activates his kagune, channeling what's left of the warp he gathered from his meltdown. The man holds his breath, wait for the portal to close or something to come through it.

The latter happens, three beings exit the portal. They are tall, grey-blue humanoids with a muscular frame and a draconic tail lowering from there tail bones. The have winds on there back, similar to a bats and are different colours. Black in the centre, red on the right and blue on the left.

They are dressed in light grey armour with flowing robes hanging down from them. They are each holding a large tome, with a runic sword attached to there waists.

The being in the centre is larger than the two flanking him, being around 9ft tall to their 8ft. The tome he holds is larger, more detailed. It's called, The Tome of the Great Judges.

The being has strapped to it's back a large battle axe, the runes crafted on it glowing a faint black light.

The being walks towards the man, followed by its brethren. The come to a stop a few feet away from him and suddenly kneel.

The man deactivates his kagune and stands at ease. He looks at the three beings and smiles.

The beings are Judges, the Greater Daemons that the man created. Their tomes able to tell truth from lie, no one can stop this. Not even himself.

The Judge in the centre is special. He is Exret, The Grand Executioner. He is the mans top enforcer among his Daemons and is the fifth most powerful Judge.

The man walks forward and looks at his three Greater Daemons and gestures for them to stand.

The man then begins to walk away from the area, his three Daemons following after him.

(The Next Day)

The man has made plans, plans to achieve his goal. He will take over Tokyo, with the underground tunnels and the actively split up territory it would make the perfect safe zone for his race.

He has tasked his new judges to complete a task. He has the two nameless Judges to head to the CCG branches in the isolated Wards 17 and 21.

They make quick work of the demoralised CCG presence and easily overthrow them, allowing the man to sweep in and clean up the Wards and he placed them in control of Fuka and Karren respectively.

The man had also tasked Exret to head down to the 24th Ward and hunt Aogiri Tree loyalist. He would hunt them down and ask them the question, if they were indeed loyal he would kill them and if not he would send them to the surface where Kaneki would be waiting to welcome them to Chaos.

(Another Day Later)

The man has conquered another three Wards, the 9th, 10th and 12th. They are the last cluster of CCG controlled wards in Tokyo that aren't the the Headquaters.

The man uses the same strategy as before, first attacking the 9th and 10th Wards with his Judges and sweeping in after. He transfers Nishiki and Andrew in to run his new territory.

He then joins both his Judges to attack the last ward, the 12th Ward. This is a hard ward to conquer than the rest as it contains Corniculum the other ghoul prison in Tokyo.

The man and his Judges easily shred through the defences, using impeccable teamwork to tear their defences apart. He releases the ghouls housed there and although none were stand out some were powerful enough to be useful.

The man put Matasaka in charge so he could put down any insurrection or insubordination from the prisoners, leaving Gil in charge of his old ward.

The man has now finished preparing for the end. He will complete the trial soon, he will make a good home for his race.