
The Moon's Lover

Andrea is excited to start her residency at her dream hospital, something she has worked her whole life for. Her dreams are put to question when she gets assigned to a big shot doctor, and she's tested to her limits. Her life becomes miserable, that is until she discovers his little secret. Andrea knows that she on dangerous grounds, but she can't ignore the chemistry between them. Everything becomes a hurdle for her love but she is determined to overcome it. When their pasts are revealed, the connection between them becomes a play of fate. Andrea is scared but is determined to protect the man that she loves. Will the unnatural forces defeat their love before it blossoms? Will Andrea succeed in saving her man before it's too late?

Amourosis_Fugax · ファンタジー
5 Chs

The Confession

I was sure that I was dreaming. The symbolism made perfect sense. Dr Peters being the evil beast that has come to destroy my life. Or devour me. Whichever happens first.

"Okay, that's it. I'm leaving", I said, as I got up from the coffin bed. "This is fucking insane."

I opened the door and Dr Peters lunged at me. He pushed me away and closed the door. Then he leaned against it and started breathing heavily.

"Don't", he gasped. "The moonlight... It changes me."

He stood there for some time, trying to catch his breath. I was convinced at this point that this was real. It hurt when he pushed me out of the way. People don't feel pain when they are dreaming.

I leaned against the door next to him. Holy fuck, I was standing next to a beast. I quickly moved away.

"Hey, hey", he said, raising both his hands as if to come me down. " Relax, I'm not going to hurt you."

I looked at him, eyes wide in shock.

"Please, let me explain."

I didn't know if there is anything he could say to make this situation better. I wanted to go back to Lauren, Shiloh and Peter.

I wanted to go back home.

I ran towards the door and he caught me by both my shoulders.

"Please, Andrea. Let me explain. I'm not going to hurt you."


I was sitting on the coffin bed, while Dr Peters paced around the room. He's been at it for five minutes.

Finally, he turned to look at me.

"I don't know where to begin", he said.

I just looked at him. I don't care what he says. I have to get out of here.

With my luck, he's going to transform and eat me before I can escape.

Being eaten sounds painful.

He bit his lips and looked at the floor. Slowly, he whispered, " I'm a werewolf."

"Like Jacob in Twilight?" I asked.

He laughed. He was starting to relax.

"Yes, in the sense that we are both werewolves."

"How did you hide it for so long? I mean, you must have had countless night shifts and many of them would have been on a full moon", I asked, still confused.

"I always hid in the OR during the full moon. Since it's completely shielded from the outside, I was safe."

Is that why you are such a son of a bitch with anger management issues? I knew if I asked that it would guarantee my death.

I didn't want to die yet. I wanted to know more.

Something was bothering me since I woke up in this rat hole.

"Why didn't you lie? You could have told me that I was dreaming or hallucinating and I would have believed you. You could have killed me and you're secret would have been safe. Why did you choose to tell me the truth?"

He looked at me with sad eyes. He turned away quickly, but not before I saw the tears in his eyes.

"It has been a lonely life, Andrea. I can't have friends or a family. I have distanced myself from my parents ever since I first transformed because I'm terrified of hurting them. I have to put up this facade of arrogance so no one tries to get close to me."

For the first time in my life, I felt sorry for him. I can imagine how alone he must be, having to distance himself from everyone he loves.

"Honestly, I felt relieved that someone finally saw me. It means that I don't have to carry the burden of this secret alone."

He knelt next to me and talked softly, "Andrea, you can't tell this to anyone. Not even your closest friends. It could ruin everything I have worked for. I know that I was a douche-bag to you,  and you have every right to be mad at me. But please keep my secret."

I looked at him. He looked so innocent right then. The monster who tormented me was no longer there.

"No one will fucking believe me", I said. "I don't believe it myself. So no, I'm not going to tell anyone."

Dr Peters smiled. "Okay, so that's settled then", he said, as he held out a hand for a handshake.

"Can I see you transform, so that I know I'm not dreaming?" I asked him.

He looked hesitant at first. "Okay, I will put my arm out so you can see."

He walked to the door and opened it ever so slightly. He then slipped his hand through the little space of the door.

I immediately regretted asking him that.

He started yelling again as if he were in pain. I was about to ask him to stop when he pulled his hand back in.

His arm was covered with black fur. Not an inch of his skin was seen. Long claws pierced out of the ends of his fingers. He could rip me apart and no one would know.

A moment after he brought his hand back in, his hand slowly started returning to normal again.

I nodded my head. "Okay, I believe you now."

He smiled. "You promise you are not going to tell anyone?"

"I promise."


Dr Peters said he would drop me at Shiloh's house because he knew the woods "like the back of his hands."

We didn't talk much the entire time. I hate small talk, and I think he does too.

We reached Shiloh's house where I told him it was okay if he left, but he insisted on meeting everyone.

I reluctantly walked up to the door and rang the calling bell, but no one answered.

I smiled, embarrassed. I was pretty sure they were all passed out.

I rang the doorbell multiple times. After about half an hour, a drowsy Lauren opened the door. Seeing Dr Peters knocked the sleep right out of her.

"Dr Peters! What are you doing here?" She asked. Her voice was so high-pitched I'm surprised the windows didn't shatter.

Dr Peters smiled. "I was just in the area and I happened to see Dr Morris. She asked me if I wanted to join the party and I couldn't resist."

Lauren was eyeing me with suspicion the entire time. I don't think she heard a word of what Dr Peters said.

"I'm afraid we are out of the good stuff, but please come in", she said.

Dr Peters stepped in, and I followed.

Lauren waited for him to get in and whispered to me, "Bitch, did you hook up with him? What the hell is he doing here?"

I elbowed her in the ribs. "No, obviously not. I genuinely can't stand him."

Oh, boy. I had no idea what was in store for me.