
The Moon's Lover

Andrea is excited to start her residency at her dream hospital, something she has worked her whole life for. Her dreams are put to question when she gets assigned to a big shot doctor, and she's tested to her limits. Her life becomes miserable, that is until she discovers his little secret. Andrea knows that she on dangerous grounds, but she can't ignore the chemistry between them. Everything becomes a hurdle for her love but she is determined to overcome it. When their pasts are revealed, the connection between them becomes a play of fate. Andrea is scared but is determined to protect the man that she loves. Will the unnatural forces defeat their love before it blossoms? Will Andrea succeed in saving her man before it's too late?

Amourosis_Fugax · ファンタジー
5 Chs

A Cabin in the Woods

"Holy Shit."

These were the only words I could say after I saw Shiloh's 'little cabin'.

We parked in front of a bungalow that was almost three storeys tall and put the Buckingham Palace to shame.

Peter wasn't kidding when he said Shiloh's parents were loaded.

The bungalow definitely gave out haunted house vibes. And the forest surrounding it definitely didn't help.

If some serial killer did kill us, I wouldn't be sad as people would think I were rich.

"What the actual fuck, Shiloh", Lauren exclaimed.

"I wish I can live here forever', Peter sighed.

Shiloh just smiled and shrugged her shoulders as if she had heard this a million times before.

Carlos parked the car and came running back. "We are going to need a taxi to move from room to room", he joked.

Shiloh playfully shoved him. She then stood in front of us and said in an incredibly butler-y voice, "Fellow colleagues, I welcome you all to my humble abode." Saying this, she bowed.

We all laughed.

"You all have a room to yourselves unless of course, some of you would like to shack up", she winked at Peter. Peter blushed, we all knew that he had a huge crush on Carlos.

"I have arranged for us ten days worth of alcohol, which I think we can all finish if we set our minds to it."

We all cheered.

Shiloh smiled and led us all through the front door. This is going to rock!



It was freezing outside, so I was wearing layers upon layers of sweaters. Despite all of this, I was still freezing. I really can't stand the cold.

I quickly did my hair and walked out of my room. The others must have started drinking already. I could hear laughter coming from the living room.

"So have you made your decision regarding Dr. Peters?" Lauren asked as I walked in to the living room.

"I really don't want to talk about. Just thinking about that asshole is giving me intense anxiety. I can't even look at Peter because they have the same name."

Peter looked extremely offended. "Hey! I'm singular, okay? He's plural."

I laughed and grabbed a drink from Peter.

"Let's get shit-faced!"

Everyone cheered.


I laid on the couch, watching Lauren grind on Peter. Peter was laughing his ass off, refusing to participate. I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. Lauren loved pissing Peter off.

Carlos sat next to me and said, "They are completely insane, huh?"

I laughed. "Oh, but I love them!"

I looked at Carlos. Maybe it was the alcohol, but I felt really attracted to him.

Carlos was Columbian, and he lived up to it's reputation. Apart from his bad boy good looks, he was also well built. He had a passion for exercising which I will never understand.

The sexual tension between us was palpable.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" He whispered.

I rolled my eyes. Did I mention that Carlos was a huge man-whore?

But at that moment I didn't mind. I liked the attention.

"No, how about you tell me how beautiful I am upstairs", I whispered back.

He smiled seductively. I walked upstairs and he followed.



I walked into my bedroom and was suddenly pushed against a hard surface. My back impacted the cold wall, but I didn't mind because Carlos' lips were pressed against mine.

The fact that I'm still a virgin is making me nervous.

"Wait", I said, pushing him back. "Can we take it slow?"

I don't think he heard me. His kissing got more passionate and I felt his hand going down my pants. I moaned a little.

I wanted this more than I thought.

We both suddenly stopped at the sound of the door opening.

"Hey, just thought I would bring you guys these...." Peter trailed off at the sight of both of us together. His face looked like he had seen a ghost.

The guilt sank deep to the pit of my stomach. Everyone knew Peter liked Carlos, and I just the broke the first rule of the friend's code.

"I'm sorry", he said, still shocked. "I'll leave you guys to it." Saying this, he left.

Carlos seemed impassive to what just happened. He was completely oblivious to Peter's crush. He leaned in for another kiss when I finally gained the strength to pull back.

"I have got to go. I'm sorry."


"Peter! Peter, wait!"

I chased after Peter as he walked into the woods. He was walking so fast that it took some time to catch up to him. At this point, we were really far away from the cabin. A part of me was nervous about not finding the way back because every nook of the woods looked the same.

"Peter, please! I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. I was..."

"That was so not cool. I thought we were friends", Peter cried.

"We are! Please, Peter. I know I fucked up really bad. I didn't know what I was doing, but I promise I will make it up to you."

Peter was looking out at a lake that was just beyond a patch of trees. The lake water looked so beautiful. Something about the way it reflected the full Moon's light felt surreal. But I knew Peter wasn't admiring the lake, he was deep in thought. It took him a couple of minutes to respond.

"Look, I know Carlos is straight and that I have no chance with him. But I do like him, and you knew that." Peter said. His voice was so low I could barely hear him. I felt like such a stupid bitch.

"Peter, I swear I'm not one of those girls who jumps into relationships and fucks her best friends' boyfriends. In fact, I haven't fucked anyone! I know being drunk is no excuse for what happened, and I'm extremely sorry. Please, Peter!"

Peter was still not looking at me. I didn't blame him. I couldn't look at myself either. I just betrayed my best friend.

"I need some time", he said. He turned around and walked towards the house.

"I will come with..."

"No, thanks. I can go on my on." Saying this, he walked away.

I cried. I really don't deserve anyone. I wished I could turn back time. I knew that Peter liked Carlos, and I still kissed him, like an idiot.

I was so deep in my own grieving, that I didn't realise a figure had appeared near the lake.

It took some time for my eyes to adjust to what I was seeing.

A man, wearing no shirt, was kneeling near the shore of the lake. After a couple of minutes he stood up and looked to the sky.

Then all I heard was yelling.