
The Multiversal Empire

The Greatest of the Ghoul, The Lord of Blood, The Tamer of Slaanesh, The Friend of Tzeentch, The Rival of Khorne, The Desired One of Nurgle, The Slaver of Malice, The Shinigami, The Grand Vasto Lord, The Deadliest Killer, The Chaos God of Betrayal and Loyalty, The Law and The Great Emperor of Earth. These were all names to describe one man. Now John has awakened, but not in the world he knew. Watch as he walks the fine line between the light and dark. Witness him protect life and bring death. His path is not certain but he is. The path he chooses will lead him through the depths of hell to the reaches of heaven. He is a man, he is a warrior, he is a leader, HE IS AN EMPEROR, and he shall have his empire or he will die trying. DISCLAIMER This novel is a brain child of mine I've been working on for a while. I plan to take typical isekai fanfiction a new direction, this if you haven't guess is based on the novel The Lord's Empire.

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Chapter 15: True Revenge

The man has just come from a meeting with his Ward commanders. He has been discussing the next plan of action for Chaos.

Although the likes of Aogiri Tree and the CCG aren't a big threat anymore, they could cause a lot of problems.

The CCG is a large human organisation, one that controls the majority of the world. This means they would be able to gain reinforcements from everywhere.

The issue however is that this will leave those territories would be undefended. Tokyo is the heart of the CCGs power and are usually the ones sent to be the reinforcements.

Then theres Aogiri Tree. Although they have few wards remaining as Ayato and Naki left them for Chaos, they still have one major advantage.

That is the hidden 24th Ward. The 24th Ward exists as a system of tunnels and caverns underneath Tokyo, built in a time where the ghouls were a more powerful threat that needed terminating.

The 24th Ward runs beneath all wards and allows them to quickly enter or escape into the territory of both the CCG and Chaos, and even with all known tunnels being guarded by both sides there may be more yet to be discovered by them.

The man does have good news from the Aogiri Tree front though. The last two executives Kazuichi and Miza have both expressed a desire to meet with the man for peace talks.

They are indeed members of Aogiri Tree but are recent additions to the organisation, both having gangs before join that are still blindingly loyal to them.

The man is currently sat in the freezer in Anteiku, waiting. He is waiting for Hinami and Ryouku to arrive. The man however is not alone in the room.

He is accompanied by a chained up Kureo Mado, a First Class Investigator and the man who killed Asaki Fueguchi.

He was participating in the Battle of Cochlea and the man spotted him. The had told Jirou before the confrontation to capture him at any cost.

Ryouku and Hinami enter to see the man, silent and they walk in. They observe there surrounding and find Kureo, the person that killed there loved one.

The man smiles and stands, greeting the two with open arms. He soon turns around and kicks Kureo in the stomach.

Koreo hunches over as the man returns to look at his two companions, "Do you like your gift?" He asks with an innocent smile plastered on his face.

Hinami smiles back at him, instantly going from he cold and stoic demeanour to being the giddy little sister of his again, grinning much like the man.

Ryouku on the other hand was conflicted. As a pacifist she should condemn the mans actions, but she can't.

She can't condemn the man for going so far to allow her family closure, the man that has help both her and her daughter live better lives after. The man that had become family.

She couldn't condemn him for bringing her the beast that tore her family apart. She walks over to the man and hugs him, crying silently in his embrace before quietly leaving the room.

Hinami on the other hand stays, wanting to witness the man complete her revenge. She's a smart girl and knows that he will refuse to let her help.

The man smiles, warmly at first before allowing it to turn sinister. The man walks over to Kureo and grabs his face, bringing out a spoon he had brought for the occasion.

This spoon has one purpose, giving the man a snack. That snack being the right eye of Kureo, who has already started to panic as the man grabs his face.

The man lowers the spoon slowly into the eye socket, pushing it in with force but slowly as he wants it to be as painful as possible.

It takes a few minutes and Kureo can be seen falling still as the man lifts the spoon with a now freshly plucked eyeball on his spoon.

The man looks down at his victim before looking at the spoon, then back at his victim. He the lifts Kureo up, opens the murderer's mouth and shoves the eyeball inside.

The man uses his superhuman strength that he has as a ghoul and forces Kureo to chew the eye now in his mouth. Kureo's other eye widened in shock as he tries to fight back the waves of nausea that are assaulting him.

He continues to chew, eventually having to swallow his chewed eye. The man finally moves back as a wave of vomit bursts from the now crying man. Half of his face covered in tears.

This continues for hours, the man slowly taking Kureo apart piece by piece. Hinami, wanted to stay for it all but ended up leaving at the hour mark feeling ill.

It comes time for the man to end this festival of pain. Looking at the dried blood, faeces and urine on the floor. The man soon finish, find Ryouku and Hinami.

He finds them in a living room, cuddled in the couch while reading. The man enters and smiles.

He receives a smile back from the both of them before sitting down. The man looks over them and smiles again, "I'll be leaving soon."

This was followed by both girls ask where, not quite getting the hidden meaning behind the mans words.

He corrects them, "No, I am 'leaving' soon." He says, emphasising the word leaving. "And I don't think I'll be able to come back again." The man continues with a downcast look.

Hinami looks up at him, tears in he eyes. "Why? WHY?!!!!" She screams, continuing to cry whilst hiding in her mother's arms.

The man looks over to Ryouku and sees a similar expression on her face. Tears streaming down her face, the man has to admit she's beautiful.

The man quickly scolds himself however. He, the God of Loyalty coveting a widow so soon after her husbands death. The feels disgusted. He quickly stands, asking the two of them not to tell anyone just yet.

They both agree, although reluctantly, trying there best to stop there tears as the man leaves the room. The man walks, leaving Anteiku, leaving the 20th Ward, heading into the 19th Ward to meet his new subordinates.

(2 Hours Later)

The man is standing across from a large group of ghouls. At the front being Miza and Kazuichi. The atmosphere tense as the man enters the meeting sight.

He smiles and waves to the two gang leaders, who both quickly walk towards him. They are flanked by a bodyguard each, both of them look warily at the man.

The meeting takes a few moments, both ghouls quickly agreeing to join, both there danger sences going off the moment they step in the mans field of vision.

They soon leave however going back to their wards to organise there gangs and purge the Aogiri loyalist among them.

As the man watches them leave however his vision is interrupted.

"Ding! You have been successful and have gained a Race Legacy. The Race is known as Ghoul. You are being transferred from the Legacy Trial in ten seconds."

"Warning! The transfer is unable to be stopped, find an isolated location immediately to avoid collateral damage."