
The Monster Under My Bed

Semi-autobiographical. Story about a girl with a monster under her bed. Deals with sensitive topics and is very personal.

bikko · 若者
3 Chs


Its claws slowly glide against my smooth, pale skin. They leave a small trail of blood barely capable of seeping out the tiny cut as they do. Not again! No! Please! "No. No! NO!" I scream. I wake up, halfway through screaming. I'm absolutely drenched in sweat, my breathing is ragged, and my heart is beating fast. Fast and hard. I clench the bed-sheet in my tiny hands. Just a nightmare. Just another nightmare about the monster under my bed.

I get them all the time. Ever since the monster under my bed moved in, I've regularly had them. Regularly had nightmares, that is. Been plagued with them, even. I had hoped for some much needed relief from my monster during sleep but apparently that's just too much to ask for. It's just not meant to be. Apparently I'm meant to be troubled day and night with no reprieve.

I get up, grab the glass cup resting on my nightstand, and head to the kitchen. It's dark. Really dark. Unnaturally dark. The way my house is built in relation with the moon, moonlight almost never shines inside during the night. It scares me to be honest. I know I'm a big girl too old for this kind of stuff but I just can't help it sometimes. Sometimes it scares me.

In the kitchen, I open the refrigerator and illuminate the room with the soft yellow glow. Able to see, I head to the sink and fill up my cup. As I watch the water run, I'm reminded of my monster's drool. Slowly dribbling down his fang, caressing it, and down the corner of its chin. Lost in thought, my glass begins to over flow. "Oh!" I exclaim and drop the glass in surprise. Crack! It broke and a small shard cut my finger.

"Ah... Grandma will be angry..." I sigh and put my finger in my mouth, sucking on my cut. I get another glass and fill it up again, clear minded this time, and stretch to turn off the tap. It squeaks, breaking the familiar silence. Rather than return to my room, I sit in front of the cool refrigerator. I hate the heat. It reminds me of the warmth of my monster's fur and makes me immensely uncomfortable. I sit there in comfortable silence as I drink my water. Eventually, though, I close the refrigerator door and head back to my room. It's time to try sleeping again. Sometimes it works.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. I wake up again to the sound of my alarm and listen to the sound of birds chirping in the early morning. It's time for school. Just five more minutes... I hit snooze, turn over, and fall back asleep.

When I awake this time, I hear the sound of dogs barking, of roosters crowing, and of birds still singing their familiar songs. When I look at the alarm, though, it's 11AM. Oh no! I turned the alarm off! I have to get to school! I very quickly dress myself and rush out the door, running to school.

"Hah.. Hah... Hah.." By the time I get there, I'm absolutely out of breath. The gate is closed, forcing me to go through the office.

"Good morning Miss Meredith" I say to the receptionist. "I'm sorry I'm late again."

"Oh, you don't need to apologize to me, dear. Just hurry on to class!" She winks.

Miss Meredith is a very nice old woman. Because I'm often late, she does me a favor and lies for me so I won't get in trouble. Or so my parents won't get in trouble, rather. She marks me down as there and on time instead of tardy. She's very nice.

When I get to class, Misses Ramsey is in the middle of a discussion. She gives me a stern, cold glare and merely nods towards my seat. She's going to shout at me again, I know it. As class continues, I find myself unable to concentrate. My mind keeps slipping towards the monster under my bed. I can't help but think about it.

"Robin! What's the answer to this question?" Oh, no. She caught me not paying attention again.

"Umm... I don't know... I'm sorry..." I say hesitantly.

"Hmph," she scoffs, "you know you need to pay attention. You'll never improve your grades like this."

"I know, Ma'am." My voice is tiny.

"Do you?" She continues with the lecture.

This is pretty normal for me. I'm often distracted by my thoughts--usually of my monster--and find myself incapable of focusing. Especially in class. For some reason, being around all those students makes me think about my monster and makes me feel really uncomfortable.

I suddenly notice another student looking at me. My mind is sent into overdrive. Do they know? Why are they staring at me? What have they heard? Have they figured it out? Has someone told them? I keep asking myself questions like these long after they look away. I keep at it until the bell rings. It's lunch time.

"Robin! Stay here for a minute!"

"Yes, Ma'am.

"I know you're a smart girl. The tests show that. Why is it that you can't focus in class?

"I don't know, Ma'am.."

"You know, I heard a very interesting story about you when you were younger..." Oh no. A sense of dread washes over me. I feel a chill run down my spine and it feels like all my blood is draining from my feet. She knows. She knows. She knows she knows she knows she knows. Oh, god. She continues talking but I just can't focus.

"Do you understand?" She eventually stops.

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Okay. Now go to lunch."