
The Mother Of Spirits

"I look more like a ghost than a human" Those were my last words. My last words before jumping off a building. Turns out that im really a ghost now... Fuck! A story about an ex-depressive person who is discovering a new world of fantasy with monsters, magic, action and intrigues.

San_Martins · ファンタジー
21 Chs


A ghost floats around this dark and ominous forest.

Im faster now! dude 6 points really make a difference.

Im wondering about humans recently.

I feel like I could kill one and not even blink, and that scares me a little.

Some days ago at the greenly village, I saw those women and I didnt feel anything about them, I didnt care.

It is not like I enjoyed it either so I must be one of the good monsters right?

Not like humans are perfect either! look at them hunting down an innocent ghost damn racists!

I hope they get lost in here or just give up!

And that trio argh... They are the worst, what a bunch of snitches!

If I get my hands on them! wait I have no hands, whatever you know what I mean.

Talking about that group, im curious about that dwarf-looking guy.

If other races outside humans exist in this world dude! That would be cool! In my previous world cat girls were famous after all.

Mental note, if I ever get a skill that makes me possess people, I should aim for a cat girl.

I floated around thinking about cat girls for a bit until I found a cave in the ground.

An opening, on the dirt ground around some trees and rocks.

Dude! Could this get any more horror movie-like? look at this cave in the middle of a forest that has no grass and trees with dark purple wood.

And it seems to go even deeper into the ground like a stair to hell or something.

I dont feel anything with Spiritual senses, but just look at it!

It is an obvious monster hideout.

Time to go down there like the courageous and determined ghost Im.

I float inside and the place is pretty cramped and dark.

It goes even further into the ground.

Some can say, "You do not even believe in God!", but God believes in me!

Lord and sav-

My prayer got interrupted.

I feel something big inside, not just big I feel something huge.

What the hell is this thing?

I continued to go down and I found a hole leading to a very big open space.

I look around and I can only see one thing... spider webs everywhere.

Nop nop I won't do it, It's time for a strategic retreat.

When I start to go back I feel something moving, not only one thing.

When they moved I could feel, it was not one giant monster.

Looks like it is a bunch of smaller creatures grouping to make a big one.


But how?! They are like a Megazord of spiders how does that even work?

They have not seen me yet, I dont think I can kill this much... it is impossible.

But with a little strategy maybe?

Firstly, I will go back up and think of something.

Well, they are spiders so fire must work against them, but if I put fire inside there they will go crazy and there is going to be a tsunami of spiders in this hole.

They are kind of small but still much bigger than an average spider in my old world.

That place is completely made of spiders, it is literally a hive!

I kind of want to go away, I dont think I can do something here right now really.

Yeah, the best choice would be not to fight.

Time to get back to floating, but be aware Spiders! Ghost the Ghost will come back for your souls!

I float for some more time.

It is night already, this forest looks even worse at night.

I find an open space, seems like there are no trees around this area, but why though?

When I looked at the sky, I saw something that shocked me.

?! Two moons?

There are two moons here! what the heck!

I never got to see the sky completely, this kind of freaks me out, then this mean im on another planet or something?

Well, whatever after being reborn as a ghost, and almost dying daily, seeing two moons is not a big deal.

I look around but I feel something strange, the trees around here are different from the others.

But I dont feel anything with Spiritual Senses.

For a moment I pick up a spark of spiritual energy in the trees.

The trees start to make a sinister smile while getting out of the ground.

Their sticks make a grotesque noise and crack turning into arms.

Their feet look like tentacles made of wood.

They are slightly black without the purple from the other trees.

Shit! They are everywhere around me, im trapped!

But... they are still trees! Wood loses against fire!

[Fire spear]

I cast 4 fire spears around me going in all directions.

Piercing the trees and making them panic while burning.

Haha! You guys choose the wrong ghost to ambush!

But they still have the advantage im trapped!

They are very slow but apparently, they have a mechanism to ambush people who enter their valley by trapping them using their bodies as a wall.

I think I could leave with teleportation but I would need to get pretty close to them, I dont know what they do, that would be risky.

Let me see my MP.

(MP 530/590)

I think that in the worst-case scenario, I could use a bunch of teleportation into the air to try and get out.

[Soul Steal]

I attached soul steal to 3 of them and I started to send fire spears into the ones I attached to get their souls.

They start to get closer and closer and my MP is running slow, but at this point, there are already openings in their formation I can get out

Some of the burning trees are falling and making the others trip into each other.

While im distracted from casting fire spears, a root from a tree's feet came toward me like a bullet.

It hits me in the middle of my body and goes back to the tree feet.

Argh! Son of a... you really just whipped me with a root?

(HP 480/590)

Thats a lot of damage!

Soon a bunch of other trees start to send their roots at me like a rain of whips.

I can manage to evade because of my spiritual senses and my speed.

Only a few more! almost there.

I teleport while casting fire spears to evade and attack at the same time.

Last one!

[Fire spear]

I send a fire spear that pierces the forehead of the last tree, it falls to the ground while struggling.

And Ghost the Ghost won again! Could someone applaud me?

A bunch of windows pops, but is better if I get out of here first, everything is on fire around me.

I float and use teleport to get out, and I start to float the fast as I can, to further away from there.

That flame could call the humans to see what it is and I dont want to be there when this happens.

I float for a while and stop behind a tree.

Sigh... Finally, I can breathe, I cant breathe actually but argh you know what I mean.

Let me see my status.

I think and a window pops but not the status.

(The requirements to get a class were fulfilled, keep in mind that the displayed classes are based on your current skills.

Choose one:

Wizard: Wizards are capable of using magic to bend nature to their will, fire, water even time and space.

Sorcerer: Sorcerers are seekers of dark arts, they are capable of summoning powerful curses, blood magic, and much more.

Psion: Psionicists are rare and often called mind mages, are those who can use powers related to mind and spirit, telepathy, illusions, or even shape souls are traits of a Psionicist.

After choosing you will be granted new skills at the skill tree)

!? that is cool as fuck!!

Man, I want to choose all of them what the heck!

Let me think straight for a moment.

Wizard seems basic, and nothing is saying I cant use wizard spells anymore if I didnt choose.

I use Fire Spear after all and im not a wizard, so what I think choosing a class will do is make it easier for me to learn spells via the skill tree.

By this logic, Psion is the best option it works with souls, souls are basically energy or mana in this world, then it is a golden mine for me.

Plus it is the powers of a spirit I believe that teleportation and spiritual senses are Psionicist skills.

Sorcerer is kind of cool but not that useful for me.

Then I will go with Psion.

(Are you sure of your choice? keep in mind that you cant change)


(You are now a Psionicist)